Day 24
There is something fascinating about jigsaw puzzles! Once you start putting one together you can scarcely leave it until another piece is found or you may stay till every piece is in place.
When you empty a box of a jigsaw puzzle you see a jumbled mess of cardboard pieces. But as these pieces are put together they become a beautiful picture.
We all know there are some great picture puzzles; we have some in our home.
I think many times our very own lives seem like a puzzle. We wonder how things will turn out. For those who believe in God, there is an assurance that things will work out. The Author of our faith, even Jesus Christ is fitting all the pieces together in a perfect picture or pattern. Sometimes, sooner or later we see the pieces of our life fall into place, just like a puzzle picture. He will complete the picture in His own time.
He understands! He cares! Paul assures us in the word,"...He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.