August's Index:
1.Job-A High Standard
2.Lessons from History -Psa.78
3.God Yearns for Sinners
4.An Infant Church
5.The Empowered Church
6.The Witnessing Church
7.Lame From Birth
8.A Witness
9.A Friend-A New Partner
10.Judas Iscariot
11.A Personal Encounter with God
12.Christ the Redeemer
13.When God forgives He Forgets
14.Taking a Stand for Christ
15.A Great Failure
16.From Darkness to Light
17.We Would See Jesus
18.Jonah - Poem
19.Jonah, The Run Away Prophet
20.Jonah in the Belly of a Whale
21.Jonah Goes to Nineveh
22.Jonah Anger
23.Ambassadors for Christ
24.A Christian's Relationship...
25.Prayer is Important
26.Daniel, Man of Purpose
27.Vine, Branches & Fruit
28.Law and Grace
29.Are Unbelievers Really Lost ?
30.The Battle is the Lord’s
31.The Great Change - Psa.51