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Day 19




This may sound like something that happens in your home.  "He hit me first" was the tearful accusation. Mother asked, "And with that one hit, he blackened your eye, bloodied your nose, tore your shirt and rolled you in the mud? "Well, No, was the admission, "That happened after I knocked him down."

The natural tendency is to strike back. The scriptural admonition is, " Do not repay anyone evil for evil." Bloody noses, black eyes, and torn shirts can be healed or mended, perhaps leaving a memory that is of future benefit.

However, any attempt to get even usually results in broken relationships and a guilty conscience. We need to harbour a forgiving spirit not a revengeful attitude. David refused to take revenge when Saul was at his mercy. The Bible says, " Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."  " Help us to remember that You love others just as much as You love us," that should be our prayer.




Romans 12:17-21

© 2021 A Lift for Living - Created by Cliff Kraeker using Wix

Hard Copy of Lift for Living was written in 1991 - now out of print

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