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DAY 1.



Everybody likes new things! New cars, houses, clothes, shoes, tools, books, etc.etc.etc. Fresh starts appeal to each one of us. We like new beginnings! Fresh starts! New beginnings!

For example, there is something delightful about blotting out dirty fingerprints with a fresh coat of paint. Add to this, new curtains, clean wall paper, a set of new furniture and living takes on a fresh meaning. Everything is new and clean.

Along with redecorating, many of us would also like to have a fresh start in other areas of our lives. A fresh start in business might lead to a much better position. A new beginning at school might make a big difference in our education. A chance to start over in our marriage relationships might alter the whole outlook on life. In fact, some of us would like to get rid of the past entirely and start all over again.

Somehow the New Year seems to offer us a fresh start. It seems to say: Forget the past! Begin again! Resolve to do better! It sounds so easy. We make resolutions, have good intentions, and all too soon it proves to be an exercise in futility.

There is a way to a new start, a new beginning. This covers the old soiled past with a fresh new beginning. Here is His word: "Therefore, if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature, old things have passed away, behold all things are become new" 2Cor.5:17.

Here is a fresh start unconditionally backed by God's word. God desires to reveal Himself as a Person. He did that in the Person of His Son Jesus Christ. God gave His Son to bring us back to Himself. Faith in Him secures salvation. A new beginning!

As a new person in Christ, you will begin to enjoy His word and His presence. You will meet and have new friends. Worship and fellowship with believers will strengthen your faith. Faith needs nourishment! You will have the Holy Spirit to guide you.


John 16.


Go with God!





John 14:1-3;


January Day 1

Day 2.




Before us lies a New Year like a field of fresh fallen snow. Untrodden! Untouched! There is always something appealing about a fresh start. Even a new coat of paint, new wall paper, a set of new furniture and life takes on a fresh meaning. Everything is new and clean! God gives us opportunity for purposeful, meaningful living.


1. Footprints remind us of the need of direction. Often we walk carelessly and aimlessly with no sense of direction. Surely a believer's life should be marked by direction. We should be conscious of daily direction by the Lord Himself. Israel enjoyed this privilege Exodus 40:36-38. Along the journey of life we need guidance. Implicit trust brings infallible guidance Prov.3:5-6.


2. Footprints remind us of our future destination. Heaven is our home! Like a compass pointing to the magnetic north, the set our soul should be heavenward Col.3:2. The more comfortable we are here the fainter our desire will be to be up there. Every believer ought to have a healthy tug toward heaven. Like the tug of the string when flying a kite. In Pilgrims Progress, Pilgrim set his back on the city of Destruction and set out for the Celestial city.

Decision decides destiny! Do you know where you are going? Have you made reservations? [1Peter 1:4]


3. Footprints remind us of the need for decision. Throughout the year we will make decision large and small. Some will be far reaching; some will influence our lives and the lives of others. But be sure to fear the LORD and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you. (1 Samuel 12:24 ) Sensitiveness God demands-"be sure to fear the Lord". Service God desires-"serve Him faithfully". Sincerity God decrees- "with all your heart". John Wesley is to have said,"Lord deliver me from being half a Christian."


Decision rests with each of us! Joshua 24:15, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Ruth 1:16-18, " Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. Elijah, 1Kings 18:21 ``How long will you waver between two opinions? May the New Year bring to us direction, destination-a closer walk and decision- a life of surrender to Jesus Christ.


Read: Deut. 11:8-25

January Day 2

Day 3.




How about a new you for a new year!! Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! (2 Corinthians 5:17)


The corruption of human nature requires the new birth. Romans chapter one reveals the total depravity of man. No one can enter heaven without the experience of the new birth. Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no-one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.'' (John 3:3) Evil is so inwrought into man's constitution and habits that he needs to be spiritually reconstructed in order that he may see as God sees, feel as God feels and act as God wills. Our old nature is totally corrupt.

The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? "I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve.'' (Jeremiah 17:9-10) The change to be effected is so radical and so complete that no human means can avail to bring it about. The work of the Holy Spirit is mighty and mysterious.


Through the instrumentality of the word of God this is accomplished. He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of first fruits of all he created. (James 1:18) For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. (1 Peter 1:23)


The new birth is therefore of the will of God, of the mercy of God and for the glory of God. Often it is described as a new heart. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. (Ezekiel 36:26-27)


There is no part of the believers life from which this newness should be absent. His speech, character, acts, plans, purposes and desires are become new. This newness also furnishes a test. The proof of your conversion is continuance. There must be a decided change. This new nature that you receive from God is bent to the will of God. You will want to do His will.


Unless we are new creatures in this world we shall not be new creatures in the next. How about a new you for a new year!!


Read: John 3.

January Day 3

Day 4.




Here we are at the threshold of a brand New Year! We say it that way because that’s the term most commonly used in everyday language. We talk about a brand new house, a brand new car, a brand new bicycle and so on. When something is new it is brand new!

New Years resolutions are the subject of conversation during the closing days of the year. Do we make them in order to break them? Personally, I do not put too much faith in making New Years resolutions.


People talk about turning over a new leaf; thinking they might do better in the coming year. Turning over a new leaf and intentions have much in common; they never get much done. These things will not change your life!


Let's be very frank! Only Christ can and will give you a change of heart and mind. Only Christ will give you a new outlook on life and make life worth living. Only Christ can give you the assurance and security for what lies ahead. Jesus Christ fits into every circumstance of life! The song writer says,"With Christ in the vessel I can smile at the storm."


Have you ever found yourself in a watchnight service? Did you say,"I'll start the New Year with Christ soon in the New Year? "I'll raise my hand and go forward in an evangelistic meeting." It is a sad fact that many have heard the gospel so often and continue to refuse God's gift of salvation.


Do you know how I know that you should make a decision? The Holy Spirit is faithful. He is working in your heart right now. He is offering you something better for your sin burdened soul. How could you refuse God's gift of salvation? The gift of salvation is full and free to everyone. Today is God's day! Today if you hear His voice harden not your heart.


I still recall how I dreaded the invitation of a pastor or an evangelist. I kept putting it off. I'll do it tomorrow. Not until the age of fifteen, away from home, listening to a radio broadcast, did I kneel and make a decision for Christ. I was saved, and I knew it! How do I know? He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life. (1 John 5:12-13) Start the New Year living for Him!



Deut 30:11-20;

Deut 31:8;

1 John 5:12-13

January Day 4
January Day 5

Day 5.





And the LORD said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward (Exodus 14:15)

Then the LORD said to Moses, ``Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on (Exodus 14:15)


This text is connected with the wonderful deliverance of the children of Israel from the land of Egypt. Scarcely had they left the land when Pharaoh again hardened his heart and pursued them to bring them back to bondage and slavery. The spot where they overtook them was near the Red Sea. Before them was a watery sepulcher; behind them a powerful enemy. Escape seemed impossible! God said to Moses,"Go forward"-"move on"!


Like the children of Israel, who were on their way to the promised land, believers are on their way to heaven. Satan, our enemy will pursue us! He will do his level best to bring us back into bondage and the slavery of sin. The believer is encouraged to "go forward" to "move on." A believer must not stand still.

1. We must go forward in Christian graces: For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. (2 Peter 1)


Life must be different! We cannot play the chameleon! We have an example to follow.


To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps. (1 Peter 2:21)


2. We must go forward in Christian growth: Move on in faith! Faith must grow! [Rom.10:17] Move on in Love! Love must increase!


[1Thess.3:12] {That is where good deeds come in Titus 2:14}


Move on in prayer! {That is where devotions and fellowship with the Lord takes place}[1Thess 5:17]


Move on in building relationships![Eph. 5:25] {


Our homes need the atmosphere of love and affection} Move on in obedience! Obeying the word of God.[1Peter 1:22]


For all this we have Jesus! We have the Holy Spirit to guide and to teach, to lead and to comfort us.[John 16:13]

The examples of the Old Testament saints are an incentive for us to "go forward" to "move on". Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Caleb went forward. Our motto could and should be "Go Forward!"



Hebrews 11:1-29 

Hebrews 12:1-2.

Day 6.




The land you are entering to take over is not like the land of Egypt, from which you have come, where you planted your seed and irrigated it by foot as in a vegetable garden. But the land you are crossing the Jordan to take possession of is a land of mountains and valleys that drinks rain from heaven. It is a land the LORD your God cares for; the eyes of the LORD your God are continually on it from the beginning of the year to its end. (Deuteronomy 11:10-12)


How good are you at predicting the future? Can you qualify as a crystal gazer? If you were invited to witness a preview of the coming year, would you accept it?


Looking at the text above I want to ask, What will the future be like?


1. It will be different! Different from the past. It will not be like Egypt. Israel had to learn to welcome change. In the year ahead there will be changes. Life is dynamic! Stagnation means death! We must find keys to unlock doors of new opportunities.


2. It will be difficult! Ahead are the mountains and the valleys. New opportunities spell new responsibilities. Mountains are meant for climbing. Caleb welcomed the idea [Joshua 14:12]. Why should we detour from difficulties.


3. It will be dependable! The Lord cares for the land and the eyes of the Lord are upon it from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. We know who holds the future! Amen! He is dependable!

Tomorrow will be guided and guarded by God. We have a Divine, Wise Commander. Go into the New Year with God! Be optimistic!


Put your hand in the Hand of the Man of Galilee.




[We are a pilgrim people]

January Day 6

Day 7.





Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established. (Proverbs 4:26)

The steps of a [good] man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. (Psalms 37:23)


Other translations use the words: Watch the path; Consider well the path; Make level paths.


Most of us are afflicted with eye trouble. We are shortsighted. We refuse to look ahead to see where our path leads. We don't stop to think! We seem to live under the impression that we can live as we like and still escape the consequences of that kind of living and attitude. Most of us would like to arrive at a successful destiny in life. We would like to achieve. We would like to arrive at a goal. We have a goal, but so many things distract us. Some of us shy away from the path of self-discipline and self-denial. Sometimes we're like a child, who prefers a penny in preference to the promise of a nickel tomorrow. We are like the student who chooses an easy course that requires little effort; to the course that requires rigid self-discipline to master the course.


Many young people make a tragic mistake in selecting a companion in marriage when they follow the romantic impulse of the moment instead of taking the long look concerning what marriage really involves. Young People! Take a good long look! This is one relationship you do not rush into. God has a wonderful word called "WAIT". Many yield to high pressured advertising and find themselves on a financial precipice. Life would be so much different if each of us would "ponder the path of our feet." THINK! Give consideration to the outcome of your attitudes, ambitions and actions.


Moses wrote a song one day and they [Israel] were to sing all forty three verses. [Deut.32:1-43] He makes a forecast of their future. Sad, however, Israel did not discern. [Deut.32:28-29] It seems too bad that Israel did not know Psalm 39:4 at that time. Show me, O LORD, my life's end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life.


All of us could profitably join David and pray." Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." (Psalms 90:12)





Day 8.




Begin today with the prophet Haggai, who repeatedly urged the people in his day: Now this is what the LORD Almighty says: ``Give careful thought to your ways. This is what the LORD Almighty says: ``Give careful thought to your ways. (Haggai 1:5,7)


Life is precious! We have only one life! There is the urgency of today! Our destiny is wrapped up in the decisions of today! The Lord weighs the motives of our heart. [Prov.16:2,3]


Let Him establish the thoughts by which you decide the course of your life.


The word of God is always a safe guide for our feet. [Psa.119:105]


The word of God will speak words of correction, counsel, commendation and comfort. We must read it in order to do it! Let's bring in Jeremiah! This is what the LORD says: Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said, `We will not walk in it.' (Jeremiah 6:16)


Israel had come to the point where they were not ashamed; they did not even know how to blush anymore.[Jeremiah 6:15] Jeremiah would say: STOP! LOOK! and LISTEN! Take a good long look!


The Parschauer duet used to sing,"Two paths lie before you, which one will you take." It is so true, we are constantly on the march or on the move from the cradle to the grave. Our hearts like muffled drums are beating. We are standing in the way! Ask where the good way is and walk in it.

All roads are not good. Some roads are bad. The path of sin leads to slavery. The path of faith leads to life. Many have walked the path of faith. [Heb.11]


Our parents, our pastors and our peers have walked that path. The path of loyalty to Christ is good. The path of personal and family devotions is good. The path of church attendance is good. The path of love and obedience is good. One must get on the road with an attitude of dedication and determination to follow through in faithfulness to God.

Jesus said, "I am the way". He is the way out of the wilderness of sin. He is the way through an uncertain tomorrow. He is the way into the family of God. He is the way to the home of our heavenly Father. Would you read the verses that arrested me when I became a believer? Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. (Matt.7:13,14)

Are you on the path that leads to life?




Psa 37:23

Day 9




History and experience seem to point to the fact that God's line for us is not usually a straight line but a winding zigzag path.


Joseph Parker, the English preacher used to say," The round-about way may be the nearest".

Back in Exodus 13:17 God did not lead them by the way of the land of the Philistines, even though it was near. God led the people around by the way of the wilderness. Why ? Because the people needed disciplining and molding as a Nation. By the way of the wilderness they were trained slowly for the great task at their journey's end. We also are aware that God, who chose the route also chose the leader. God , who disciplined the people, also disciplined the man who led them.


Over the Apennines there is a wonderful railroad. One passes through forty three tunnels in less than seventy miles. There are magnificent outlooks, but every few minutes, a tunnel. The road has been built to carry the traveler to his destination by the shortest way; anyone getting off at the first station simply because he or she did not like tunnels and starting into the mountains to fine another path, would be almost sure of being lost.

Can we not believe the same thing of God's way ? His way may lie through tunnels but it is the best and safest road. Along the way there are glorious prospects. There are places full of beauty. There are outlooks of love and mercy. This ought to reconcile us to some intervals of darkness. Do not be afraid of the winding way if God turns you into it. Travel the road He points out to you.


We climbed the height by the zigzag path, And wondered why- until.

We understood it was made zigzag

To break the force of the hill.

A road straight up would prove too steep

For the traveler's feet to tread. 

The thought was kind in its wise design

Of a zigzag path instead.

It is often so in our daily life. 

We fail to understand

That the twisting way our feet must tread, By love alone was planned.

Then murmur not at the winding way,

It is our Father's will.

To lead us home by the zigzag path

To break the force of the hill.

Travel the road He points out to you!

Read: Deut.8:1-5


Day 10


Along highways most of us have seen the sign "HURRY KILLS' at one time or another. This sign is really saying, " Slow down and live!"

Indeed, we are so much in a hurry. Our friends may pass along the street and say, " Say! What’s the hurry". Where are you going ? Where is the fire?

Sometime ago Psalm 23:2 became very precious to me. "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures". There are times when a Christian needs to lie still, like the earth under the spring rain, letting the lesson of experience and the memories of the Word of God sink down to the very roots of his life and fill the deep reservoirs of his soul. Those are not always lost days when hands are not busy, any more than rainy days in summer are lost because they keep the farmer indoors.

The Good Shepherd makes us to lie down in green pastures.

There are times when men say they are too busy to stop; when they think they are doing God's service by going on. Now and then God makes such a one to "lie down". We have been driving through the pastures so fast that we have not noticed how green they were, and God doesn't mean us to lose all that and so He makes us to "lie down".

Many a man has had to thank God for some such enforced season of rest in which he first learned to meditate on the Word and to wait upon the Lord. You see, the soul cannot be hurried.

God is not in a hurry, The work He chose for you can wait, if He is giving you another task to do. Or if He calls you from your work to quietness and rest, Be sure that in the silence, You may do His bidding best.

Remember the hymn:

Not so in haste, my heart

Have faith in God and wait;

Although He lingers long,

He never comes too late.

He knoweth what is best;

Vex not thyself in vain,

Until He cometh rest.


He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.


Read: Psalm 23


Day 11



If radio's slim finger can pluck a melody From night, and toss it

Over a continent or sea;

If the petaled white notes of a violin

Are blown across a mountain or city's din;

If songs, like crimson roses,

Are culled from thin blue air-

Why should mortals wonder

If God answers prayer?


From the well known account of feeding the five thousand, I quote part of Matthew 14:19. "And looking up toward heaven He blessed the food and gave it to them."


Stonewall Jackson was once asked what he meant when he used the expression," Instant in prayer." "I will give you" he said, " my idea of it for illustration, if you will allow it, and not think that I am setting myself up as a model for others." On being assured that there would be no misjudgment, he went on to say: " I have so fixed the habit in my mind, that I never raise a glass of water to my lips without a moment's asking of God's blessing. I never seal a letter without putting a word of prayer under the seal. I never change my classes without a minutes petition on the students who go out and those who come in."

" And don't you sometimes forget this?" the inquirer asked.

To which Stonewall Jackson replied, "I think I can say that I scarcely do; the habit has become almost as fixed as breathing.

I think that is beautiful! Instant prayer--prayer fixed as breathing.

Frequently, in the gospels we are told that Jesus looked heavenward. It was as though the Master were always looking up for His Father's smile, direction and benediction; so that He could be assured that what He was engaged in was in the line of His Father's purpose, and that He might gain needed power to act and wisdom to speak.


And isn't this the way that we shall meet the needs of those around us ? Our little bit will not avail (five loaves and two fishes) for so great a crowd, but if we bring them to Him, and place them in His hands, and look up to heaven for His help, we shall be able to give and give again.

This habit can only be maintained by those who are in continual fellowship with Him.

E.M.Bounds has written: Prayer to God the noblest exercise the highest effort of man, would that prayer be fixed as breathing in our lives.



Psalm 55: 16-17.


Day 12




Have you ever heard the statement? "IF ONLY"!!

If only my circumstances and my environment were different; if only so and so were easier to live with; if only I had the opportunities, the advantages that other people have; if only that insurmountable difficulty, that sorrow, that trouble could be moved out of my life; then how different I should be.

If only! this seems to have been the feeling and attitude of Martha in John's gospel chapter eleven. The account of the dying and resurrection of Lazarus brings us to what Martha said. Master, if only you had been here my brother would not have died.


If you'd only been here!

Paul harbored these thoughts as well. He wanted the thorn in the flesh to be removed and yet it was allowed to remain.

A certain gentleman had a garden which might have been very beautiful had it not been for a huge boulder which reached deep under the soil. He tried to blast it with dynamite, but in the attempt only shattered the windows of his home. Being self-willed he used one harsh method after another without success. After his death, the heir also perceived the hopelessness of trying to budge the boulder, set to work to convert it into a rocky garden which he covered with flowers, ferns and vines. Visitors to the garden commented on its unsurpassed beauty. The owner could never quite decide which gave him the greater happiness: the harmonious aspect of his garden, or the success in adapting himself to the thing that was too deep to move. So the unsightly boulder which could not be removed, proved to be the most valuable asset in the garden when dealt with by one who knew how to turn its defects into a thing of beauty.

God often plants His flowers among rough rocky places. With Paul, we remember God said,  "My grace is sufficient for you."


In that insurmountable difficulty, that sorrow, that trouble, God is sufficient. Draw upon the resources of heaven each day.


Take into this day the thoughts of 2Cor.12:9-10. "I am with you; that is all you need. My power shows up best in weak people. The hardships and difficulties need not to be removed. The more I depend on HIM!



Romans 8:28-29


Day 13


Try and find the minor prophet Habakkuk.

How irrational it seems: Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Saviour. How irrational it seems!

When all goes well we can understand that we can be joyful. Have we not had some complaint in adverse circumstances. We would have great respect for the man who did not complain. Lets bring this closer to home and translate what Habakkuk said into current experience.


Instead of flocks and herds, use profits; instead of figs and olives, read credit balances; for farming and its terms use business and its terms; for the Chaldean invasion (the nation coming against Israel) [Hab.3:16] use the economic blizzard that is sweeping our world and then see where you stand.

Now you could read:


Although there shall be no balances and securities, and all dividends shall be passed, and though I be reduced to utter poverty, yet will I rejoice in the Lord. You say that’s impossible! Yes, apart from the Lord to help us we could not do it. Life can not be a solo affair. I need Another! It’s a duet.

If life were a solo, it would mean a tragic breakdown. A duet means harmony, namely life linked to the Lord to His purposes and His power. Having Jesus you have everything. Having God in your life you loose nothing.

We are indeed a pilgrim people. As such we look up. The road may be dusty; the journey may be long, look up. Look up in early morning when the sun comes over the horizon out of the shadows of the night.


Look up at noon when the resting spot is still ahead. Look up when you see the evening star. Listen, inner peace comes by trusting God in every experience. Looking to God in times of trouble doesn't guarantee a change of circumstances, but finding answers in them does bring inner freedom and rest.

The minor prophet found his strength where we should find our strength. He says,"The Sovereign Lord is my strength; He makes my feet like the feet of the deer, He enables me to go on the heights.


We have the resources of heaven for all our circumstances.



Habakkuk 3:17-19


Day 14


There are days when we ask,"Is life worth living?" The response to that may vary. Ask the doctor and he'll say, "That depends on the liver." Ask the economist and he might say," That depends on the living and the social conditions around us." Ask the Christian and he will say, "That depends on the life."

Let me say this, "Every man needs something in which he can invest his life."


The apostle Paul comes with the word, "For me to live is Christ" Phil.1:21.


To live is Christ! Christ makes life worth living!


Christ makes life worth living because:

1. He gives you a conscience you can live with. Into conscience must be put the content of the mind of Christ or its an incompetent conscience. The mind of Christ is in the Word of God.

2. He gives you a creed you can live by. Oliver Wendall Holmes said," It is faith in something that makes life worth living."


3. He gives you a cause to live for. Wm. Sangster, the Methodist minister said, "I am not satisfied to live, I want something to live for."


4. He gives you a company you can live with. The best company in the world is the Church of Christ. To belong to the company of believers is a great experience. In Christ there is a bond that binds us together.


5. He gives you a consummation you can live toward. Wm. Penn said one day," The true end of life is to know the life that never ends. "Life is in a Person. That Person is Jesus Christ. He said,"I am the way, the truth and the life. In Him was life and the life was the light of men. He wants to live in your life. Ultimately, no life is worth living which is not rightly related to God through faith in Jesus Christ.

Life is a journey to be taken but once! We are in this life to prepare for the next. The true end of life is to know the life that never ends. Take these thoughts into your life today.



John 14:1-6


Day 15




It may be that you have heard or even sung the chorus,"Got any rivers you think are uncrossable, Got any mountains you cannot tunnel through, God specializes in things thought impossible, And He can do what no other power can do.

In Isaiah 49:11 God says as He speaks of restoring Israel, "I will turn all my mountains into roads and My highways will be raised up."God is preparing a way! Isn't this what He is always doing?"

Mountains suggest difficulties. These mountains of difficulties may well be His stepping stones. Do not try to tunnel under them, nor squeeze through them, nor run away from them. Difficulties may bring you to the promises of God. He would have you become strong in your faith. You can trust God anytime and anywhere. You can even trust Him in the dark. We are safer with Him in the dark than without Him in the sunshine. At the end of every gloomy passage beams the heavenly light. At the end of the road we may discover that the richest and the most profitable experiences were gained in the very road from which we shrank in dread. God goes before.


Remember, I will turn all my mountains into roads. Tunnels must be travelled to get there. Be patient! The tunnel is not your abiding home. The tunnel is never on a siding, it is planned to lead somewhere.

Often darkness fills the pathway of the pilgrims onward track, And we shrink from going forward-trembling, feel like going back:


But the Lord, who plans so wisely,

Leads us on both day and night,

Till at last in silent wonder,

We rejoice in Wisdom's light.

Though the tunnel may be tedious

Through the narrow, darkened way,

Yet it amply serves its purpose,

Soon it brings the light of day:

And the way so greatly dreaded,

As we backward take a glance,

Shows the skill of careful planning:

Never the result of chance!

Is your present path a tunnel,

Does the darkness bring you fear?

To the upright,

Oh, remember,

He doth cause a light to cheer.

Press on bravely, resting calmly,

Though a way you dimly see,

Till, at length, so safely guided,

You emerge triumphantly.

Trust the Engineer Eternal,

Surely all His works are right,

Though we cannot always trace them,

Faith will turn at last to sight:

Then no more the deepening shadows

Of the dark and dismal way,

There forever in clear sunlight,

We'll enjoy the perfect day.

We need to trust Him even when

We cannot trace Him!



Prov 3:5-6


Day 16



Read: Matt. 6:16-18; 9:14-20

What! Nothing to eat today! Why?

With the stricter Jews fasting was a regular practice. In their religion there was only one day in all the year that was a compulsory fast, and that was the day of Atonement. [Lev.16] The stricter Jews fasted on two days every week, on Mondays and on Thursdays. It is to be noted that fasting was not as serious as it sounds, for it lasted from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. and after that normal food could be eaten.

There are very good reasons why a man might fast. He might deny himself the things he liked for his comfort for the sake of discipline; to be certain that he was the master of them and they not of him; to make sure that he never grew to love them so well that he could not give them up. He might deny himself his comforts and his pleasant things, that, after self-denial, he might appreciate them all the more. One of the best ways to learn to value our homes is to have to stay away from home for a time, and one of the best ways to appreciate God's gifts is to do without them for a time. These are good reasons for fasting.

Fasting is not to call attention to our own goodness. It is not for self-display. It is not to call the attention of God to our piety. To be of value, fasting must not be the result of ritual. It must be the expression of a feeling in the heart. It must not be mere convention, but a genuine way of expressing a need of the heart.

Christ came with a new message, a message of light and life. The disciples were enjoying His company when the question arose,"How is it that we and the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast?"


The answer Jesus gave was,"The time will come when the Bridegroom will be taken from them; then they will fast."

The discovery of Christ and the company of Christ is the key to happiness. Fasting has significance if it brings me closer to Him. I will fast only if this fosters my spiritual well being. This need not come in the form of legislation, but mutual agreement. Paul gives the examples of fasting taking place in a marriage relationship. [ 1Cor.7:5] and a special need within the ministry of the church.[Acts 14:23] It must be a spiritual means to a spiritual end; a means by which the Spirit may control the body, so as to fashion it into its noblest purpose- in some sense the likeness of Christ and service for Him. An observance is only acceptable when it is the natural outcome of the life of him or her who offers it. There is no telling what the Lord will do for you if you fast," to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret. [Matt.6:18]

Could you make a day meaningful in your life?


Day 17




Prayer to God the noblest exercise, the highest effort of man, would to God we did more prayerful praying. These are the words of E.M.Bounds. God commits Himself into the hands of those who pray.


Today we want to remember four little words, the words of Jesus,"Enter into your closet".


Apostolic men, saintly men and women, heroic servants of God have prayed without ceasing. If Francis of Assisi knew how to do battle among men, it was because he loved to pray. John Welsh spent eight hours out of the twenty-four in communion with God, therefore he was equipped and armed and dared to suffer. David Brainard rode through the American woods praying and so fulfilled his ministry in a short time. John Wesley came out from seclusion {out of the closet} to change the face of England. Andrew Bonar did not miss the mercy seat and his fellowship with heaven, and that made him a winsome Christian. Adoniram Judson won Burma for Christ through unwearied prayer. May I say it again,"God commits Himself into the hands of those who truly pray."


I am sure we can say, such was the habit of those who wrought nobly for God. Prayer to God the noblest exercise, the highest effort of man. If we are to attempt and achieve great things for God we must pray. Enter into your closet wherever that may be and there wait upon God. For Moses it was in the silent desert. In solitude serene he kept his vigil. Paul, the fiery warrior of the Cross of Christ, in the desert under Arabian skies, learned the lessons God had in mind for him. What about David, the hills and the desert became his sanctuary. There his heart sought fellowship with God as many of the Psalms indicate.

Enter into your closet, you are not alone. God is there! Seek His face in prayer. Just to be there in His presence is prayer.

Is it fair to ask," What do you believe about prayer? Answer that in your own heart.



Matthew 6:5.


Day 18



Some interesting thoughts flood our minds from the pen of the minor prophet Micah. [Micah 5:4]

Three things from verse four that will make ours hearts rejoice! What majesty, what tenderness and what strength is HIS!


1. What majesty! It says here "He will stand." He will stand amid all the swirling waves of change, the shifting quicksands of time and the drifting clouds of revolution. He will stand unchangeable and unmovable. He will stand with His flock which He gathers around Him out of the storm and tempest. The majesty that mantles Him is the majesty of the Name of Jehovah, the glory that He had with the Father before the world began.


2. What tenderness! It says here,"He shall feed His flock"; He will shepherd His sheep. Isaiah the prophet says," and gathers the lambs in His arms." He is the Prince of peace. He makes peace. He does His work calmly and tenderly. He laid the foundation of peace by yielding His life to the death of the cross without resistance or complaint.


3. What strength! What strength is His! He shall stand to feed His flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord, His God. Strong with the original strength of Deity. Strong with the acquired strength of perfect obedience. Strong with strength that comes from prevailing over His foes.


My friend, His strength is ours. He loves us. He bears the infirmities of the weak. He does not seek His own. This ONE is our peace. He made peace through the blood of His cross. He is the Prince of Peace to loyal and loving hearts. He pours into our heart His peace, a peace which the world cannot give nor take away.

What majesty! What tenderness! What strength! He stands and He feeds His flock. Are you one of His sheep?



Micah 5:2-5 

Isa 40:10-11


Day 19



A tool chest is always a fascinating thing. Today there are tools that are very versatile. They can do more than one thing. They are designed for a number of accomplishments. There are tools for all sorts of things. Tools for carpenters, tools for mechanics, tools for electricians are among some we could name.


Did you know there was a tool chest in the Bible? I have always enjoyed the tool chest mentioned in 1Cor.1:26-29. I like to think of the tools God chooses. To list a few I notice not many influential are chosen; not many powerful, not many of high and noble birth are chosen. Did you notice the selection? God chose the foolish to put the wise to shame. God chose the insignificant, the things that are nothing that He might bring to nothing the things that are.


Do you know why? So that no man could have pretense for glorying and boasting in His presence. The thing is this, we must not be faint-hearted because we are consciously poor tools or instruments. The main question is the mastery of Him who uses the instruments.

Once Paganini, standing before a vast audience, broke string after string on his violin. People had come to hear his greatest sonata. All hope of continuing his performance seemed to be destroyed. Then the artist held up his violin: One string and Paganini, and on that one string he made the first complete manifestation of his greatness. It would be a poor violin, out of which Paganini could not bring music.


It is said that Gainsborough, the artist, longed also to be a musician. He bought instruments of many kinds and tried to play them. He was charmed one day by a great violinist that he bought the instrument. He thought that if he had the instrument he could play too. He soon learned that the music was not in the violin, but in the master who played it.

So do not be discouraged because you have so little ability you can call your own. Think of God's tool chest. think of yourself as an instrument in God's hand. Think! "One talent and God". Greatness is not required. Be encouraged! Be available!





Day 20



Deep indeed is the world's debt to people who would not quit.

Suppose Magellan had not sailed. Having said that, can't you hear the words, "Sail on, Sail on."

Suppose Anne Sulivan, discouraged , had lost hope for Helen Keller. I am sure these names bring back memories of great achievements. Suppose Louis Pasteur, searching for a cure for rabies had not said to his weary helpers, "Keep on". The important thing is not to leave the project.


One day Jesus said,"No man, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God."

Perhaps a prayer leaps into your mind. Keep me from turning back. Out there in the real life many a race is lost at the last lap. Many a ship is washed on the reefs outside the final port. Many a battle is lost on the last charge. You want to pray again,

"Lord keep me from turning back."


What hope have we of completing the course upon which we have embarked. What hope do we have? The hope we have is that He is able to keep us. We must be willing to stand with Him, be willing to trust Him. Do not quit or be a quitter.


Remember! There was something that you were trying to do, the winning of a friend, the restoration of a prodigal, the salvation of a Sunday School class. For a long time you held that purpose persistently in mind, and you gave yourself to earnest and diligent endeavor. You persevered in spite of obstacles. Your were patient under temptation to impatience. You refused to be discouraged though reasons for discouragement were many and obvious.


But there came no results from your efforts and at last you gave up the struggle. Suppose that some day, when it is all too late, you should come to know that when you quit the work you were just on the verge of accomplishments--could you forgive yourself for quitting?


There is always, and for all of us, the danger of stopping too soon. Lets bring in Paul who wrote, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for in the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Gal.6:9.

Deep indeed is the world's debt to people who would not quit!



Gal. 6:1-10 

Luke 9:57-62


Day 21


We are living in a day when we are constantly asking, "What are your priorities?" What are the things that we should pursue first? What are some of the things that should be paramount? Some answers come from reading good authors. Some answers come from being exposed to people with high standards. I believe there is room to learn from each other.


As a believer I began to see that my first primary priority was to attend to my soul, to have my soul happy in the Lord. I will confess that usually my concern was to serve the Lord in the church, to see how I might set the Word of God before them, how I might benefit them. I began to see that my own soul needed nourishment. I needed to feed my own soul, to have my soul happy in the Lord. I saw that the most important thing was to give myself to the Word of God and to meditate on it. This is how my heart was encouraged, comforted, warmed and instructed. Food for my soul!


My heart desired to be brought into communion with the Lord.

Psalm 119:162 became very real to me. "I rejoice at thy word, as one that finds great spoil." Food for my soul!


My meditation invariably turned to thanksgiving and intercession. But still continually keeping before me the fact that food for my own soul was the object of my meditation.

There were times when my mind would wander, but gradually being nourished by the truth of God's word I was brought into fellowship as with a Friend. A Friend that you can talk too. A Friend who sticks closer that a brother. Begin to relish in the things of Gods word. Food for your soul, that’s the secret!


Find the source of your peace in reading

Psalm 119:161-168.


Day 22


The life of Joseph has always filled my life with intrigue. From the coat of many colours, to the courage of meeting with his brothers and the consultation with his brothers, this has thrilled me more than once. I love the story of Joseph!

What I really enjoy is the way he made himself known to his brothers. In Gen.45:1 we read, "So there was no man with Joseph when he made himself known to his brothers."  There are feelings and experiences too tender and too sacred for the public gaze. Joseph could not reveal himself to his brothers in the presence of Egyptian attendants. Have everyone leave my presence is the word. No one was allowed to inter-meddle with the demonstration of Joseph's love. A person can hardly stop reading the account in Gen.45. What a moment when he said,"I am Joseph, Is my father still living? Come close to me, I am your brother Joseph, whom you sold into Egypt. God sent me ahead of you to preserve your lives."


So there was no one with Joseph when he made himself known to his brothers. Let me make an application.

This is also true with Christ revealing Himself to us. Not in the busy market place, not in the social circle, not even in a crowded church service do we come into a close touch with Jesus Christ. In the hour of silent communion, when the door is shut; when the world is excluded; in the hush of silence there comes the fullest expression of His love and grace. It is then that we see with the clearest vision the glory of our Lord and Saviour. We hear most distinctly that still small voice that enriches our lives. Some one has said," No public feast with Him can compensate for the loss of the private interview."


Look at Matt.6:6. Make time to be alone with God! It was Robert Murray McCheyne who said," A calm hour with God is worth a whole lifetime with man."

I met God in the morning,

When the day was at its best;

And His presence came like sunrise

With a glory in my breast.

All day long the presence lingered,

All day long He stayed with me;

And we sailed in perfect calmness

O'er a very troubled sea.

So I think I know the secret,

Learned from many a trouble way :

You must meet HIM in the morning,

If you want HIM through the day!


"No public feast with HIM can compensate for the loss of the private interview.



Gen. 45:1-28


Day 23


A parable from nature! The subject of waste is most familiar. We are indeed a wasteful people. Even in Christ's day the disciples were disturbed when in the home of Simon a woman broke the bottle of costly perfume and poured it over His head. Some of the disciples said, "Why this waste?" Mark 14:4.

There is nothing that seems so strange than the waste of nature. The showers fall and sink into the ground and seem to be lost. The rain comes down from the sky and doesn't return; the earth absorbs it and the rivers run into the sea. All this seems like waste. Is it?

Someone has represented in a sort of poetic parable a little rain drop trembling in the air and questioning the Creator whether it should fall upon the earth or still linger in the beautiful cloud.


"Why should I be lost and buried in the dirty soil? Why should I disappear in the dark mud, when I may glisten like a diamond or shine like an emerald in the rainbow?." "Yes, the Creator agreed, but if you fall into the earth you will come forth with a better resurrection in the petal of a flower, in the fragrance of the rose, in the hanging cluster of the vine."

So at last the timid rain drop drops one tear of regret and disappears beneath the soil. It is speedily drunk by the parched ground; it has gone out of sight apparently out of existence. But wait! The root of yonder lily drinks in the moisture; the rose absorbs its refreshing draught; the far reaching rootlet of the vine has found a source of life. In a little while that raindrop comes forth in the blossom of the lily, in the perfume of the rose, in the purple cluster of the vine, and it meets once more the Creator and answers back its glad acknowledgement. "Yes, I died, but I have risen, and now live in a higher ministry, in a larger life."

Why shouldn't we pour out our love like a rush of a river wasting its waters as it moves on? Why shouldn't we scatter our lives like the showers of summer? Why this waste? Jesus said, "Let her alone; why do you bother her? She has done a good deed. She has done what she could; This shall be spoken of in memory of her."


The hymn writer has written:" Let me lose my life and find it Lord in Thee".



Mark 14:1-9


Day 24


Are you a bird watcher? Then this is for you. I suppose Moses had time to watch the birds during the time he was in the wilderness looking after sheep. I am not surprised that his messages were filled with illustrations from nature. Perhaps the Lord arranged this display one day to enrich his ministry and to give him lessons to learn.

"As an eagle stirreth up her the Lord." Deut.32:11.


The habits of eagles provide real interest. The destruction of a nest is a prelude to lessons in flying. The offspring must prepare for the future. They must learn to fly. Unless they are pushed over the precipice they will never have the courage to go it alone.

1. How strange are the ways of God! Sometimes through misfortune, through unfavourable circumstances God is teaching us lessons we need to learn.

2. How watchful are the ways of God! As an eagle fluttereth over her the Lord. Ruthlessly the mother bird pushes her chick over the edge of the precipice. Watching every move, she hovers over the falling eaglet, ready instantly to rescue should danger threaten. God is never far from His children. Wisdom and affection are manifest in every action. The hymn writer says, Standing somewhere in the shadows you'll find Jesus."

3. How careful are the ways of God! As the eagle spreadeth abroad her the Lord. Frantically the falling eaglet tries to arrest the downward rush, its wings thrashing the air. The mother bird follows and at the right moment her broad wings spread out to form an airial landing-stage for her chick. Amid the dangers of life the faithfulness of God remains unchanging.

4. How reliable are the ways of God! The dependability of God is beyond question. Happy are the people who trust in His care.

5. How capable are the ways of God! As an eagle beareth them on her the Lord. The youngster was carried to safety up into the heights only to be thrown into mid-air again. Slowly but surely the eaglet would learn to fly. In the Christian life we were meant to fly. Its life on the wing! The highest life comes from the disciplines of God. May we be mindful of His presence today!

As the eagle the Lord! How strange, how watchful, how careful, how reliable and how capable are the ways of God.


Read :

Deut. 32:1-12a


Day 25



 "The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands upon thousands, Psalm 68:17." This reminds me of another verse in Psalm 104:3," He makes the clouds His chariot."


Rehearsing a bit of Israel's history the minor prophet wrote,"He rode before {the Red Sea experience} upon chariots of victory and deliverance." Hab.3:8.


The chariots of victory! Many times they do not look like chariots of victory. They look instead like enemies, sufferings, trials, defeats, misunderstandings, disappointments, unkindness's; these come to roll over us and crush us.

They are chariots! Circumstances in which we may rise to heights of victory, for which we have been longing and praying. The circumstances of life are the opportunities. God's chariots are controlled by spiritual forces and they triumph over all hindrances. Our spiritual eyes may not always see them, but they are all around us.


Remember, how Elisha's servant saw the mountains full of horses and chariots after his eyes were opened? [2 Kings 6:17] Elisha's prayer was, "Lord his eyes that he may see."


What about you and me! If our eyes were open today we would see our homes, our places of business, our streets filled with the chariots of God. God's protection! God's watch-care! There may be that unhappy relationship in your home. It may be just that kind of relationship that will bring to you heavenly patience.


It’s the daily happenings of life, the misunderstanding, the unkindness's, the disappointments, the losses; these are the conflicts leading you to victory in your life. James 1:2-4,12. Somewhere in the trial His will must be hidden; and you want to accept His will and hide yourself in His loving care.


In this way you will find yourself riding with God in a way you never thought you could. Words can not express the glorious places to which your soul will rise and be encouraged. Travel with God!


God moves in a mysterious way

His wonders to perform;

He plants His footsteps in the sea,

And rides upon the storm.

He makes the clouds His chariot

And rides on the wings of the wind.


Psalm 104:3. Learn to live in His presence every day!


Read: Psalm 104.


Day 26


You are God's opportunity in your day! "Everywhere I send you, you shall go" were God's words to a young prophet called Jeremiah. Jer.1:7.

Have you ever heard of Stradivarius? Stradivarius was the famous old violin maker, whose violins, nearly two centuries old, are almost worth their weight in gold today. Stradivari once said,"If my hand slacked, I should rob God, since He is fullest good, leaving a blank instead of violins.


He could not make Antonio Stradivari's violins without Antonio."

You are God's opportunity in your day. He has waited for a person just like you. There is no one just like you. If you refuse Him, then God loses His opportunity which He sought through you, and He will never have another for there will never be another person on earth just like you. You are God's opportunity in your day. Bring to God your gift, He'll not need to call another, you will do; He will add His blessing to it; and the two of you will do it; God and you. We need to get clear into the purposes of God and let Him use us as His instruments. I believe He wants to use you; He wants to use me. I desire with Paul to be a vessel unto honour. Like the violin in the hands of Stradivari.


The violin in the hands of the Master.

Twas battered and scarred,

And the auctioneer

Thought it scarcely worth his while

To waste much time on the old violin,

But held it up with a smile.

"What am I bid, good folk," he cried, " Who'll start bidding for me?

A dollar, a dollar- now two, only two-

Two dollars, and who'll make it three? Three dollars once, three dollars twice, going for three"-but no!

From the room far back a gray-haired man Came forward and picked up the bow;

Then wiping the dust from the old violin, And tightening up the strings,

He played a melody, pure and sweet,

As sweet as an angel sings.

The music ceased and the auctioneer,

With a voice that was quiet and low,

Said," What am I bid for the old violin?"

And he held it up with the bow.

"A thousand dollars-

And who'll make it two?

Two thousand- and who'll make it three? Three thousand once,

And three thousand twice-

And going- and gone," said he.

The people cheered,

But some of them cried,

"We do not quite understand--

What changed its worth?"

The man replied,

"The touch of the master's hand.

"And many a man with life out of tune,

And battered and torn with sin,

Is auctioned cheap

To the thoughtless crowd,

Much like the old violin.

A "mess of pottage," a glass of wine,

A game-- and he travels on,

He's going once, and going twice,

He's going --and almost gone!

But the Master comes,

And the foolish crowd

Never can quite understand

The worth of a soul,

And the change that's wrought

By the touch of the Master's hand.


2 Cor.5:17

Eph. 2:10


Day 27


Billboards along our highways have read, "HURRY KILLS.'Slow down and live!


Other slogans have surfaced to lesson the pace of life. One of the more drastic expressions was, "This rat race."


Everybody is in a hurry! Is it fair to ask,"Is it really worth while all this ceaseless chase?" Does it pay? Why this hurry which has become a part of our life-style? Must we be forever driven like a herd in a stampede? Is there no escape from this feverish haste that is manifest in all walks of life?

Lets pause! Is it possible for a believer to make his active life restful? All of us know the words of Psalm 23." He leads me beside quiet waters"{waters of quietness}.


This is the promise of the Good Shepherd. I believe that you can carry the atmosphere of quietness into the work-place. This hurried life is not what the Shepherd intended. We run ahead of our Shepherd instead of letting Him lead us beside quiet waters. We need to follow the Shepherd at the rate He prescribes. Our hurried lives would take on dignity and deeper worth if we stayed in step with the Good Shepherd.

Many great men and women in and out of the Bible have known times of silence and rest. A time of being alone with God!


Abraham was alone with God. Moses was in the quietness and stillness of the desert. Much of their training was in the school of silence. " It takes time to be spiritual; it doesn't happen." That is a good sentence sermon.

Some of us smile at the things we've read. In the deep jungles of Africa, a traveller was making a long trek. Coolies had been engaged from a tribe to carry the baggage. The first day they walked rapidly and went far. The traveller had high hopes of a speedy journey. The second morning these jungle tribesmen refused to move. For some strange reason they just sat and rested. On inquiry as to the reason for this strange behaviour, the traveller was informed that they had gone too fast the first day, and they were now waiting for their souls to catch up with their bodies.

I believe this whirling rushing life needs a balance. If we were more docile {disposed to be taught} we should be more restful.


Lets learn what it means to rest! Lets learn to follow the Shepherd.

He leads me beside quiet {still} waters,

He restores my soul.

Make the Shepherd psalm yours today!

The green pastures, the quiet waters are for you!



Psalm 23

Isa. 26:3


Day 28


Waiting is difficult! None of us really like to wait. We are always in a hurry. To be delayed drives us up the wall. Oh, we hear the phrase," Patience is a virtue, but who has patience." Sometimes we are and act like children. We want it now whatever it is-" I just can't wait."

We are so quick to think that delayed answer to prayer means that prayer is not going to be answered. Dr. Stuart Holden has said, "Many a time we pray and are prone to interpret God's silence as a denial of our petitions; whereas in truth, He only defers their fulfilment until such time as we ourselves are ready to cooperate to the full in His purposes. Prayer registered in heaven is prayer dealt with, although the answer still tarries."

The account of the raising of Lazarus brings some of this to mind. Jesus loved Martha and Mary and Lazarus. When He heard that Lazarus was ill, He stayed two days longer in the place where He was. He simply delayed His visit to their home. We also read, "See how He loved him!" He loved, yet lingered. There is the discipline of delay. Faith is trained to its supreme mission under the discipline of patience. The man who can wait God's time, knowing that He edits his prayer in wisdom and affection, will always discover that He never comes to man's aid one minute too soon or too late. God's delay in answering the prayer of our longing heart is the most loving thing God can do. He may be waiting for us to come closer to Him, fall at His feet and abide there in trustful submission. He wants us to have the greater blessing in His time.


The poet writes and says," O wait, impatient heart, as winter waits the spring."


It is said that it takes years for the aloe to blossom, but every hour is needed to produce the delicate texture and the resplendent beauty of the flower.

God never hastens, and He never tarries!

Not so in haste , my heart! Have faith in God and wait: Although He lingers long He never comes too late. Until He cometh, rest, Nor grudge the hours that roll, The feet that wait for God are soonest at the goal. Are soonest at the goal that is not gained by speed. Then hold thee still, my heart, For I shall wait His lead. {The words of a hymn}

Keep on watching, waiting and praying! He loves you, yet He lingers! God's delay in answering the prayer of our longing heart is the most loving thing God can do.



Luke 11:1-7

Luke 11: 32-36.


Day 29


The " Pause that refreshes" has become a way of life for many people. I am not so sure about the pause that refreshes in the dimension that I want to share. "Rest pauses" contribute to the finer music of life.


Do we really become quiet? Quiet hearts are as rare as radium. We need to be led daily by the Divine Shepherd into green pastures and beside quiet waters.


The pause that refreshes! We are losing the art of meditation. Jesus, Himself withdrew into a desert or mountain side to pray and to be with His Father. Inner preparation is necessary to outer service. For this we have the example of our Lord.

We have yet to learn the power of silence. Not in the college or academy, but in the silence of the soul, do we learn the greater lessons of life and become rooted in spiritual inwardness.


The geologist says that certain crystals can only come to their perfect form in stillness. In the undistracted moment men and women are in touch with God and things eternal. The strenuousness of life and the increasing distractions of the world demand a time of silence and the quiet hour. All of us need a lift for living!

" Come away to some lonely spot and get a little rest" are words of the Master. Our Maker knew the importance of rest and the quiet hour. I hope that we find that spot every day. Discover the fellowship of silence. In such moments good things begin to happen in our lives. In every life there is a pause that is better than the onward rush. To stand still is better than hewing and stewing and doing. There is a hush that is better than a lot of chatter. Being still is better than sighing or crying.

God's good word to every heart is, "Be still and know that I am God." God desires to work in your life. The pause and the hush are there for a purpose, like a rest in a measure of music. Be silent and let Him mold your life. Take your Bible today and take a break.



Excerpts from Springs in the Valley

by Lettie Cowman


Psalm 62:1-8.


Day 30



There is a secret in the Bible that all of us need to learn. I know that I will keep on learning the secret as the days of the year come to me.

The secret of living one day at a time.


In Matthew 6:34 Jesus said,"Do not be over-anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own cares. Enough for each day are its own troubles".


Some of you will remember the devotional book,"Springs in the Valley" by Mrs. Charles Cowman. Her words on this subject have been a great blessing to me and I have shared them often.


She wrote,"There are two golden days in the week upon which and about which I never worry. Two care-free days kept sacredly free from fear and apprehension. One of these days is yesterday; yesterday with all its cares and frets, all its aches and pains, all its faults and failures and mistakes has passed forever beyond my recall. I cannot undo an act that I did nor unsay a word that I said. All that it holds of my life of wrong, regret and sorrow is in the hands of the Mighty Love. Oh, there are a few memories sweet and tender. They linger like the perfume of roses but I have nothing to do with yesterday. It was mine. It is Gods".

The other day that I do not worry about is tomorrow, tomorrow with all its possible adversities, its burdens, its perils, its large promises and poor performances, its failures and mistakes is as far beyond my mastery as its dead sister yesterday.


Tomorrow is God's day. It may be mine.

There is left for me then but one day in the week--TODAY.


Mrs. Cowman says,"Any man can fight the battles of today. Any woman carry the burdens of just one day. Any man can resist the temptations of today. My friend, its when we wilfully add the burdens of those two awful eternities-yesterday and tomorrow-that’s when we break down. You see, it’s the remorse for something that happened yesterday and the dread of what may happen tomorrow, that is when we break down. Its just too much".

Yesterday and tomorrow are God's days leave them with Him. So I think and I do and I journey one day at a time. That’s today! Today I run my course and work at my appointed task. God takes care of yesterday and tomorrow. Tomorrow is God's secret. Today is mine to live.


The Bible says,"As your days so shall your strength be. Live by the day!



Matthew 6:25-34


Day 31


All of us enjoy the account of Luke 24:13-35. Two men walking the Emmaus road are saddened by their Masters death. Another overtakes them as they walk. A stranger falls in step with them and joins them in conversation. They earnestly talk of what’s on their heart and their hearts are strangely warmed. When they reach Emmaus they want the stranger to stay and share their simple fare. As He breaks the bread they know, they know it’s the Lord.


Let me emphasize verse 15. "Jesus Himself drew near and went with them".


Jesus Himself came up and walked with them. I am wondering if we have the desire in our hearts that He might overtake us in the path of life. Along our way of sorrow we would like His radiant light to shine and when the load is heavy that He might come to warm the heart and ease the load. That He might walk with us along our Emmaus road, sometimes the lonely road.

Jesus never sends a man ahead alone. He clears the way and then softly calls,"Follow Me".


Lets go on together, you and I. He knows it well, the valley road of disappointment, the steep path of temptation, down through the rocky ravines and slippery gullies. He knows the narrow path of pain and the path that leads to victory. He knows the common-place daily routine. He knows each road. He will walk with us in every day paths. The only safe way to travel is with Him.


After a long trying march over the perilous Antarctic mountains and glaciers, a South Pole explorer said to one of his men," I had the curious feeling on the march that there was another Person with us." Another Person, He is ever there to walk with us, side by side with those who trust Him. Remember the song: "Place your hand in the hand of the Man of Galilee". He is a very present help in time of trouble. Jesus Himself drew near and went with them. He is with you today.



Luke 24:13-35


© 2021 A Lift for Living - Created by Cliff Kraeker using Wix

Hard Copy of Lift for Living was written in 1991 - now out of print

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