Day 25
May I reflect a little bit today? I think of a teacher who would say to her pupils-"Straighten Up! Sit Up Straight!" She would even suggest that we walk straight. Practice with a book on our head. I still recollect the words many times in a day--Straighten Up!
I'm wondering if that thought doesn't come to our minds when we see people with stooped shoulders. I think I sense a reason for that(why some have stooped shoulders).
It may all be summed up in one word,
"ANXIETY". Proverbs 12:25, " An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up."
Many people are troubled with heavy hearts. Today the words of Jesus are most suitable,"Do not be anxious, do not worry" Matt.6:25-34. The word from 1 Peter 5:7 is one you all know, "Casting all your care on Him; for He cares for you." Cast the weight you are carrying on Him. Straighten up! You don't have to have stooped shoulders.
Jesus Christ has promised rest and comfort for those that are weighed down with care. Release your load! With Him you can walk straight and upright.