Day 26
Stop! Look! Listen!
All three words are familiar. We've been taught to honour them at certain places when we travel. It’s the word "LOOK" that I want to emphasize today. Actually, J.D.Carlson has coined the phrase, KEEP LOOKING UP, as he concluded his daily radio broadcasts.
Lets see this in contrast with something I read:
A young man once found a five dollar bill while walking down the street. From that time on he never lifted his eyes when walking. In the course of the years he accumulated 29,516 buttons, 54,172 pins, 12 cents. While doing this he got a bent back and a miserable disposition. He lost the glory of the sunlight, the sheen of the stars, the smile of friends, tree blossoms in the spring, the blue sky and the entire joy of living.
How foolish! Listen! How often we keep our eyes on human temporal things. Would the word, "KEEP LOOKING UP" not be helpful for all of us? We need to look up in worship to God. We need to look up to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. Hebrews 12:2 is the good word today. " Fix your eyes on Jesus"." He is the same, yesterday, today and forever". Heb.13:8.
I will lift up my eyes...