Day 1
At once the least and the greatest of God's creatures. Lower than the angels in creature position, but immensely higher in redemption privileges. Lives one life on earth consisting of a few years and a second in another sphere which will last forever. Has a body that allies him to the ground on which he walks, and a spirit that connects him to God who made him [Ecclesiastes 12:7].
Pascal said, "A reed, but a reed that thinks, a worm, but a worm capable of measuring the distances of the stars and grasping the universe."
Two verses to proceed: What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? (Psalms 8:4) ``What is man that you make so much of him, that you give him so much attention, (Job 7:17)
Two things: 1. The Insignificance of Man. 2. The Greatness of Man. Perhaps we should take two mornings!
a. In origin, allied to dust. For he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust. [Psalms 103:14] Those who live in houses of clay, whose foundations are in the dust, who are crushed more readily than a moth! [Job 4:19]
b. In character, defiled by sin. Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me. [Psalms 51:5] But how can a mortal be righteous before God? [Job 9:2] Each man feels deep in his heart he is a sinner.
c. In experience, weighted with misery. It is all the same; that is why I say, `He destroys both the blameless and the wicked. When a scourge brings sudden death, he mocks the despair of the innocent. [Job 9:22-23] Suffering is the lot of all of us. Death, too is our lot.
d. In duration, short-lived and evanescent. ``My days are swifter than a runner; they fly away without a glimpse of joy. They skim past like boats of papyrus, like eagles swooping down on their prey. [Job 9:25-26] Life is brief! Like a weaver's shuttle! [Job 7:6-7] Like a vapour!
[James 4:14] Like a handbreadth!
[Psalms 39:5-7] Like a flower and grass! [Isaiah 40:6-8]
e. In destiny, doomed to dissolution [extinction of life]. If a man dies, will he live again? (Job 14:14) But man dies and is laid low; he breathes his last and is no more. [Job 14:10] Death is all around us! There was no written revelation on the subject in Job's day. The insignificance of man!
Day 2
To David, God appears available as a Father, delighting to bless. To Job, God appears stern as a Judge examining men's actions. To us, God's visitation of grace and mercy should impart comfort and awaken praise. Today we look at:
a. Created in the image of God. The LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. [Genesis 2:7] Man is a living soul! He is a person with a personality! Man is God's crown creation!
b. Preserved by Divine care.``What is man that you make so much of him, that you give him so much attention. [Job 7:17] The LORD has been mindful of us: he will bless. (Psalms 115:12) I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
[Isaiah 41:10] God cares! God knows all about us! [Psalm 139]
c. Redeemed by Divine Love. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) ``I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness. [Jeremiah 31:3] It was love that sent the Saviour!
d. Renewed by [or may be] Divine grace. As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins. [Ephesians 2:1] For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. [Ephesians 2:8] Paul speaks of renewing of your mind. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will. [Romans 12:2] Paul speaks of being renewed day by day.
[2 Corinthians 4:16] Isaiah invites us to wait upon the Lord. [Isaiah 40:31]
e. Immortalized by (or may be) Divine life and crowned with Divine glory. Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. (1 Corinthians 15:51-53)
Since man is so insignificant- be humble!
Since man is so great - trust God!
Day 3
All of us enjoy new things! The marvel of the Christian faith is the "miracle-working" power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.[Romans 1:16] The highest level of this power is the regeneration of men, making them new creatures. Bad men become good, deceivers become honest, liars become truthful, the unlovely become lovely, despisers of God become lovers of God, drunkards become sober, the immoral become pure and the proud become humble.
1. The Condition of this new creation is found "in Christ". We have come to Christ for forgiveness. We have come to Him for shelter and salvation. We have come to Him for strength and supply. We have come to Him for sympathy and service. By grace we are His!
2. The Nature of this new creation is "change". There is a new life! We are born of God.[John 1:13]
There is a new mind! [Romans 12:3]
There is a new heart! [Colossians 3:1] There is a new spirit! [Romans 8:16]
There is a new song! [Psalms 40:1-3]
3. The Results of this new creation are that "old things are passed away." The new has come! A new view of sin. Sin is now seen as "missing the mark"; we come up short of the glory of God. [Romans 3:23]
There is a new view of self. Once selfish attitudes prevailed; now others come first. We live for Him! A new view of Christ and His love has come into our lives. Christ is a living reality! [1 Peter 1:8]
A new influence is evident-there is a change of behavior. New energy is put into the practice of faith. We live and move and have our being in Him.[Acts 17:28]
"Things are different now, something happened to me" was a chorus that was sung some years ago.
Some things bear repeating: Longfellow, could take a piece of cheap paper, write a poem on it and make it worth $6000.00 - that’s genius. A mechanic can take material worth $5.00 and make it worth $50.00 - that’s skill. An artist can take a 50 cent piece of canvass, paint a picture on it and make it worth $1000.00 - that’s art. God can take a worthless life, put His Spirit in that life and make that life a blessing to humanity - that’s salvation. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
Day 4
God who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead, was raised to secure our justification, our acquital, absolving us from all guilt before God. [Romans 4:24-25] That is the bridge into Chapter five.
Therefore, since we are justified, acquitted, set free, declared righteous, and given a right standing with God through faith, let us grasp the fact that we have the peace of reconciliation, to hold and to enjoy, peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
We have peace! Peace is the peculiar benediction of Christianity. No other religion can promise you that. Thou wilt keep [him] in perfect peace, [whose] mind [is] stayed [on thee]: because he trusts in thee.
"With Christ in the vessel you can smile at the storm" are the words of a song. We have been brought into harmony with God. We have been reconciled; we who were enemies of God have now become friends.
Through Him we have our access, our entrance, and our introduction, by faith into this Grace, the state of God's favour in which we firmly and safely stand.
For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men-the testimony given in its proper time. (1 Timothy 2:5-6]
We have joy! And let us rejoice and exalt in our hope of experiencing and enjoying the glory of God. Some day we will enjoy being in His presence! Moreover, let us also be full of joy "now"! Let us exalt and triumph in our troubles and rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that pressure and affliction and hardship produce patient and unswerving endurance. Wesley's favourite word was "now". We have cleansing now, we have power now, we have victory now, were things Wesley spoke about.
We have hope! Such hope never disappoints or deludes or shames us, for God's love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. Endurance, fortitude, develops maturity of character, approved faith and tried integrity. Character of this sort produces the habit of joyful and confident hope; the hope of heaven.
Your faith is precious to God! Read:
A believer is not exempt from hardship, heartaches and the hurts of life! Joseph too was tested-like steel is tested.
Day 5
Christmas is a time for gift giving. We think about gifts! We plan for gift giving! We dream about the gifts we hope to receive. Our biggest problem is buying a gift for someone who has everything.
God did not have that problem. God is never indifferent to human need. God never forgot His people. "When the time had fully come" Galatians 4:4, God sent His Son." The person of Jesus Christ is God's greatest gift. You see, Jesus is God's answer to human need.
That which is great attracts our attention and the golden text of the Bible speaks to God's greatest gift.
God..................The Greatest Lover
So loved.............The Greatest Degree
The world............The Greatest Company
That He gave.........The Greatest Act
His only begotten Son...The Greatest Gift
That whosoever.......The Greatest Opportunity
Believeth............The Greatest Simplicity
In Him...............The Greatest Attraction
Should not Perish....The Greatest Promise
But..................The Greatest Difference
Have.................The Greatest Certainty
Everlasting Life.....The Greatest Possession
Christ is Christmas or Christmas is Christ!
"For unto you is born this day a Saviour which is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:10.
Unto you...that is personal
This day...that is present
A Saviour..that is precious
My favourite verse in the Bible!
Day 6
If you are like me, its difficult to express adequately what we feel in our hearts about Christmas. I would like to spell out some of the things we could be mindful of in spelling out the word.
Here you have an acrostic devotional bible study:
C = Comfort. The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is the God of all comfort. 2 Corinthians 1:3-5
H = Holiness. Christ was the sinless Son of God
R = Redemption. In Christ we have redemption even the forgiveness of sin. Ephesians 1:7
I = Inheritance. We have an inheritance reserved in heaven.1 Peter 1:4
S = Salvation. Christ is our salvation, there is no other. Acts 4:12
T = Truth. Jesus said, " I am the way, the truth and the life." John 14:6
M = Mercy. God forgives me when I admit my sinfulness. Psalm 51
A = Assurance. These things are written that you may know...1 John 5:13
S = Satisfaction. He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry...Psalm 107:9
The hymn writer say, " All that I want is in Jesus, He satisfies, Joy He supplies; Life would be worthless without Him, All things in Jesus I find."
At Christmas, God came to us in the person of His Son. Having Jesus you have everything, without Him you have nothing!
Day 7
What’s in a name? Names have to do with people, places and things. Names attract us or they cause us to become disinterested. The names of God are not without significance. They tell us something about Him. One of the happiest concepts of God was given to us by Jesus when He said,
"Our Father". God is a Person. God is love 1 John 4:8. God is Light 1 John 1:5. God is Holy 1 Peter 1:15. God is a Spirit John 4:24.
The Names of God express different aspects of His being. What one name could be adequate to God's greatness? Let us walk through the Bible a bit and comment on some of the names.
Through the Names, God makes Himself known more and more as the scriptures unfold.
1. Elohim! The One who is mighty! The Lord who creates! [Genesis 1:1] He is known throughout the Bible as the Maker of heaven and earth. He remembers Abraham Genesis 17:1. He comforts Israel
Isaiah 40:1. He controls the operation of nature Job 38 - 41. God is! Tell me where He is not! [Psalm 139:7-18]
2. Jehovah-jireh! The One who redeems! The One who provides! [Genesis 22:14] Jehovah represents God in His special relation to his chosen people. Our pulse begins to beat when we think of Abraham; his call, the promise, the son Isaac and the test of his faith. Isaac the heir is redeemed by God's provision of a ram.
3. Jehovah-nissi! The Lord our Banner! The One who fights for us! [Exodus 17:15] The enemy comes to oppose Israel in her journey. Three men are praying on a hill with the staff in the hands of Moses. The Lord gives victory! In the name of the Lord they set up a banner. If God be for us, who can be against us.
4. Jehovah-Shalom! The Lord is our peace! The One who gives peace! [Judges 6:24] We are so very familiar with Gideon. Israel is in trouble. An army is selected and whittled down to 300 men. The weapons are pitchers, torches and trumpets. The point is this, Gideon is at peace and becomes instrumental in the deliverance of Israel from Midian.
5. Jehovah-Zidkenu! The Lord our Righteousness! The One who is justifying! [Jerimiah 23:6] The prophet promises a righteous Branch, a ruling King, salvation and safety for Israel.
6. Jehovah-Shammah! The Lord is There! The One who is present! [Ezekiel 48:35] This was a message of hope for Israel, her restoration from captivity. The fullness of God's presence was the hope and end of all prophetic expectation. The final and eternal fulfilment will be in Revelation 21:3.
Day 8
I am thinking of the Church as a fellowship and the Church in fellowship!
1. The first link: GATHERED TOGETHER.[Matthew 18:20. Gathered together in His name. The presence of Christ drawing us together. Two can have fellowship! There can be friendship and companionship. We have His promised presence!
2. The second link: FRAMED TOGETHER.[Ephesians 2:21] Another way of saying fitted together. A house has a frame; this frame needs a foundation. Christ is the Foundation! In the context here we are fitted into a holy temple in the Lord. There is a common recovery, reconciliation and relationship.
3. The third link: BUILT TOGETHER. [Ephesians 2:22] God wants to live in this building. He does so through the Holy Spirit. The word was "I will be their God and they shall be my people". The temple in
1 Kings 6:7 was put together in silence. The mightiest works of God are the fruit of silence. God does the placing!
4. The fourth link: JOINED TOGETHER.[Ephesians 4:15-16] Love seems to be the paramount thought here. We are to speak the truth in love. We need to edify, not tear down. Learn to live in the climate of love! Would 1 Corinthians 1:10 fit in here somewhere?
5. The fifth link: KNIT TOGETHER.
[Colossians 2:2] Interwoven! In weaving we speak of the warp and the woof. We need each other! We sing, "Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love." Is ours the fellowship of kindred minds?
6. The sixth link: STRIVING TOGETHER. [Philippians 1:27] How we need the united front and the united spirit today! Working and walking side by side for the sake of the gospel. The term here may well be taken from the military. We are one! We stand shoulder to shoulder to make a solid front. Evangelism is a way of life!
7. The seventh link: CAUGHT UP TOGETHER. [1 Thessalonians 4:17] Fellowship down here will prepare us for fellowship up there. Together forever! Christians never see each other for the last time!
Ah, listen! I heard a trio sing one day in the light of the rapture, "Going Special Delivery Wrapped Up In Love."
Let us make the chain strong!
Read: Ephesians 2:11-22.
Day 9
Fellowship has as its roots the thought of being a "fellow", a sharer, partner, associate, and an equal. It includes the community of interests, activity and feeling. It has in it the thought of friendship and communion.
1. Fellowship with the Father. [1John 1:1-4] Fellowship is that communion we have with the Father. Are we at home with God? Is God the Father at home in your life? Are you meeting Him in His word? Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee.
(Job 22:21) The peace of God comes from knowing Him. God desires your fellowship! He longs for it!
2. Fellowship with the Son.
[ 1 Corinthians 1:9] God is faithful! God gave His Son! We are called into fellowship with His Son! To know Christ is to have this fellowship. Cultivate the friendship of the Lord!
3. Fellowship of the Spirit.
[Philippians 2:1] The Good News translation says, "You have fellowship with the Spirit." Here in the context is the call to harmony and humility. The Holy Spirit will make Christ real to you, He will reproduce Christ's life in you and He will re-enact Christ's life and power in your life.
4. Fellowship with one another. [1John 1:7] Notice the condition-"if". If we walk in the Light! This involves living and practicing the truth, knowing His word, admitting sin and confession. Washers are made shiny by rubbing each other in a solution in a barrel that is churned. Again, we need each other.
5. Fellowship in service. [Colossians 4:7] Fellowship in service calls for cooperation and unity. This is essential to success! Cooperation to "nerve up" for the conflict
[1 Samuel 14:6-7]. Cooperation to inspire men to improve their conditions
[2 Kings 6:1-3]. Cooperation to carry through great undertakings
[Nehemiah 4:16-17] Cooperation to bring men to Christ [Mark 2:3]
6. Fellowship of suffering. [Philippians 3:10] Suffering for Christ! Have you ever? Christianity is a doctrine of the cross! The purpose is found in 1Peter 5:10: To establish, strengthen and to settle you. Would you read: Acts 5:41; Romans 8:17; Hebrews 11:25 James 5:10
7. Fellowship in the gospel.
[Philippians 1:5] Partnership in the gospel is the thrust here. Making a contribution for the sake of the gospel. It is just this that creates fellowship among believers. We have a common goal, the desire that others might come to know Jesus Christ.
Unity tends to give fellowship; love tends to bind this fellowship and work tends to extend this fellowship.
Day 10
You are in the work of the Lord! You are a worker! [1 Corinthians 15:58]
Christian workers need to be stable. STABILITY! Steadfastness! We are to stand fast in the Lord. [ Ephesians 6:13-14] Satan is on the move, therefore, we are to resist him, standing firm in the faith.
[1 Peter 5:9] Christ set His face like a flint to go to Jerusalem. [Luke 9:51] Paul was not moved until he had finished his course [Acts 20:24]. The three in the fiery furnace would not bow, budge nor burn. [Daniel 3]
Christian workers need to be dependable. DEPENDABILITY! What are the marks of a dependable person? They are honest, faithful, and upright. They are men and women of integrity. They carry out the work entrusted to them. They have foresight and see things that need to be done. They have concern and a sense of obligation. Paul would say, "I am ready." [Romans 1:16] Am I dependable? Can the Lord, the Church, the Pastor depend on you?
Christian workers need to adapt. ADAPTABILITY! Can I adapt myself to any situation? This involves the knowledge of human nature; the discernment of conditions, differences of opinion and the limitations of a given circumstance. Many times it may be the call to become serious when things go against our feelings. It may mean for us to commend and encourage someone else. In other words, "Take a real interest in ordinary people."
Christian workers need to be available! AVAILABILITY! Here is the attitude of, "Speak, Lord your servant is listening." Whatever it is, wherever, I'm available. Promptly, without delay. Not putting it off to the last minute. Available with utmost strength, humble submission and fixed determination. It is amazing what God can do in and through and by and with a man wholly yielded to God. Are you available?
Christian workers are accountable. ACCOUNTABILITY! So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.
(Romans 14:12) Our purpose is to "Please Him!" 2 Timothy 2:1-5 [Ephesians 5:10]. We are living in a day of pleasure.
[2 Timothy 3:1-4] The point in fact is this: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
(2 Timothy 2:15) Live with the stamp of God's approval! The charge is in
Go with the five words:
Grace is perhaps one of the greatest words in the Bible. We read of the "God of all grace", "the grace of our Lord Jesus" and "the gospel of the grace of God."
Grace includes two things: First it means God's character in relation to man, indicating His favour and graciousness. He gives us what we do not deserve.
Second, it implies that this gracious attitude is proved by a divine gift. The gift of His Son. We may say or speak of grace as expressing God's heart and hand.
The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.
(Psalms 145:8) The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. (Psalms 103:8) But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. (Psalms 86:15)
Grace in God is intended to be realized and it is essential for us to know it works.
First there is Saving grace! Sin involves condemnation, separation and helplessness. Man cannot deliver himself by his own works, merit or strength. God alone can save, and salvation is by grace. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no-one can boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9) God's grace is free! God's grace is generous! It is ours through faith, which is the hand that receives from God. It is the act and attitude of dependence.
Secondly there is Sanctifying grace! Grace is not only for the commencement of new life, it is for the present life. Grace is sufficient for the struggles, the spiritual warfare and the realization of all there is in this new life. Grace first of all consecrates the soul to God and then cleanses and controls our lives. We are set apart for God by the grace of God!
Thirdly there is Sustaining grace! Grace works moment by moment in the believer's life. We learn how to face temptation. We stand in victory in Christ. Victory is realized by a conscious and decisive appeal to Him. We are in union with the Conqueror. For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.
(Philippians 2:13 ) Our Captain and Commander goes before. In view of the future it is the same. ``My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.'' (2 Corinthians 12:9)
Day 12
Today we glibly say, " What’s in a name?' Names mean so little to us today. We use them merely as labels to identify one person in contrast to another. Now I realize that our names are meaningful to us, to our family and friends that we have.
The names of Jesus at this season become very intriguing. From one of the oldest Christmas texts Isaiah 9:6 we have the name Wonderful Counsellor. Some translations separate the two. In these brief moments let me summarize the two.
He is wonderful in His grace as well as His greatness.
He is wonderful in His mercy as well as His majesty.
He is wonderful in His patience as well as in His power.
As Counsellor: He is compassionate
He is consistent
He is confidential.
A counsellor needs to be close and accessible. Christ is as close as the whisper of a prayer. He is always available, never away or busy. He is confidential. To Him you can take the most intimate matters of your heart. He is the specialist of the human heart. He is capable. He has all the resources of power and help. He will always guide our steps aright-Psalm 37:23. He communicates with the gentle stirring of the Holy Spirit and the inspired Word, you can trust Him!
Day 13
"Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift" 2 Corinthians 9:15. His unspeakable gift! Language breaks down! God so loved that "HE GAVE". Ponder those words once more. Check your attitude toward a gift. What is our normal response to a gift? Do we pay for it? Do we work for it? Do we beg for it? Do we wait for it? NO! We just TAKE IT! If then Jesus is God's gift to us, our proper response is simply and gratefully to receive Him.
In receiving Him we become saved. How sad that many, many people treat God's gift with an attitude they would never display toward any other gift. Some are still trying to pay for it. If a friend offers me a gift, how do I show him or her that I indeed believe he or she is giving it to me. I show it by simply and gratefully taking it.
Taking is the evidence of believing! If I should start thanking him or her, praising them for their kindness, assuring them that it will be most useful; and then not take the gift; my friend would either say or think " he does not honestly believe that I am actually giving it, or else he would take it.
Yes, taking is the evidence of believing! The words of John 1:11,12 are so suitable for today. " He came to His own and His own received Him not, But as many as received Him to them He gave the power to become the children of God , even to them that believe in His name." Receiving is believing and believing is receiving.
I'm reminded of what’s written on a ball point pen given away by a shoe salesman in the city of London, Ontario; " If you ever get a chance to become a Christian, Take It!
Day 14
What is your definition of faith? How would you illustrate faith? What is it worth? Is your faith genuine?
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
These have come so that your faith-of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire-may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honour when Jesus Christ is revealed.
1. We are saved by faith! For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-
2. We are justified by faith! Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,
3. We live by faith! For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: The righteous will live by faith.''
4. We walk by faith! We live by faith, not by sight.
5. We please God by faith! And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
6. We overcome the world by faith! For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.
(Moses-Hebrews 24:27)
7. We resist the Devil by faith! Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.
Sample list
8. We increase our faith by the scriptures! Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.
9. We are kept by faith! Who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. (1 Peter 1:5) [Hebrews 11:29]
10. We pray in faith! James 1:6,7.
Four times Jesus scolded his disciples with the words, "O ye of little faith"
Two times Jesus commended "great faith"
Our prayer today:
Day 15
As an agent in conviction. The Ethiopian was convicted when he read the words of Isaiah. When Peter preached on Pentecost people were convicted. Acts 8:28-32; Acts 2:16.
As an aid to teaching. God called Moses, gave him the commandments and they were to be taught. Deuteronomy 6:4-12. Jesus used the scriptures in teaching His disciples. Later He commanded to teach all nations.
As an avenue to understanding. Philip recognized the Messiah from what he had read. John 1:45; John 2:17. We have the assurance of faith through the written word 1 John 5:13.
It is authoritative. Jesus used it against Satan in His hour of temptation Luke 4:4,8,12. The writer of Hebrews says it is living and active Hebrews 4:12.
It is effective. John says," But these are written that you may [continue to] believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name." (John 20:31) Words of men carry stronger evidence and authority when written.
Paul was a practical theologian. He wrote with repetition. Philippians 3:1. He wrote to express the commandments of the Lord 1 Corinthians 14:37. He wrote to warn the believers 1 Corinthians 4:14. To test their obedience 2 Corinthians 2:9. To bear greetings Colossians 4:14-15. He communicated countless words of counsel, comfort and courage.
4. PERMANENT! Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. (Mark 13:31) For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. (1 Peter 1:23) All literature has a permanence that the spoke message cannot have. Eventually the voice must stop; the marvel of literature goes on.
Men of old were enjoined to write. Moses was told to write Deuteronomy 27:2-3. Jeremiah was told to write Jeremiah 30:2. John was told to write Revelations 1:11,19. Paul warned Timothy to give attention to reading
John encouraged men to search the scriptures John 5:39
Go with
2 Timothy 3:16 today!
Day 16
Jesus Christ went about doing good.
One of His tours took Him through Jericho. The first mention of Jericho is in the book of Joshua; the spies and the walls tumbling are most familiar stories from Joshua chapter two and chapter six. Today, Jericho is a beautiful place, the palms, the flowers, the dates, the gardens are all part of the new Jericho.
In Bible days Jericho was a great taxation centre; and that is where the story of Zacchaeus comes in. Three things about Zacchaeus.
1. The Efforts of Zacchaeus.
Efforts that triumph over hindrances. The hindrances line up with his social position-he is a tax collector; with his wealth-he is rich; and with his personal stature-he is short. Socially speaking he was a man who was looked down upon. A tax collector did not have a good reputation. Financially speaking he was wealthy, wealthy but not happy. How come? I thought money would make him happy. Riches are apt to put a serious obstacle in the way. What did Jesus say? [Luke 18:24]
What did Moses say?
[Deuteronomy 7:25] Physically speaking he was short. He did not venture to solicit an interview; he found even a view to be difficult. He ran the risk of being made fun of. He did run and climb a tree. The necessity of soul makes him quick to invention. I wonder how much effort we put into overcoming hindrances. Faith carries an "I must" in its bosom. He wanted to see Jesus! The dwarf with a great desire was led to a great discovery.
2. The Encounter with Zacchaeus.
When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, ``Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.'' So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly. His home and his heart are open to the Master. There is no asking now, "Who He is." His heart answered that.
The question has often been asked, "Can a person really know God?" Yes! He is knowable! That day the poor and the rich were embraced within the love of God. [Luke 18:35] Jesus will have fellowship with both the rich and the poor. There can be a friendship and a fellowship that nothing can separate.
3. The Effect this had on Zacchaeus.
From here on in selfishness and wrongness is renounced and restitution is made. Voluntary confession! Voluntary restitution! His character and life are changed.[v9]
Why did Jesus come? Look at v10.
Day 17
We live in a broken world; broken homes, hearts, promises and even broken toys. Broken things are the common things of life. To the believer every broken thing is but the assurance that God is making something. God uses broken things to gain victory.
1. The Broken Law. [Exodus 32:19] God used the broken law to show man his need of salvation. Salvation is not in keeping the law. The law shows us our sin and the need of forgiveness.
2. The Broken Pitchers. [Judges 7:19-20] God used a small army of men with strange weapons to deliver Israel. The pitchers were broken to produce the sound and to let the light of the torches shine in the night. We too are known as vessels.
3. The Broken Roof. [Mark 2:1-12] God saw the faith of four men and honoured their effort to bring a needy man to Christ. The message of forgiveness was loud and clear. It brought astonishment and glory to God.
4. The Broken Alabaster Box.
God honored the cost and the sacrifice of a woman whose gratitude was expressed that day on Jesus Christ. She did what she could. She did a beautiful thing! That memorial continues to this day.
5. The Broken Loaves and Fishes.
[Matthew 14:15-21] Jesus provides for a hungry crowd. Through Him there is sustenance for all. He is the Bread of Life! The loaves and fishes had to be broken before they could benefit the people. Could Jesus feed someone through me?
6. The Broken Nets. [Luke 5:1-11] The Lord wanted Peter! Peter saw himself in the light of the Miracle Worker as one who is unworthy. He was called to be a servant of Christ. Men were to become more important than fish. The word may be "Broken for service".
7. The Broken Ship. [Acts 27:44] God chose to use a storm and a broken boat to enhance the testimony of His servant Paul. Paul could say on the deck,"I believe in God, we will all be safe." Paul is not ashamed of the gospel.
8. The Broken Body of Jesus. [Luke 22:19] [1 Corinthans 11:24] His body was literally scourged, pierced and nailed. He was wounded! He was wounded for us!
The Lord's Table is our reminder!
Are we broken for Him? Is your all on the alter? Are you a slave of Jesus Christ?
In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace (Ephesians 1:7).
Day 18
Let me bring in Isaiah 58:13. ``If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath and from doing as you please on my holy day, if you call the Sabbath a delight and the LORD's holy day honourable, and if you honour it by not going your own way and not doing as you please or speaking idle words, then you will find your joy in the Lord.
The above scripture readings show strict Sabbatarians with their traditions and taboos. Pharisees were prone to legalism, rules and regulations that were stiff, narrow and rigid. Jesus crashed through all of this and went straight to the persons in need. Jesus claimed that human need must take precedence over religious laws. He sought to renew depleted energies and frayed spirits.
The Lord's Day Alliance does safe-guard a day of rest. However, if our puritanical Fathers were too strict; we are likely to err in the opposite direction. What does it mean to do good on the Sabbath. We distort the meaning of the day if we think solely in terms of prohibitions instead of beneficent uses to which the day should be put. This day can be wholesome, joyous and re-creative.
The woman made straight glorified God! The day is for that!
1. It is to straighten us physically. Six days of work leave a kink in our backs. Rest is part of God's structure in life. If we will not rest, we will rest for longer periods of time. Our bodies need rest. Then, we must not invade the right of others, making them work for us. Isaiah speaks to the [not] pleasing of ourselves. Did you see that in the verse above? Our neighbours must have the privilege of rest too.
2. It is to straighten us out spiritually. There are kinks in our minds and our souls that need to be refreshed. Attention must be given to our soul. Our spirits need stretching to new heights. We need instruction and inspiration. Listen! Worship is not a luxury, it is a necessity. Worship is worship in fellowship with others. I need believers in my life. We can be instrumental in brightening someone's life. We all need a lift for Living!
The place of worship is still the place to be on the Lord's Day! [Psalm 84]
Day 19
In every age men have stood in awe of those who possess great power. This is true in every area of life, in politics, in finances, in science and in sports.
We've been looking at the names of Christ through the eyes of Isaiah 9:6. Today, The Mighty God!
Christ is the Mighty God as we see Him overcome Satan in the wilderness and the world by a sinless life. He overcame sin on the cross; death and the grave in the resurrection. The resurrection is the greatest demonstration of God's power in the New Testament. His name--The Mighty God!
It was Charles Lamb who said," If Shakespeare were to come into your home you would rise to honor him; but if Christ were to come into your home you would bow down and worship him."
Jesus is declared to have been the Agent of Creation. Before He ever came to earth, His hands tumbled solar systems and galaxies into space. He set the stars on their courses. He kindled the fires of the sun. He scooped out the giant beds of our mighty oceans.
He was mighty in His ministry and miracles. He was mighty in His teaching. I am so glad that the Mighty God became my Saviour. The great Creator became my Saviour!
The Bible has this beautiful invitation: "But as many as received Him to them He gave the power to become the children of God, even to them that believe in His name" John 1:12. The hymn writer says, "Only Believe!"
Day 20
From 2 Kings 5
Today we look at an Old Testament Bible character. A young girl from Israel. This little girl was taken captive during a time of war. War separates families. She could have been among many missing children. Three things about this captive maid.
1. Her Initiative! She said to her mistress, ``If only my master would see the prophet who is in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy.'' She has been serving Naaman's wife. She fits in to the situation. She seizes the opportunity. An army officer in this home has leprosy. She speaks with sympathy. She has fond memories of a godly upbringing. She does not forget her faith far away from home. What a child-like testimony! A timely testimony! Good wishes are seeds that often take roots and grow and blossom and bear fruit.
2. Her Information! She tells of Israel's God. She tells of the prophet, Elisha. She has the assurance of God's power. But there is a cure! This little girl does not render evil for evil-she could have, being a captive maid. She did not wait for some great thing to do. She simply spoke! Solace and help comes to us from the most unexpected sources. Good things come in small packages! [Can I remind you of the fable where a little mouse helped a big lion by chewing at the ropes and setting him free?]
3. Her Influence! Have you read the story? It moved a captain to go, making all kinds of preparation. It moved a King to send a letter to another King. It set in motion a lot of reaction until the news came to the Prophet Elisha. Then, it resulted in a cleansed leper. The officer went to dip in the Jordon seven times. Now it was Naaman's turn to say,`
`Now I know that there is no God in all the world except in Israel.
None of us are to young to do something for Jesus. He has some work for every one of us. In some places we just stand and show our colours. In other places we can tell people where blessing is to be found. Be an instrument of His joy and peace, goodness and gentleness. Do the work that is nearest to you! This little slave girl's secret was her faithfulness, usefulness; her strong and simple faith.
Would you write three words in the fly-leaf of your Bible: ANYTHING! ANYTIME! ANYWHERE!
Read : 2 Kings 5.
Day 21
I rejoiced with those who said to me, ``Let us go to the house of the LORD.''
(Psalms 122:1) Such joy is rare! Is there gladness? Some are glad when it is all over. Is it fair to ask, "Is it the sense of duty, the desire to please a friend, the force of habit, the necessity of upholding a religious reputation, the fear of a condemning conscience or some other motive?" Is there spiritual delight? Listen to the man that is most inspiring. Glorify the LORD with me: let us exalt his name together.
We have the example of Jesus. He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. (Luke 4:16) We have the exhortation of an apostle. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
(Hebrews 10:25) Have you been able to encourage someone?
Why do I go to church?
1. I go to church to worship! There is the joy of worship! Some say they can worship in the out of doors; that is true, but do they? Truest worship comes in God's house. It is the gathering of people. [ The Tabernacle and the Temple come to mind] Fire made of two sticks does not give as much warmth as fire of many sticks. Radio and Television preaching will never take the place of real worship. In the church there is a different atmosphere. I want to worship God in the best possible way.
2. I go to church to satisfy the hunger in my soul. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. (Matthew 5:6) Earth was never meant to satisfy the human heart. It is not difficult to get taken up with the tangible. Only God can satisfy the human heart. He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things. (Psalms 107:9) Hungry souls do not go away without a blessing. When you are hungry, food tastes better. Have you ever noticed that you eat more in the company of others. Food tastes better in the company of others. When I'm home alone it’s a piece of toast or a bowl of cereal. I am sure you can identify with me.
Read: Psalms 122 (More tomorrow!)
Day 22
3. I go to church to hear the gospel, the word of God. Both are powerful!
[Romans 1:16; Hebrews 4:12] I need this energy! I need this spiritual instruction! I need exhortation and correction.
[2 Timothy 3:16] I need a spiritual check up! Questions arise: Do I love the Lord's Day, His word, His Table? Do I find time for Bible study, unhurried prayer and quiet listening to God? How long has it been since you talked with the Lord?
4. I go to church to help further [forward] the Kingdom of God. The commission has not changed. This is best done through the church. Most missionary work is done through the church. The Church is the means through which God is reaching out to the world. I want a part of kingdom work where He has placed me. What joy awaits the sower and the reaper!
5. I go to church to set an example. Parents whose lives centre around the church will influence their children. Can you think of children in godless homes; what chance do they have? Regular attendance gives us an influence that nothing else can. In our home it was a way of life! A right attitude will also be a great influence. Do I love to go, do I prepare myself in heart and mind and do I realize that the adoration of God is the highest activity of which I am capable?
6. I go to church to receive strength and inspiration for my daily living. A clock needs winding! Fire needs fuel! A car needs gasoline! My soul needs fuel! My soul needs food! God is wise! He made the Sabbath [Sunday] so that we might turn aside and rest and be restored. Restored physically, mentally and spiritually. Listen! There are 156 hours between the close of one Sunday nights service and the opening of the next; surely we ought to take one hour in the middle to renew our strength. Now that was a plug for the mid-week prayer meeting. I had to throw that in.
7. I go to church to enjoy fellowship. Where will you find better fellowship? God's people are friendly! God's people love each other! I need the fellowship of God's people. I need the prayers of God's people! Let us make it a place where we can fellowship with each other. Your presence is important! Your presence is always an encouragement. I want my life to be linked with the church. I believe you do too!
Are you at home in your church?
Read: Psalms 84.
Day 23
A little boy looking at his fathers picture {the father having been away from home for a long time } said, "I wish father would step out of the picture." That’s exactly what happened at Christmas. What the prophets had foretold and the people waited for, happened at Christmas. A baby was born and they named Him, Jesus.
To continue with the names of Christ in Isaiah 9:6, we now have the name "The Everlasting Father". This title speaks of His eternity. He came from the Father and as such has all the characteristics of God the Father. "He is before all things"
Colossians 1:17. He is Lord of the past and the present. He holds the future in His hands." He has set eternity in the hearts of men"
That is a great verse! Think of it! Eternal forces ripple in our blood. Because Jesus Christ is Eternal, we shall share eternity with Him.
Today, He continues to care for us. The Eternal Father clothed Himself in the garments of human flesh so that we might understand the nature and character of God. Jesus came to show us the Father- John 1:18. Jesus gave us the finest concept of God in the word- "Father".
Jesus Christ, ever lives to love and to lift us out of our sinful condition and to give us the gift of eternal life. He has the ability to meet our deepest need and He is always available.
Jesus--The Everlasting Father!
Did you talk to Him today?
Day 24
Every news cast has in it some quest for peace. From the four corners of the globe we hear it and see it on the faces of people. It seems to me that the human heart hungers for peace. I think its universal among men. It almost makes you want to ask, " Why have we failed to achieve it?" Peace! To sum up the direction of our search for peace, we have looked to education, to wealth, to military might and to fame, fortune, and fashion; and it has eluded us.
The Prince of Peace makes it possible for man to be at peace with God and for men to live at peace with one another. Jesus Christ is the source of peace! The peace He gives is not won on a battlefield, not purchased with money and not secured by medicine.
The heart of the problem is the problem of the heart! Peace is an inward experience. The peace that He gives is the peace of surrender to the rule of love; the peace of fellowship with God our heavenly Father and the peace of knowing our sins are forgiven. Read Psalm 32:1-5 sometime.
Bear in mind, even at Christmas, that the cradle and the cross are eternally linked together.
Paul says, " He Himself is our peace" Ephesians 2:14. Through Him we have access to the Father by one Spirit.
Peace rules the day when Christ rules the mind!
Day 25
Some propositional truths today. A proposition is an expression of anything which is capable of being believed; it is a point to be discussed or maintained.
1. If Christ is the gift of God, then see the Father's love. "This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins" 1 John 4:10. I see here, redeeming love! We did not deserve it; we had no right to expect it. It was the expression of purest love.
2. If Christ is the gift of God, then see the Father's grace. "By grace you have been saved through faith,-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God"
Ephesians 2:8. Grace means that He gives us what we do not deserve. The acrostic would read:
3. If Christ is the gift of God, then see the Father's mercy. "He did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all"
Mercy means that God does not give us what we deserve. Mercy, there was great, and grace was free. Pardon there was multiplied to me.
4. If Christ is the gift of God, then He is meant to be received. " All who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God" John 1:12. We receive Him by faith! " Being justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ"
Romans 5:1. He is meant to be received NOW. NOW is the day of salvation!
5. If Christ is the gift of God, then He may also be refused. A gift is never forced! God will not violate the responsible freedom of the human will. It’s a GIFT! A gift is never complete until it is received.
Christ has brought forgiveness, reconciliation, justification and sonship to all who believe. Welcome Him into your life!
Day 26
Christmas is over! The festivities are over! We are back to a less thrilling road of every day living. The preparations had their thrills and excitement. You all know now what you got for Christmas.
Christmas is over! Wait just a minute! Is it over? Think of the love that was expressed through giving, sharing and fellowship. This continues throughout the year.
Go with me now to Luke 2:20. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.
The shepherds returned with a new vision before their eyes and a new power in their lives. Gazing on the Babe they beheld a mystery- God in the likeness of human flesh. Their souls were thrilled with heavenly music.
The shepherds returned to the complexities of earning a living. To the daily routine of looking after sheep.
We must return from Christmas to the commonplace. It is unavoidable! The shepherds returned with something of the spell of Christmas still upon them. Insights had been gained! It was an unforgettable night! They discovered God in humanity and humanity in God. Hope had been kindled in their lives. The shepherds found ONE who was to make the commonplace a blessing. Christ cast a halo of glory over common toil. He Himself underwent toil and pain, sorrow and adversity. He identified Himself with us so we may identify ourselves with Him.
Life is routine. The old road lies ahead. There is the hill to climb. There are the burdens we face. But the ONE who came at Christmas is with us! He is beside us, before us and behind us. Will we return like the shepherds glorifying and praising God? Everyday can mean and should mean what the essence of Christmas means. Around Christmas we develop some qualities of mind and spirit that should belong to us all the time. Faith in Jesus Christ makes all the difference!
Day 27
This day could make a difference in your life! You could choose to make it different! A Special Day!
Along the way we need helpful hints to make it meaningful and worth while. The Bible gives us some special guidelines for personal prayer. Prayer is the state of the heart, an attitude. It is keeping in tune and in touch with God; the frequency of heaven.
May I suggest a threefold argument for praying?
1. Christ commands it Matthew 7:7.
2. Experience commends it Matthew 7:8.
3. Logic defends it Matthew 7:9-11.
Keeping in time with God is also a part of it. I want a sense of rhythm in my soul- a spirit of prayer. I need to practice a "quiet time". Time set aside for the word and prayer.
For David it was early in the morning.[Psalms 5:3]
For Daniel it was three times a day.
For Joshua it was early in the morning.[Joshua 3:1]
For Jesus it was early morning while it was still dark.[Mark 1:35]
For you! Whats your time? I believe it is indispensable for the growing healthy believer. These are special times when God makes known His ways and His plans. Special days can become "anchor points" in your life.
Now you are saying, "Why a day of prayer?" Why take this time? What’s it for? Let me share about five reasons:
1.For extended fellowship with God, beyond your personal private devotions. Just plain "being with" and "thinking" about God. God has called us into fellowship with His Son.
Fellowship is nurtured by spending time together. God takes special note of those who think upon His name.
2. For a renewed perspective. Like a plane flying over a certain territory to make some discovery. To think of our lives from God's viewpoint. How does God look at me? What does He think about me? We need this perspective to sharpen our vision of the unseen and let the tangible things drop into proper place.[2 Corinthians 4:17-18]
Spiritual things are paramount and permanent!
3. For catching up on intercession. There are non-Christian friends and loved ones to bring before the Lord. There are missionaries, neighbours and governments to name a few. Changing events are known among Christians through prayer.
Pray continually;
Day 28
Part 2.
We continue today to answer the question: Why a day of Prayer?
4. For adequate preparation. Nehemiah affords a good illustration. Nehemiah prays first and then outlines his plans.
When did God put this plan into his heart? [Nehemiah 2:12] Preparation is made when we get alone with God. We may be dead to opportunities simply because we are not prepared. Who knows, God wants to prepare us for something special.
5. For prayerful consideration of our own lives before God. The Bible says, "Examine yourself" 2 Corinthians 13:5. Take inventory!
May I name a few areas that need examination? We need to examine our personal relationship with the Lord. Am I living in a vital relationship? Is my relationship current? We need to examine our love and submission to the Word of God. Do we have a longing and a love for the Word with the desire to obey.
We need to examine our relationships with our brother and sister in Christ. This also determines our relationship to the Lord. [Romans 14:7]
Are we patient and loving and forgiving? [Ephesians 4:31] We need to examine our attitude toward sin. Do we need cleansing?
We need to examine our attitude toward perishable things of the world.
Are temporal things really that important? We need to examine our concern and love for the lost. Do I have a burden for souls? This is one burden that is going to have to grow in my life.
Renewals in history have usually begun with a few individuals that were willing to pay the price to go all the way with God.
Let us look at how we might go about setting aside a day for prayer. Set aside some time! We all have the same time. We may not all have the same circumstances. Find a place for some quiet. If this impossible at home, go for a drive or a walk. Forget about food! Try it! It is a good discipline! Food is secondary! You may learn to value it more. Be free to help your children if they are small and need attention. Take a Bible, a book on Prayer, a pencil and paper. Thank God for the ability to read and write.
Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble. (Psalms 119:165)
Day 29
Part 3.
We continue today with how we might go about setting aside a day for prayer.
Divide the time into three parts:
First, wait on the Lord! Do not hurry!
Wait to realize His presence.
Wait for cleansing.[Psalms 139:23,24]
Stand firm on 1 John 1:9. Wait to worship Him!
Secondly, Pray for yourself! Ask for understanding. [Psalms 119:18]
Read the prayer of Jabez.
The attitude of this time ought to be, "Lord, what do you think of my life?" Think about your life in the light of what you know to be God's will for you. What is pleasing to God!
Ask," What was Jesus attitude?" ``My food,'' said Jesus, ``is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.
Consider your activities! What are you doing in your service for God? The use of your time? God may speak to you about your schedule, about cutting out some of your activities. There may be some entanglements that rob you of your spiritual progress. Come to some conclusion! Drive some stakes! Do not be discouraged if this is not the case. It may not be God's time for a conclusive answer. You may discover that your real need was to have a new revelation of God Himself. If God gives you a promise, mark it in your Bible.
Thirdly, Pray for others! Now you have time for unhurried prayer. Ask for specific things for them. You may remember a missionary letter. Pray for their spiritual, and physical strength. For courage and mental alertness. Pray some of the Pauline prayers.
Desire for them what the Lord has shown you.
Variety is important during the day. Read a while. Pray a while. Walk a while. As outside things pop into your mind simply incorporate those items into prayer. Some items may be jotted down and attended to latter. Summarize in your note book things God said to you. Some new insights! The test of such a day is not how exhilarated you are when the day is over, but how it works into your life the next day. It will do something for you in daily life.
A day of prayer just doesn't happen. The Enemy will attempt to keep you from it. "Satan trembles when he sees the weakest Christian on his knees." So we take time!
We make time! After a day like this you may find yourself saying, "Why didn't I do this more often?" Can you make a day like this meaningful in your life?
Day 30
Part 1. Exodus 14:5-31.
I am not so concerned with an appraisal of the past year or the predictions about the year to come - I am concerned with our attitudes as we look both ways. So much depends upon our attitudes!
The Exodus account may help us to fashion some good attitudes. Israel had reached the Red Sea which blocked their path. The Egyptians are in hot pursuit. It is a bad situation! Literally between desperation and the deep. The people raise their voices in complaint.[vss10-12]
Haven't we found ourselves in a bad situation from time to time? We are sometimes caught [like Israel] between the Red Sea [something blocking our advance] and the Enemy [like the Egyptians] in pursuit. We seemed to have rushed storm fully through this past year. We've wanted to get ahead fast; we were in a hurry and then an emergency took place. Things came to a halt! We were called to a stand still.
Reflection could be a good exercise!
Several truths begin to surface through to us from this account. [ It is true the honour of the Lord comes through v.4.] The first truth I wish to mention is: Some of our greatest enemies are not those that confront us, but those that pursue us.
It wasn't so much the Red Sea in front as the host of Egypt behind v10. "They were terrified". The enemy behind created the panic. Is this a parable about our situation?
Some of us are being pursued by "fear". Fear plays havoc with our peace of mind. Children have fear-fear of failure. Young people have fear-fear of the future. Adults have fear, frustrations, phobias, and perplexities. Life is problems! People are problems! Some are pursued by grief and there is room for grief. Sorrow has laid heavily on many families. Others are pursued by some old besetting sin; some old temptations to which they give in.
The Bible lists a few things we struggle with Galatians 5:19-21. "Selfishness still throbs like an engine at the centre of a man's life." Egypt, a type of the flesh is in pursuit. The flesh is out to get you back. The old nature really tugs! The tug of the world is very strong! Is there something that is pursuing you? Something that is hindering your progress toward maturity. How is your spiritual journey?
How would you describe your Christian walk this past year? I trust there will be no "carry over" from one year to the next to keep you from going on in the New Year.
Day 31
Part 2.- Exodus 14:5-31.
A second truth comes from the story. We see more than the pursuit of the enemy; we see God becoming our rear guard.v19] God not only goes before; He is also behind! The God who led them now becomes their Protector! Read: Psalms 34:7.
God is for us! As we begin the New Year, God is before us, behind us, beside us, above us, around us and in us! Hymns flood my mind. He Leadeth Me! Lead on O King Eternal! Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah! Read:
We can close the door on this past year and trust God, who can shut the door on all that pursues us. Surely He can take care of the enemy-all our fears, grief and sin.
A third truth! Every experience of life has two sides to the story, depending upon whom the experience comes. Look at verse 20! The pillar of cloud brought darkness to the Egyptians and light to Israel. The Egyptians saw only darkness; Israel had light. To the persons without God or even without faith things look pretty dark. For many it is very dark. To take it face value-"Egypt like" is to see nothing but darkness, confusion and chaos. Sin is on the rampage these days! There is crime, violence, permissiveness and perversion. Even the G.S.T. is frightening! [Goods and Services Tax] Businesses and farms have gone bankrupt. To the man of faith the cloud is not all darkness. He sees God in history! God is Sovereign! He is in control! He sees God at work! Doors of evangelism have opened in many countries. Some dark periods have brought some creative change. Some beautiful pictures come out of the dark room. The disciplines of darkness, detour, disappointments and delay come to my mind.
Somewhere Romans 8:28 fits in here. The severity of a situation tells me that God is in it. To the man of faith there is light shining in these dark experiences.
Read: Proverbs 4:18.
Let us go to Calvary! The Light of Life seems to be snuffed out. To the natural man it is all darkness. It does not make sense. Read: 1 Corinthians 1:23. The light of the resurrection streams across the darkness of the cross. As we close the door on this last year we can ask God to give us grace to close the door on all the Egyptians; the temptations, evil habits, old grudges and sin. With Paul, put off the old and put on the new. We can take courage and go on.
Go forward! Exodus 14:15. The past is Gods'! The future is Gods'! His power is greater than all! Let Jesus Christ be everything to you!
Live in Him! Read: Colossians 2:6-7. Are you going to close a few doors on the old year? How about a New You for a New Year!