During my radio ministry "Springs in the Valley" and "Consolation" by Mrs.Chas. E. Cowman were the first devotional books in my Christian experience. Early in my pastoral ministry my devotional life took on the form of living with (as I put it) Bible characters. I nibbled through the book of Job and a commentary on Job for about 1 1/2 years. The concept of living with Bible characters or authors of books had and has become the source of my devotional life. I will list just a few authors, however, not necessarily in the order of the years in which they were read. Some have the dates written inside the cover.
I recall spending a year with Spurgeon in his "Morning and Evening" devotional book. F.B.Meyer was another author. I spent three years going through his "Daily Homily" along with my Amplified Bible. Meyers chose one verse from every chapter in the Bible and then wrote a brief homily. "Daily Readings" by Wm.E.Sangster, "Renewed Day by Day" by Tozer, "Every Day With Jesus" by George Duncan, "Through the Year" with William Barclay, "Awake My Heart" by Sidlow Baxter, "My Utmost For His Highest" by O.Chambers, "Daily Bible Readings" with Andrew Kuyvenhoven, "Giant Steps" by W.Wiersbe, "Your Father Loves You" by James Packer, "Daily Delights" by Pauline Spray were some of the books that kept me fresh in my devotional life.
Currently, while beginning to write I am in the book "Amazing Grace" by K.W.Osbeck, the Stories of 366 Hymns. These have enriched and blessed my life. Of course the Bible was always open along with the helps mentioned above. What I am seeking to do in writing this book is to share all the radio messages over a period of 17 years, the short messages used on Cable T.V. and the spots used on "Dial a Meditation". Some will be short and others a little longer. I have always welcomed reading brief articles. The beginning of this adventure started early in my retirement from the ministry. After 40 years of ministry and at the age of 68 I purchased a computor with the help of my son Cliff. We were looking after a home then on Lake Ontario at the end of Vine St. in the city of St.Catharines. It has been my desire to leave something for the next generation my children and grandchildren. Credits will be given for and from the material that I have gleaned during my devotional life and radio ministry. To my wife Irene, my children and grandchildren, family and friends who have encouraged me in my ministry.
Herman Kroeker