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Day 1




Most of us enjoy receiving letters! Could we imagine a written letter in the mail from the Lord Jesus? The person who wrote this one sure did. It was written with a poster format. An unknown author.



I just had to send a note to tell you how much I love you and care about you. I saw you yesterday as you were walking with your friends. I waited all day hoping you would want to talk with me also. As evening drew near, I gave you a sunset to close the day and a cool breeze to rest you. And I waited. But you never came. It hurt me, but I still love you because I am your friend.


I saw you fall asleep last night and I longed to touch your brow. So, I spilled moonlight on your pillow and your face. Again I waited, wanting to rush down so that we could talk. I have so many gifts for you. But you awakened late the next day and rushed off to work. My tears were in the rain.


Today you looked so sad, so all alone. It makes my heart ache because I understand. My friends let me down and hurt me so many times, too. But I love you.


Oh, if you would only listen to me. I really love you. I try to tell you in the blue sky and in the quiet green grass. I whisper it in the leaves on the trees and breathe it in the colours of the flowers. I shout it to you in the mountain streams and give the birds love songs to sing. I clothe you with warm sunshine and perfume the air with nature's scents. My love for you is deeper than the oceans and bigger than the biggest want or need in your heart.

If you only knew how much I want to help you. I want you to meet my Father. He wants to help you, too. My Father is that way, you know. Just call me, ask me, talk with me. I have so much to share with you. But, I won't hassle you. I'll wait because I love you.

                                       Your Friend



Day 2




Have you ever written a letter to Jesus? Would it read like the one Gary Chapman wrote. This has blessed my heart every time I see it and read it. It, too, comes from a poster.




As I take my pen to write to you a letter

 Knowing even now you know what's on my mind.

And I think perhaps it might make me feel better

If I see myself here written in a line.

And as I pause I see a phrase I took for granted

And it leaps out as I see it written there;

And as the truth of it begins to become planted

 These two words have now become my heartfelt


              Sincerely Yours,

         Lord I sign my life to You

              Sincerely Yours

     With a strong and earnest wish

  To be the best that I can be at what I am

         Without a thought for me

          Lord teach me now to be

              Sincerely Yours

         Without a proud or selfish line

              Sincerely Yours

          Now until the end of time

            Please make my life

       Become a letter You can keep

          And never throw away

    I'll write until the day that I become

              Sincerely Yours

              Sincerely Yours         


DAY 3.




This is suitable for the Easter season and seems to be designed for the home-maker.

Are you ready for Easter? A friend of mine phoned.

Last week, when the snow twirled around

Have you cleaned the house and painted the walls?

Have your drapes been aired and pressed?

Have you baked your "goodies" that delicious bread,

And painted the children's eggs?

Have you purchased that hat--an Easter must?

Or, what have you done these days?

I hung up the phone and forgot what she said;

But the question I just couldn't shake:

"Are you ready for Easter? I repeated again

Now what does it really mean?

I left all my mending, my mopping and work;

I went to the Book of all Books.

I read it in Matthew, in Mark and in Luke-

The story of Christ--how He rose.

And there I met Jesus, as Mary of old;

Saying, "Woman, why weepest thou?"

"I'm not ready for Easter," I simply confessed,

"There still is so much I should do."

And then I beheld Him with eyes that were opened

And all I could say was, "He Lives."

I sank on my knees in my simple, small kitchen

And felt a new fervor to pray.

New joy filled my heart; a new light lit my pathway

New peace just flooded my soul.

I suddenly felt new help from above,

New courage to face all my trails

New strength for the day,

And a new understanding, for all those around me was given.

New hope for the future, new grace for my sins.

On my lips I found a new song

New love for my Saviour, and new consecration,

New loyalty came to its own.

New life, everlasting, because Jesus lives

Was mine,  to have and to hold

And as I arose , I was ready for Easter,

For THAT is what EASTER gives!


Think of it: New joy, light, peace, help, courage, strength, understanding, hope, grace, love, loyalty, a song and new life.

Are you grateful?



John 20:19-23


Day 4




Read: Colossians 1:15-23

"Having made peace through the blood of His cross."

One of the most wonderful statements about the character of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Two questions:                                              1. What does the blood of His cross mean? The blood of HIS cross must be distinguished from the blood of every other cross. The blood of those who were crucified with Christ avails nothing. It was HIS cross! All that He was in His holy humanity, in His divine dignity, glory and honour was sacrificed there. He gave Himself for us! The blood of Christ shed for our sins is that which stands for all that Christ Himself is before God in our behalf. It is the value that God sets on it!

2. What has the blood of His cross secured?

It has laid the basis by which God can righteously justify the ungodly.

     a. Through the blood of His cross there is propitiation. He Himself is the atoning sacrifice or covering for our sins, and not only ours, but for the sins of the world 1 John 2:2.

     b. Through the blood of His cross there is redemption. It is a ransom price paid for the sinner. He gave Himself to purchase our freedom from all iniquity. You are bought with a price! This is true for everyone who is by grace a child of God 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.

     c. Through the blood of His cross there is forgiveness. In Him we have redemption through the blood, the forgiveness of our sins Ephesians 1:7. The blood of His cross is the ground of God's complete and eternal forgiveness.

    d. Through the blood of His cross there is peace. This is not a peace made with God, but a God made peace! God made peace through His blood which was shed upon the cross. This is peace with honour!

This is peace that the world cannot give. He is our peace!

    e. Through the blood of His cross we have reconciliation. We have been brought near. We were far away from God! Sin and rebellion drives the soul away from God. Love for the Lord Jesus as our sacrifice for sin brings us near to God. We are now His friends; we've been reconciled.

Have you taken advantage of this blood bought freedom? Are you finding peace and rest in the Lord Jesus?


     Prayer: Thank You Lord for saving my soul!


Day 5




"Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father.

Galatians 1:3,4.

What are those special privileges and blessings that have been bought by the blood of His cross?

     1. Christ died for us to purchase our freedom from sin. Titus 2:14 says, "Who gave Himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for Himself a people that are His very own, eager to do what is good." The precious blood of Jesus delivers from all iniquity. Jesus sets us free!

      2. Christ died for our sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring us to God 1 Peter 3:18. To be brought to God as a blood bought sinner. We never could have known the infinite love and mercy of God had His Son not been sent to suffer and die for the ungodly. We are reconciled to God by the death of His Son.

      3. Christ died for us to rescue us from this present evil world (age). As long as we are in the body, we shall be exposed to influences and the cross currents of this present evil world. The ways of the world are at work in those who are disobedient Ephesians 2:2. Christ died to save us from this poisonous atmosphere. One of the petitions of our Lord in His prayer of John 17:15 was to protect them from evil. Think of the three Hebrews in the fiery furnace Daniel 3. The ever-present cross is an ever-present protection from the evil of this world. We overcome by the Blood of the Lamb!

       4. Christ died and returned to life so that He might be the Lord of both the dead and the living Romans 14:9. He redeemed us by His blood that He might be Lord of our lives! What a privilege to belong to Him! If Christ is your Redeemer then He also is your Lord. Only those alive unto God will own Him as their Lord! Those who die in their sins will confess Him as Lord at the throne of judgement. Philippians 2:11 says, "Every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God."

Are you a blood bought believer? Is your name recorded in the Lambs book of life? Have you made reservations?



Gal. 1:1-10


Day 6




The three are mentioned in Hebrews 9:24-28 give us three aspects of salvation.


1. The past: "He appeared once for do away with sin by the sacrifice of Himself." {9:26b} Redemption for fallen man. He spanned the gap between fallen man and God. Christ died as a sacrifice for sin. He has reconciled a guilty world to God, and procured peace of conscience for the believer. The efficacy of the atonement extends over all the past. Its saving influence has been retrospective. The Old Testament saints lived under the shadow of Calvary. Christ's atonement has opened the door of mercy to the world. He is the propitiation for the whole world. {1 John 2:2}


2. The present. "He entered heaven itself, now to appear for us in God's presence." {9:24b} He ascended into heaven as our eternal high priest. His presence in heaven is a perpetual and prevalent intercession. On the basis of His own finished work, He introduces each believer to the Father, and acts as an Advocate before the throne. He lifts up His nail-pierced hands and pleas for mercy for us. This has been a personal blessing for me. Christ, at the right hand of the Father, making intercession for us. {Hebrews 7:24-25.}

3. The future. "He will appear a second bring salvation to those who are waiting for Him." {9:28b} He will appear to bring salvation and to complete the redemption of His people.

At His first coming, He paid the ransom price for our redemption. At His second coming He shall receive the final instalment of His purchased possession. Our High Priest still tarries in heaven, filling it with the fragrant incense of His intercession. Believers expect Him to come soon!

Are you looking for the appearing of the glory of our Great God and Saviour Jesus Christ? What attitude do you take in relation to His coming? Will He come to deliver you into everlasting life? Will you be ready when He comes? He appeared the first time to put away sin; He now appears in the presence of God for us; and He will appear the second time to complete our salvation. "...we wait for the blessed hope-the glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ." {Titus 2:13}



Hebrews 9:24-28


Day 7




The Weymouth translation of 1 Cor.1:22-24 says, "The Jews demand miracles, and Greeks go in search of wisdom, while we proclaim a Christ who has been crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block, to the Greeks foolishness, but to those who have received the call, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God."

If we are faithful to the truth of God as revealed in the cross of Christ, it will be an offense and a stumbling block to those who are trying to be saved by their works. The cross of Christ can never be anything else than a stumbling stone in the way of those who refuse to be saved by grace alone.

Why is the cross of Christ a stumbling block? When the divine mystery of the cross of Christ is not understood, it is looked upon as a misfortune or a martyrdom. Some can be very religious and see nothing attractive in the cross of our Lord and Saviour. They rather shun it! It is an offense to them because there is no place for it in their heart and life. Many today would have a Christ without the cross; but the cross and the Christ, in the gracious purpose of God have been eternally nailed together. There is now no Christ but the Christ who was crucified. The cross of Christ is a stumbling block to those who are satisfied with a religious life. If we would follow Him fully, we must be willing to be identified with Him.

To whom is the cross of Christ a stumbling block? Paul preached Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block, to the Greeks foolishness. They are typical and representative classes. The first stands for religious works; the second for the worldly wise. Neither the proud religionist nor the worldly wise can possibly pass the cross without being affected in some way by it. It knocks the feet from the legalist and pricks the bubble of the fleshly wise.

The cross of Christ is God's dynamic power in operation for the salvation of the world. It takes the power of God to save! The preaching of the cross is the power of God to those who believe.

A crossless Christ my Saviour could not be.

A Christless cross, no refuge were for me.

But, O, Christ crucified, I rest in Thee.



1 Cor. 1:20-24


Day 8




Read: Luke 23:33-43

 1. Calvary was a place of guilt-v33.

The passer-by counted possibly three crosses. He was numbered with the transgressors. We see the Redeemer dying for sin, one thief dying to sin and one thief dying in sin. ONE was not guilty! The other two were both guilty and both dying. One of these two is in heaven today. He said," Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom." Jesus gave him the answer, " Today you will be with Me in paradise."


2. Calvary is a place of compassion- v34.

The seven sayings from the cross begin here." Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." Today you and I have the forgiveness of sin.

3. Calvary was a place of derision-v35. {confusion}

     Rulers derided {sneered} at Him. He saved others, Himself He cannot save. Others, yes others, you and me! Cords of love bound Him to the cross and one strand was fastened to me.

4. Calvary was a place of testimony-v38.

In three languages,  written in Aramaic, Latin and Greek; the words-"THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS." Absolutely true! But it does reveal the natural enmity of the human heart(John 19:19-22).

5. Calvary was the place of salvation-42-43.

The penitent thief's request is granted. Today you will be with Me in paradise. Two things were not tied: his heart and his mouth. The word is," That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord." and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9. {see v10}

 6. Calvary is a place of death-1 Cor.15:3-4.

Christ died for our sins. He bore our sins in His body to the tree 1 Peter 2:24. In Adam we all die, in Christ we are made alive 1 Corinthians 15:22.

     Every time we hear the gospel we are in our hearts honouring Him or dishonouring Him. We were born to make a decision! Have you decided to follow Jesus. Would you identify your life with His?

     Kneel at the cross, Christ will meet you there.


Day 9




Today we want to dwell with the Lord Jesus in Gethsemane. This was His last memorable visit to the garden. The saving interests of a dying world, and the eternal honour of His holy Name are now to be cast into the crucible.

      1. Gethsemane was a place of solemn loneliness. He was withdrawn from His disciples about as far as you can throw a stone. The disciples were there sleeping in spite of the repeated "Watch and Pray." It was alone the Saviour prayed in dark Gethsemane, yes all alone.

      2. Gethsemane was a place of prayerful resignation. This cup was enough to crush into nothing an ordinary mortal. Christ knew its terrible contents. He knew the holiness of God and the heinousness of sin. This was the hour of agonizing prayer. Our Lord's faith, patience and fidelity in the work he had undertaken were never put to a fiercer ordeal than under the fiery darts of the wicked one which He endured in Gethsemane.{Hebrews 5:7}

      3. Gethsemane causes us to reflect! Think of the cruel betrayal! Do we give Jesus the Judas kiss when we give Him the lips of profession and deny Him a heart of love? His was a heart of love! Even in this hour He healed the cut off ear, the undoing of Peter's revenge. What self-forgetting love was His! What do we know about sacrifice? What do we know about agonizing prayer? Are we having in mind the interests of a dying world? Are we troubled about self?


Miss Amy Carmichael, a staunch veteran of the cross said this: "We who follow the Crucified are not here to make a pleasant thing of life; we are called to suffering for the sake of a suffering sinful world. The Lord forgive us our shameful evasions and hesitations. His brow was crowned with thorns; do we seek rose-buds for our crowning? His hands were pierced with nails; are our hands ringed with jewels? His feet were bare and bound; do our feet walk delicately? What do we know of travail, of tears, of heart-break or being scorned?"

Lord, when I am weary with toiling and burdensome seem Thy commands. If my load should lead to complaining, Lord, show me Your hands, Your nailed scared hands, Your cross torn hands. Saviour, show me Your hands.



Mark 14:32-41


Day 10




The finished work on Calvary is very important! At Calvary all humanity is divided. You are today either saved or lost, a believer or an unbeliever.

With three words the Lord Jesus ended his work and suffering on the cross. He laid down His life. Through these words the Saviour declared a fact and a truth so wonderful that Satan has tried ever since to hide the meaning from mankind. Millions are seeking and longing for peace and rest, who have not realized that salvation is a finished and complete work. People do so many things to gain favour from God. They keep the golden rule, the commandments, go to church, are baptized, give to charity and so on. There is nothing wrong with these acts in themselves, but if we substitute them for the finished work on Calvary, then we err.


Satan's way is do.

God's way is done.


God's word says that works have no part in earning salvation.

When these three words were spoken at Calvary all His sufferings were finished. He was rejected, criticized, threatened, misunderstood, despised, opposed, captured, bound like a criminal, taken to the judgement hall, beaten, spat upon, slapped, abused, a crown of thorns placed on His head and nails driven through His hands. Christ suffered!

Prophecy was fulfilled and finished. Genesis 3:15 was fulfilled! Satan’s head was bruised! Throughout the prophets all that was foretold was now finished: His coming, birthplace, rejection and his death were finished. Every detail of the word was fulfilled. He had met the requirement of God, to be the Saviour of men. He made full atonement, met every condition; no other additional payment was needed. He voluntarily laid down His life. The sin question was settled, you and I must settle the Son question. The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Religion is what man does for God; Salvation is what God does for man.


Religion says,"Something in my hand I bring; Salvation says, "Nothing in my hand I bring-simply to the cross I cling.


Religion is trusting in a work we do; Salvation is trusting in a work that has been done.


Religion depends upon our behaving; Salvation depends upon our believing.


Religion says we must act our best; Salvation says we must accept God's best.


Religion depends on the sufficiency of character; Salvation depends on the sacrifice of the cross.


Religion is striving for a better attainment; Salvation is secured through a perfect atonement.

Do you have religion or salvation? Trust the finished work of Christ.


John 19:28-37


Day 11




Man travels all over the world to visit the tombs of famous men: Washingtons tomb in Mt.Vernon. Abraham Lincoln's tomb in Springfield, Illinois, Napoleon's tomb in France, King Tut in Egypt and many other kings, leaders and religious leaders. It is known that an Arab has one life-time goal to make a pilgrimage to Mecca to see the tomb of their prophet Mohammed.


Whenever you go to these tombs, you often see a sign which reads,"Here lies the body of". Did you ever realize that Christians have no place anywhere in the world, no tomb stone or monument of any kind anywhere on the earth where it says," Here lies the body of Jesus". Christians have an empty tomb. Christ Jesus is not dead--He is alive!

There is resurrection assurance! The Bible declares," Now is Christ risen!" The Christ of the scriptures must die, be buried and rise again. That Jesus was the Christ was proved by His rising from the dead Romans.1:4. This is no myth, but a fact established by many infallible proofs Acts1:3.

There is resurrection hope! Upon this foundation, the resurrection of Christ, the Spirit-taught apostle builds the whole structure of the Christian faith. The death of Christ will avail us nothing if He is not risen and accepted of God on our behalf. He died for our sins, but He must be raised and exalted on God's right hand ere forgiveness could be preached in His name. If Christ be not raised, there is no hope for man.

There is a resurrection body! 1Corinthians15. It will not be the same body sown in the grave v37. There will be no deformed bodies in heaven. It will be a God-given body, pleasing to Him v38. It will be an incorruptible body, incapable of death, disease or decay v42. It will be a body like unto His own glorious body; we shall be like Him 1 John3:2. It will be a spiritual body! v43-44.

There is a resurrection mystery! We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed; in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, the dead shall be raised and we {those living at the time} shall be changed. What a glorious prospect! What cause for rejoicing! There is a resurrection song! The resurrection leads to a great incentive for all believers v58.

The resurrection is a day of triumph. Because He lives, we too shall live!



1 Cor.15.


Day 12




Easter is the greatest day on the Christian calendar! The resurrection is at the very heart of Christianity. It is not just something tacked on as an appendix to the faith. It is not just one part of Christianity that we take or leave; it is the very heart of Christianity.


Without it Christianity would not exist. Christianity would have no message if Christ had not risen. The resurrection was so essential that it became the very expression of the ultimate  power and purpose of God.

With the Apostle Paul the resurrection was the expression of his mission 1 Corinthians 15. For him the empty tomb was essential. Here is a man who spoke of a new life; a man who spoke of Christ who had the power to change lives. Paul's own life was a testimony to the power of the risen Christ.

Christmas speaks of a beginning, but Easter speaks of a fulfilment.


Christmas made it possible for God to come to man, but Easter made it possible for man to go to God.


I believe that the worship and the work of the church testify to the importance of Easter in the believers life. Sunday worship commemorates the resurrection of Christ. We read: ..." on the first day of the week." Christian baptism shows forth the death, burial and resurrection of Christ Romans 6:3-6. The Lord's Supper commemorates the death and resurrection of Christ..."until He comes." A Christian funeral speaks of life, hope, reunion and eternity with the Lord.

Through the experience of the resurrection Jesus left the limitations of time and geography and became our eternal contemporary. He now lives! He is with us today in the person of the Holy Spirit. We have His promised presence! His love is evident, His will is revealed, His power is shared and His promise is, "I am with you always." The empty tomb makes all of this authentic and authoritative. I like things said in a nut-shell. Make it brief! Come to the point!



1 Cor. 15:3-4   [Here it is in a nut-shell.]

1 Cor. 15:12-22


Day 13




The resurrection of Christ is:

1.The greatest fact of history -- Acts 1:3

2.The greatest evidence of Christianity -- Romans1:4

3.The greatest exhibition of God's power -- Ephesians1:18-20

4.The greatest truth of the gospel -- 1 Corinthians 15:3-4

5.The greatest reality of faith -- 1 Thessalonians 4:14

6.The greatest assurance of coming glory -- 1 Corinthians 15:20

7.The greatest incentive to holiness -- Romans 6:9-12


How do I know that Christ is risen?

What proof have I to give?

He touched my life one blessed day

And I began to live.


How do I know He left the tomb

That Easter long ago?

I met Him just this morning, and

My life is all aglow.


How do I know that endless life

He gained that day for me?

His life within is proof enough

Of immortality.


How do I know that Christ still lives,

Rich blessings to impart?

I know it's true because He lives

And reigns within my heart.



1 John 5:12-13


Day 14




An aged verger(a caretaker of a church building)of Winchester never tired of telling the story of how the news of Wellingtons victory over Napoleon reached England.

News of the history-making battle came by a sailing vessel to the south coast and by semaphore was wig-wagged overland toward London. (Semaphores are signals given by flags or lanterns) On top the Winchester Cathedral the semaphore began to spell out the eagerly awaited message: "Wellington - defeated" and then a dense fog settled oppressively over the land. The semaphore could no longer be seen and the sad, heart-breaking news of the incomplete message went on to London; "Wellington - defeated". It was not long and the fog lifted, and again the signalling semaphore on top of the Cathedral became visible, spelling out the complete message of the battle: "Wellington- defeated- the - enemy". Now the message was all the more glorious because of the preceding gloom. Like a prairie fire, the joyful news spread across the land and lifted the spirits of the people to a plain of gratitude: "Wellington defeated the enemy!"

Long years ago on a lonely hill outside the city gate, the sinless Son of God gave Himself in a vicarious death upon a cruel cross for the sin of the world. Amos predicted the awesome scene as darkness covered the earth. [8:9] Luke speaks of darkness about noon time Luke 23:44-45.


He died, the darkness deepened for His followers. To them Calvary meant but one thing: "Jesus -- defeated." During the three days of His entombment things were dark and dismal. The three days dragged to their close, then suddenly the darkness lifted. The gloom-dispelling news turned to gladness on Easter Sunday morning. The glad news of Christ's resurrection dispelled the lingering fog of doubt and gloom from the hearts of Christ's disciples. He was alive!

The risen Christ is now seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven making intercession for us. He gives this victory-bringing invitation: "Let us come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need Hebrews 4:16." He lives, death holds no fear for the believer. {Psalm 23:4} He brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.

Is the living, loving Christ your Saviour?


Matthew 28:1-10


Day 15




The advent of Christ and the ascension of Christ complete the Christian calendar. Without the ascension, faith, discipleship and ministry are impoverished.

Four questions surface to relate the historical facts:

1. When did the ascension take place? Acts 1:3. Forty days after the resurrection.

2. Where did the ascension take place? Acts 1:12; Luke 24:50-53.In the vicinity of Bethany from the Mount Olivet.

3. How did the ascension take place? Acts 1:9. A cloud received Him up out of their sight. I would have enjoyed seeing this!

4. Why did the ascension take place? Several answers surface:

a. " Jesus, who went before us, has entered on our behalf, has become a High Priest" Hebrews 6:20. "He entered the Most Holy Place once for all by His own blood, having obtained eternal redemption for us" Hebrews 9:12. " He offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, He sat down at the right hand of God" Hebrews10:12. "He entered heaven itself, now to appear for us in God's presence" Hebrews 9:24.

b. Jesus went to prepare a place for us. John 14:1-3. Is He building and paving streets? No. He is there interceding for us. Satan is accusing us before God daily Revelation 12:10. Christ pleads our case and cause in the presence of a Holy God. He is our Advocate! For this I have been thankful throughout my Christian experience.

c. Jesus went so that He could send the Holy Spirit. John 16:7. " It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away the Counsellor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you." The Lord Jesus was limited on earth as a Person. He could not be everywhere. He would send the Holy Spirit who would be everywhere. The Holy Spirit would take the things of Christ and make them real to us. The Holy Spirit would also guide and teach us in the truth of the Word John 16:13.

Is Jesus Christ real in your life?


Luke 24:50-53

Acts 1:1-11


Day 16




Its amazing what a cup of steaming hot tea can do for a tired individual. When things pile up and nerves begin to fray, put on the kettle; sit down and leisurely drink that hot cup of tea; it may help you to relax and rest.


We have all had our souls drained, dried out and devastated at times. When the day is turbulent, when stress and perplexities mount up, where do you go?

What I am going to say is not new. You can have hope and assurance through reading the word of God. You can exchange distress for composure through quiet meditation.


Coming to God in prayer can bring inner strength. Take time to sense His presence.

Draw near! Heaven's resources are unlimited. His resources never run dry.

Some of us remember the gasoline shortage days. When we pulled up to the pumps the attendant would say, "There's no more available, the pump is dry."


Listen, God is available! God is also knowable! You can know Him through faith in Jesus Christ. For this we should be deeply grateful. His resources never run dry! Every day we are faced with situations that call for His strength and sustaining grace.

Go with 2 Corinthians12:9 today. God's grace is sufficient!

"God's grace keeps pace with whatever we face."



Psalm 63:1-8


Day 17




Have you ever heard the slogan, "Keep up the upkeep?"

Maintenance is a big item today! Most of us are asking, Does your furnace need repair? What does it cost to heat your home? Do the shingles on your roof need replacing? Is the siding in good condition? Will the paint last another year?

Clothes, too, require constant upkeep, washing, ironing, dry-cleaning and mending. If one is to look neat and attractive clothing need careful maintenance.

Cars are a constant expense. Oil changes, grease jobs, wheel alignments, motor tune ups are all required to keep the car running in good order. Maintenance is the big word today!

Let me quickly add, our spiritual lives need constant attention {maintenance}. As a pastor for many years, I've discovered that believers neglect their salvation- Hebrews 2:3. Again, reading God's word and prayer are important! Fellowship with believers is important. I need the fellowship of believers in my life! I love the Church, I ought to love what Christ loved. He loved the Church. So keep up the upkeep! The maintenance of your soul!

"He who would maintain a strong character, free from the rust of monotony and the decay of carelessness, must be constantly active along helpful lines." To support that sentence sermon, read Titus 2:14; 3:8; 3:14.



Hebrews 4:1-11


Day 18




Brand new shoes are good, but old ones are better, especially for walking, shopping or hiking. Old houses have a certain something that new ones don't. Memories that give them a friendlier atmosphere. 


Maybe that’s why antiques prove so fascinating to us. Old things seem to be surrounded with old dreams, old loves and old memories.

Here's where I want to bring in the thought of LOVE. Love is old too! Its as old as God Himself! God is Love-1John 4:8! Made in His image we are capable of loving and being loved. One day Jesus said, "Love one another" John 13:34. It’s a new commandment, but its old too. About those words, " Love one another" a little girl is to have said, " I am one, you are another." Let me list a few things about love:


Slow to suspect--quick to trust,

Slow to condemn--quick to justify,

Slow to offend--quick to defend,

Slow to expose--quick to shield,

Slow to reprimand--quick to forbear,

Slow to belittle--quick to appreciate,

Slow to demand--quick to give,

Slow to provoke--quick to help,

Slow to resent--quick to forgive.     

Author unknown.


"Love makes the world go round smoothly!



1 Corinthians 13

The greatest is Love!


Day 19




 Do you ever get tired of eating? You would almost think people would get tired of eating-three meals a day. That’s 1095 meals a year, in ten years 10,950 meals. Its strange we never get tired of food, and we eat the same foods 20 to 50 years or more and we still haven't tired of them.


Can I suggest one? "Potatoes"  How many times have you eaten potatoes in some form or another. {French fries, baked, or mashed, etc.}

Listen! Likewise, we should not get tired of "well doing". The Bible sys, "Let us not become weary in doing good" Galatians 6:9. This would include loving others and serving sacrificially. I read something the other day that made me think.

" Ten rules for getting rid of the blues." Are you ready for the answer? "Go out and do something for someone else, and repeat it nine times." Your inspiration may well come to you as you do something for someone else. When you are good to others you are always best to yourself.

 I shall pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again." An unknown author.


Let me add the words of John Wesley. "Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can".

Never get tired of doing good!




Galatians 6:9

Colossians 3:24


Day 20




Our inspiration today has its roots in the thought of patience. Often you've heard it said, "Patience is a virtue." John Dewey said, " The most useful virtue is patience."


Its part of a homemaker's work to replace buttons. We all know that the washing machine is responsible for taking some buttons off. Many are pulled off because Nathan or James  do not take time to unbutton their clothes. In haste and impatience the garment is given a yank and off pop the buttons.

Patience is the ability to idle your motor when you feel like stripping the gears. We may smile at the following poem:


Patience is a virtue,

Possess it if you can,

Seldom in a woman,

Never in a man.


It takes patience to get along with people. We are all different like our faces. We must be patient people , with children, with parents, with administrators, with the clerk at the store and even with ourselves. We can be so impatient!

"For this I have Jesus" were the words on our fridge for a long time. Again, I have to say ,"I need Another in my life to help me to be patient with people."

 I like the words in Luke 21:19 " In patience possess ye your soul." Lord help me to be patient!



Luke 21:19

Romans 5:1-5

1 Thessalonians 1:4


Day 21




Did you ever find yourself unsuccessful with a product which had proven to be successful for others, but not for you? You heard from friends, "Did you read the directions?" Reading the instructions helps. It works! Products usually have directions printed on them. Directions are helpful!

The directions we need in our material world are almost always necessary. The directions we need in our spiritual life are all important. We need a sense of direction for our spiritual lives.

If we read God's word with an open mind, ask for God's guidance. seek to know Him and His will, we can receive help and direction. So many times we need counsel, comfort and even correction. I would encourage you to be informed, be instructed and be inspired.

David says it best:

"I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against You" Psalm 119:11. The word keeps us from sin. The word becomes the GOVERNMENT OF GOD. It governs my life!

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path" Psalm 119:105. The word is a light to follow. The word becomes the GUIDANCE OF GOD. Its a path to walk on!

"I rejoice in Your promises {word} like one who finds great spoil" Psalm 119:162. The word brings joy into my life! The word becomes the GLADNESS OF GOD. It is a delight to read!

If you loose a sense of meaning and direction in life, read the MASTER'S MANUAL. We have a choice to make.



Psalm 119:1-8


Day 22





There are various ways of stretching ground beef. This "know how" comes in handy when you're on a small budget or when company drops in unexpectedly. It doesn't take too much meat to make goulash or a fairly decent meat loaf. You may be thinking about Hamburger Helper. A little ground beef goes a long way in preparing a meal.

Something else will go a long way! A little compassion will go a long way toward making life happier for others. All around us are people who are in need. Many are yearning for a compassionate word, a sympathetic look, a helping hand.

Several times in the gospels we read of Jesus, who was moved with compassion. His great heart of love reached out to people with deep need. We ought to feel this Christ-like compassion toward others today. H.W.Beecher said,"Compassion will cure more sins than condemnation."

The well known story of the Good Samaritan suggests three attitudes that are relevant.

1. The robber says, "What’s yours is mine I'll take it."

2. The Priest and Levite say, "What’s mine is my own I'll keep it."

3. The Samaritan says, "What’s mine is yours I'll share it."

The man who showed compassion is the example to follow.

A little compassion goes a long way!



Matt.9:36 14:14 15:32  20:34

1 Peter 3:8

Luke 10:25-37


Day 23




With the passing of summer, days become cooler; and autumn days glide into winter. As the tourist trade diminishes "CLOSED FOR THE SEASON" signs appear in many places. Novelty shops, fruit stands, motels and even some business establishments put up signs "CLOSED FOR THE SEASON". They may add, "See you in spring." That’s how things go with the passing seasons.

Aren't you glad the Lord never "CLOSES UP SHOP?"  The doors to His kingdom are always open. His "WELCOME" mat is never withdrawn. In fact the Bible suggests the thought of His hands outstretched to all who pass by. Psalm 136 declares with repetition, " His love endures forever." He is available day and night and is never  "CLOSED FOR THE SEASON".

His eyes are open to my needs; His ears are open to my cries and His arms are outstretched for me to come to Him. He knows all about me. He hears me. He sees me. He understands me. He knows my thoughts. We are never out of His thoughts. He is never "CLOSED FOR THE SEASON!"

Come to Him in a prayer today.


Psalm 139:23,24



Psalm 139


Day 24




 "He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all- how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things" Romans 8:32.

I am sure there is an allusion to Abraham in this verse. In Christ God gave us everything! Let me suggest briefly at least eight ways in seeing Abraham as a type of the Father.

1. In the uniqueness of his love for Isaac.

We are aware of the circumstances connected to the promise of a son. Isaac was the object of Abraham's special love. " Isaac whom you love" are the words God spoke Genesis 22:2.

2. In the costliness of his sacrifice, " Take your son and sacrifice him". Costly! The son of his old age, in whom lay all the hope of the divine promise.

3. In his readiness to make the sacrifice. There is no hesitation on Abraham's part. Abraham got up and went, even though this strange request contradicted all he knew about God.

4. In his preparation and foresight. The wood, the fire and the knife; the three days journey, with that lump in his throat; he saw the place in a distance. So Calvary was "seen afar off", divinely prepared-"before the foundation of the world" Ephesians1:4.

5. In his intense suffering. How gladly Abraham would have given anything, even his own life. We can only imagine what was in his heart and on his mind. So it was with the Father, at Calvary!

6. In that his sacrifice revealed his heart. Abraham believed God- Genesis15:6. We see his supreme love for God! At Calvary we see the supreme unveiling of the heart of God. "This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His One and only Son into the world that we might live through Him" 1 John 4:9.

7. In that his sacrifice was in response to a call. The voice of God called Abraham to make the sacrifice. A divine necessity! Abraham was led to the highest height of faith and fellowship. Our heavenly Father gives in response to a call-the call of human need. We need a Saviour! The Lord will provide-Jehovah-jireh!

8. In that his sacrifice had wonderful results. Abraham received his son! The promise continues, "...and all the families of the earth will be blessed".

When we think of Jesus, God's Son; think of the results, "bringing many sons to glory" Hebrews 2:10. When we get to Revelation 7:9-12 it’s a number no one can number. God spared not His Son! Abraham spared not his son!





Day 25




From my Vacation Bible School days , these invitations were used for an opening exercise and they were used as an invocation at an evangelistic week at the Chapel in Orillia.

1. " Come unto me...hear and your soul shall live" Isaiah 55:1-3. Incline your ear! Put your hand to your ear! Man lost his spiritual life by listening to the Tempers voice. We get life again by listening to the voice of God.

2. " Come and see!" John 1:43-49. Philip said," We have found Him...". Nathanael had one interview with Christ and his skepticism was all gone. We need to come into  personal contact with Jesus Christ.

3. " Come and drink" Isaiah 55:1; John 7:37. "If any man..." its not a select few. People are thirsting for satisfaction. Thank the Lord God for the well of salvation... Isaiah 12. With joy you may draw from the well. Spiritually speaking you will never thirst again.

4. " Come and dine" John 21:9-13. Are you hungry? He can give us our daily bread. He fed Israel in the wilderness for forty years; they did eat angels food. Manna from heaven! Jesus is the Bread of life.

5. " Come and rest" Matthew 11:28-30. Restlessness is all over the world today. Where can we find rest? There is no peace to the wicked. This rest is not for sale. Jesus said, "I will give you rest. Every weary soul may have rest.

6. " Come and reason" Isaiah 1:18. Verses 16 and 17 precede this invitation. When we repent, He will reason. When we cease to rebel, He will reason. The moment you are willing to forsake your sin; God will meet you in grace. He offers peace and pardon.

7. " Come to the Marriage" Matthew 22:1-10. Who wouldn't feel honoured to a great wedding invitation! You would want all your friends to know. This is a real invitation! The feast has been prepared at great cost. It cost God His Son! Will you come?

8. " Come, Inherit the kingdom" Matthew 25:34. Think of a poor man possessing a kingdom. This is not fiction! This is real! There is an inheritance! Its reserved in heaven for you- 1 Peter 1:4. The word is, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God" Matthew 6:33.

9. "Come up hither" Revelation 11:12. The two witnesses are called up into heaven. These are end times. We are to lift up our heads for our redemption is drawing near. The Church is waiting! One day, when the trumpet sounds, we'll be caught up to meet the Lord.

10. "Whosoever will may come" Revelation 22:17. One day God said to Noah, "Come, you and your family into the ark. That is what he did. You have a choice to make. You may accept the invitation or you may reject it. The choice is yours! Why not say, "I will!"


Day 26




Our choice of attitudes is so important! Our minds need fuel to feed on. Our inspiration has its roots in Philippians 4:8. Here is some good advice. Let your mind dwell on six specific things:

1. On things that are true - not unreal far-fetched dreams; things that are real and valid.

2. On things that are honourable - not cheap, flippant, and superficial, but things worthy of respect.

3. On things that are right - not critical, negative, unjust and wrong.

4. On things that are pure - not carnal, smutty and obscene, but that which is wholesome.

5. On things that are lovely - not argumentative and defensive, but agreeable, attractive and winsome.

6. On things of good report - not slander, gossip and put-downs, but things that build up, encourage and lift.




From the above passage, something additional.




Philippians 4:1-13


1. Stand firm in the Lord - v1

2. Work in harmony in the Lord - v2 -"agree in the Lord"

3. Rejoice in the Lord always - v4

4. Do not be anxious about anything - v6 -"pray"

5. Let the peace of God guard your heart and mind - v7

6. Set your mind on good things - v8 -"think"

7. Practice what you have learned from fellow believers -v9

8. Learn to be content - v11

9. Face all circumstances and situations - v12 - do not run.

10. Do everything through Christ who gives you strength - v13.


Day 27




I am always amazed at how poetry gives expression to the deep felt needs of people. I would suppose that they were written out of some real life experience. Dr.Tennyson Guyer has written the following:

Today upon a bus I saw a girl with golden hair;

She seemed so glad I envied her, and wish that I were half so fair;

I watched her as she rose to leave, and saw her hobble down the aisle.

She had one leg and wore a crutch, but as she passed - a smile.

Oh, God, forgive me when I whine;

I have two legs - the world is mine.

Later on I bought some sweets.

The boy who sold them had such charm,

I thought I'd stop and talk awhile.

If I were late, t’would do no harm.

And as we talked he said, "Thank you, sir, you've really been so kind.

It's nice to talk to folks like you because, you see, I'm blind."

Oh, God, forgive me when I whine; I have two eyes - the world is mine.

Later, walking down the street, I met a boy with eyes so blue.

But he stood and watched the others play; it seemed he knew not what to do.

I paused, and then I said, " Why don't you join the others, dear?

But he looked straight ahead without a word, and then I knew, he couldn't hear. Oh, God, forgive me when I whine; I have two ears - the world is mine.

Two legs to take me where I go,

Two eyes to see the sunset glow,

Two ears to hear all I should know,

Oh, God, forgive me when I whine; I'm blest, indeed, the world is mine.      


Let me add these lines in keeping with the above:


Whenever you are discontented...with the life you lead, just take the time to look around and to my phrases heed. You'll find that you are better off...than many others who...must struggle up the road of life...the self same way as you. Although your cross seems heavy...there is no need to frown...for others carry so much more...beneath their troubled crown.


Read: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10

     "I grumbled because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet."


Day 28




Can you envision three boys selling apples at a train station while people are waiting to board the train? Then you hear this question, "Johnny, why is it that you always sell more apples than the rest, what’s your secret? "Well, replied Johnny, I just polish an apple till it shines good and bright; and then I bite into it and let the juice run down my chin. The passengers see for themselves what good apples I have and they want to buy them."

The greatest advertisement of the gospel of Jesus Christ is found in the lives of Christians, who exemplify in their daily lives, the love, the joy, the humility, integrity, generosity, unselfishness, courage, faith and hope they have within. Like juicy apples, Christianity speaks for itself. As Johnny said, " Let them see for themselves."

There's a sweet old story translated for men, but writ in the long, long ago, The Gospel according to Mark, Luke and John - Of Christ and His mission below.

Men read and admire the Gospel of Christ, With its love so unfailing and true;

But what do they say, and what do they think,

Of the gospel "according to you'?

'Tis a wonderful story, that gospel of love, As it shines in the Christ life divine;

And, oh, that its truth might be told again

In the story of your life and mine!

Unselfishness mirrors in every scene;

Love blossoms on every sod;

And back from its vision the heart comes to tell

The wonderful goodness of God.

You are writing each day a letter to men; Take care that the writing is true;

'Tis the only gospel that some men will read

That gospel according to you.

                                       Author unknown.



Matt. 5:13-16


Day 29             




Children love the attention of their parents. "Watch me" a tiny tot insists. If mommy or daddy is not watching they'll come and turn your head toward them. They want you to watch. Children also want to be watched when they run outside in the dark to bring in a toy or something left in the yard.

All of us need comfort, the comfort that our Heavenly Father is watching. "From heaven the Lord looks down and sees all mankind; from His dwelling place He watches" Psalm 33:13,14. Every activity is noted, everything that happens to us is known. He realizes our many limitations and infirmities. He knows about our daily living, trying circumstances, monotonous tasks and problems which confront us continually. He knows! He sees! He cares!    


One night I had a dream - I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord and across the sky flashed scenes from my life.


For each scene I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand, one belonged to me and the other to the Lord. When the last scene of my life flashed before us, I looked back at the footprints in the sand. I noticed, that many times along the path of my life, there was only one set of footprints. I also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in my life. This really bothered me and I questioned the Lord about it. " Lord, you said that once I decided to follow You, You would walk with me all the way, but I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why in times when I needed You most, You should leave me."

The Lord replied,"My precious, precious child, I love you and I would never, never leave you during your times of trials and suffering. When you saw only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

[From a poster]


(Copyright - 1964 by Margaret Fishback Powers)



Psalm 139


Day 30




When you go to certain homes you'll see mottos on the wall in certain rooms. I like mottos, they are good reminders. One motto that I've seen and nicely embroidered  said, " KEEP LOOKING UP"

That motto became very important to a man one day when he was lost on a lake. In his distress he began to pray "looking up". A star caught his eye and with his eye on the star he rowed his small boat home.

This idea of" looking up" is mentioned and even taught in the scriptures. [Psalm 121]  Look and live was the word to Israel in Numbers 21:4-9.

An unknown author has written:


If you want to be:

distressed, look within.

defeated, look back.

distracted, look around                                  dismayed, look ahead.                                   delighted, look up.

delivered, look to Christ.


Jesus, is the source of strength, encouragement and delight. Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith is the good word in Hebrews 12:2.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,

Look full in His wonderful face;

And the things of earth will grow strangely dim;

In the light of His glory and grace.

(NOTE) This song was the theme song of Dad's radio broadcast with the Moments of Blessing radio show and quartet for many years over CHVC in Niagara Falls

Helen H. Lemmel

The Story Behind the Song  (11:30 minutes)


Psalm 121.

© 2021 A Lift for Living - Created by Cliff Kraeker using Wix

Hard Copy of Lift for Living was written in 1991 - now out of print

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