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Herman Kroeker passed away to be with his Lord on October 8, 2001. Details about his life and ministry can be found here.



"There is no substitute for sitting at the feet of Jesus"

Remember what Jesus said to Martha in Luke 10:42. "One thing is needful," Mary has chosen that good part."

"A private devotional life grows out of a daily quiet time."

Quote: Waldo Wiebe.


"If we spend 16 hours a day dealing with the tangible things and only five minutes a day trying to find God, it is no wonder that the tangible things of this world are 200 times more real than the spiritual."

Quote: Dean Inge.


Many believers admit that private devotions is one of their greatest difficulties. Living in a busy world keeps them from having some time with God. You may ask, "Why should I spend some time alone with God?" May I answer that briefly? God desires our fellowship. He yearns for His children. His word is our guide, our inspiration, our compass, our armour and our source of comfort.

We need to find a place.{Math.6:6} We need to be shut in with God. We need to shut out distractions. We come seeking spiritual food and spiritual fellowship. We come silently. We come with a heart open to God. We come with sheer delight. Just to be in His presence.


David said in Psalm 38:9, "Lord, all my desire is before Thee." Desire is the soul of prayer. {Psa.21:2} Desire without words may be the truest, highest kind of praying. {Romans 8:26}

When you come to the Word plan your Bible reading. Never be in a hurry. Remember it is quality not quantity that counts. When you look at a passage of scripture you can look for:


  • a command to obey 

  • for a promise to claim

  • for any error to avoid

  • for any example to follow and

  • for a special lesson to remember

A strong healthy devotional life will cause you to grow. You will find cleansing and you will have something to share with others. God bless you richly in your private devotions.

One of my favourite devotional poems:

I met God in the morning,

When my day was at its best;

And His Presence came like sunrise

With a glory in my breast.

All day long the presence lingered,

All day long He stayed with me;

And we sailed in perfect calmness

O'er a very troubled sea.

Other ships were blown and battered,

Other ships were sore distressed,

But the winds that seemed to drive them

Brought to us both peace and rest.

Then I thought of other mornings,

With a keen remorse of mind,

When I, too had loosed the moorings,

With the Presence left behind.

So I think I know the secret

Learned from many a troubled way:

You must meet Him in the morning,

If you want Him through the day.

© 2021 A Lift for Living - Created by Cliff Kraeker using Wix

Hard Copy of Lift for Living was written in 1991 - now out of print

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