Day 18
We live in a day of cosmetics! We want to look good and feel good and smell good. So we put on "make-up", deodorants and we dress in fine clothes. The desire to look beautiful is there!
An elderly Quaker lady with a beautiful complexion was asked one day, " What kind of cosmetic do you use?" She replied, I use:
for my lips, truth;
for my voice, prayer,
for my eyes, pity,
for my hands, charity,
for my figure, uprightness, and
for my heart, love.
This prescription can be filled without expense. The best is this ,the supply will increase with continued use.
Gloria Gaither writes and sings:
Something beautiful, something good; All my confusion He understood; All I had to offer Him was brokenness and strife, But He made something beautiful of my life.
Living Letters;