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Day 23




This world is a busy place. People are rushing from place to place. Our highways are crowded with the flow of traffic. Many feet beat upon the sidewalks of our cities and towns. There are always people, and yet more people. In that same crowd are people who are alone. There is possibly no feeling that is more disheartening than that of loneliness. The songs that are sung are songs of loneliness.

There is a cure for loneliness! That cure is in Jesus Christ! Jesus said, "I will be with always." That's good to know! I suppose King David had moments of loneliness; I depict that from Psalm 142. He says," I looked all around me, and I saw that no one cared for my life." That’s how we have felt sometimes. No one cares for my life. Then I read how he called upon God. David knew that God cares.

Perhaps we should celebrate the care of God in our lives, in our churches a little more than we do.

God sees us,

He Knows us,

He hears us, and He understands us. 

You are NOT alone!




Psalm 142

© 2021 A Lift for Living - Created by Cliff Kraeker using Wix

Hard Copy of Lift for Living was written in 1991 - now out of print

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