Day 29
As children in school we often had "tests". If I paid attention in class and kept up the assignments the "tests" were easy; but if I didn't pay attention they were hard.
As adults we have "tests". If you wish to drive a car you must pass the drivers"test". To work for the government you must pass civil service "tests". Doctors, lawyers, teachers, nurses, mechanics must all pass the "tests" of their disciplines.
As believers in Jesus Christ we too face "tests". James 1:2 says, "Consider it all joy...knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. If we were to follow through in James chapter 1 we would see several "tests". What follows has been gleaned from the Dakes Annotated Reference Bible.
The test of faith -vv5-8
The test of humility -vv9-11
The test of endurance -v12
The test of temptation -vv13-16
The test of appreciation -v17
The test of the new birth -v18
The test of Christian living -vv19-21
The test of obedience -vv22-25
The test of pure religion -vv26-27
The test of your faith is precious,
see 1 Peter 1:7.
How do you and I face the "tests"? Do we give in immediately or do we endure with patience? Do I trust instead of worry? Will I pass the "test"? For your encouragement; we have an anchor in Jesus Christ. We have an advocate in Jesus Christ. Knowing HIM we have a resource person; we have the Holy Spirit who walks along side to help.