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Day 16




Holidays and birthdays are big events for children. Our children anticipated coming events with joy and impatience. How often they said," We can hardly wait." They mark up calendars, crossing off the days one by one until that special day arrives.

 Now it is true, special events make life interesting. We all know that most of life is made up of just plain living and rubbing elbows with our fellow man. What really counts are our attitudes, our kind thoughts, our comforting words and our gracious deeds.

Christianity is always something very practical. The Christ-like life ought to permeate all of our daily living. A pinch of salt seasons the contents of a dish. Foods are flat and tasteless without it. Salt is important! Christians are important! Our very lives as believers should improve the flavour of our surroundings.

Jesus spoke to His audience one day with the words, " You are the salt of the earth, You are the light of the world." We need to make people thirsty for the good news of Jesus Christ.

Would you determine today to let your light shine? Daily!  On special days!



Matt. 5:13-16

© 2021 A Lift for Living - Created by Cliff Kraeker using Wix

Hard Copy of Lift for Living was written in 1991 - now out of print

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