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Day 1




From time to time we are given the opportunity to vote for national political leaders. I trust you take your right to vote seriously. Christian citizenship includes some responsibility in this area. According to Romans 13:1-7 Paul is saying that the believers relationship to human government is as much a matter of divine revelation as his relationship to those in the Church.


Christians are to recognize the responsibilities and the rights of a nations leaders.

There are God-ward and Man-ward responsibilities. Human government derives its authority from God. Governments are appointed and approved by God.[Romans13:1-2] Governments may be weak or strong, just or oppressive, benevolent or cruel, but in each case God has His way and moves His own plan forward. The whole of Bible history is intended to reinforce this truth.

Governmental responsibilities are twofold: 1. To secure the nation against all forms of lawlessness. 2. To keep the nation financially solvent.


Speaking of national safety, you will notice they must protect the community and punish the criminal. So, we should not resort to civil disobedience! Speaking of national solvency, they need our taxes. So, we should not be alarmed about paying taxes. Governments must pay for officials and for public services. The Bible teaches that a nation's leaders have the right to our monetary support and our moral support. There is the allegiance to the principle of authority.

In 1 Timothy 2:1-4, Paul says we are to pray for all races of people, for all ranks of people and for all responsibilities of people.


As believers, as citizens, we need to help, to support and to pray for those who give leadership to our country.



Romans 13:1-7


Day 2




Life is certain, death is sure. Sin is the cause; Christ is the cure.

Death is still claiming a tremendous harvest. Most every newspaper, every news cast makes this very apparent. If a man dies, shall he live again? This is the general inquiry and often of inquiry unsatisfied. The question rings in every breast. Man's life is short! Are there any lessons from the brevity of human life that we can learn?


The Psalmist cries out,"So teach us to number our days, that we might apply our hearts unto wisdom." {Psalms 90:12}  Days lost cannot be recovered! A watchfulness over the moments saves the hours. Diligence prevents waste! The days are numbered!

No one has any time to lose. The true preparation for the life to come is to occupy this present one with careful and diligent fidelity.

It is difficult to determine the measure of light Job had on the question of the future life. If a man dies, will he live again? The satisfactory answer to this comes to us from the lips of our Saviour, and that is wholly and entirely satisfactory.


Christ's teachings all proceed on the assumption that there is a future life. His teachings are constantly supported by an appeal to the future conditions of reward and punishment. His own triumph over death is a great example!

The entire chapter of 1 Corinthians 15 deals with the gospel of the resurrection. Jesus is alive to carry out His purpose of grace in our hearts. The triumph comes through our Lord Jesus Christ! Through Him we shall conquer! His resurrection was the seal of the power of Calvary. He lives, and through Him we will live! Without Him our life would close in disaster and ruin.

While some friends were talking about death, one old lady said, "I am not looking for the undertaker, but for the uppertaker."


No man is prepared to live until he is prepared to die. Are you ready to die? Come to Christ- now is the day of salvation!



Job 14:1-17


Day 3




David never penned a more magnificent Psalm than the 139th. None of us could have written it! There is not one of us who does not willingly acknowledge the need of just such an experience. It was prompted by a desire for cleansing from sin that would be thorough and complete. We are looking at vv23-24.

Are you glad to know that God knows all about you? If the X-ray could go on and read and the camera record every uncharitable and unchristian and unclean thing about us we would want to get away as far as possible from this devise. Would we be willing to open the innermost part of our heart to the gaze of another person? At this point in David's life, he was set on being right with God. With God is always the remedy!

Two things emerge: One is the need of being searched. "The heart is deceitful and desperately wicked, who can understand it" says Jeremiah.{17:9}


Did you ever go on a tour of inspection with God? If you ever do, you will never forget the journey. He holds the searchlight! The all-revealing light uncovers a bit of pride, self ambition, jealousy, rebellion and impure thoughts. Are we like the mighty oak that fell in a storm because worms had eaten away on the inside until the tree was hollow. The application is apparent!

The second is the need for cleansing. For the tree that fell there was no salvation, but there is for you. With God is the remedy! For the one who prays this prayer it means cleansing. There is hope! The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin. The prayer includes guidance in a persons life. Lead me in the way everlasting. In all your ways acknowledge Him and he will direct your path. The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. {Psalm 37:23} It may be only one step at a time, but that is enough!

Are you willing to let God search your heart today? He knows you! You are before Him as an open book. Welcome the X-ray of God! With Him is the remedy!



Psalm 139


Day 4



For the wages of sin [is] death; but the gift of God [is] eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23)

SIN! Just a three letter word and yet within those three letters we have comprehended all the sorrow and grief of the world and the reason for all the suffering, pain, heartache, disease and death from the beginning of human history until now. As long as there is sin in the world there will be suffering and death. Sin is an extremely unpopular subject. We may try to make light of it and refer to it as human weakness. We may call it a trifle, when God calls it a tragedy. We may even seek to excuse ourselves of sin.


What does the Bible says about sin?

1. The thought of foolishness is sin Proverbs 24:9. It must be understood that God looks on the heart. He knows our every thought! Out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornication, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, pride and blasphemy. [Matthew15:19].


2. Sin is transgression of the law 1 John 3:4. Sin is missing the mark. Sin is falling short of the goal that God has set. God's goal is Jesus Christ! When we fail to follow His example we miss the mark and fall short of the Divine standard. [Romans 3:23] Whatsoever is not of faith is sin. [Romans 14:23] This cuts deep into our self-life.


3. Unbelief is sin! John 16:9. It is an insult to the truthfulness of God. "He that believeth not God has made Him liar" is the word of God. Unbelief shuts the door to heaven and opens it to hell. Unbelief rejects God's word and refuses Christ as Lord and Saviour. Unbelief causes men to turn a deaf ear to the gospel.

Let me just mention some characteristics of sin. Sin is not always a hideous thing in the eyes of men. It has its pleasures! Moses chose rather the afflictions of God's people than the pleasures of sin for a season. There may be present pleasure, jellyfish pleasure. The jellyfish is perhaps the most harmless looking of all inhabitants of the ocean. It is like the pleasure of sin, attractive in form but deadly in character. Small fish may delight for a moment in the sheltering folds of it's seemingly soft and tender tentacles, but in a little while it is paralyzed, captured and devoured. Jellyfish pleasures are swimming about in abundance in the sea of human life today. Avoid them as you would a monster jellyfish.

Sin is also deceitful. It is constantly promising but never fulfilling. Thank God, there is a remedy for sin in the person of His Son Jesus. The remedy is the shed blood of the Lord Jesus. The blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin 1 John 1:9.


1 John 1.


Day 5




Statistics of a survey covering a period of several years among bible and high school students from many parts of North America gave this startling fact; sixty five percent were moved to accept Christ through some form of fear. Those moved by love averaged only six percent. Others were moved by a desire for peace and joy. The influence of fear is powerful!

In many ways we do bow the knee to fear. We fear the laws of nature and obey them; the law of gravitation. We fear the danger of stepping off a high building. We fear in some measure the laws of the land. What do we do when we see that black and white car with flashing lights. Any fear that merely frightens and startles can have no lasting moral effect. Such fear breeds bondage! Only by the fear of the Lord do men depart from evil.

Paul's character sketch of the ungodly applies to our generation." There is no fear of God before their eyes." We are not afraid of God's judgement. And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. (Hebrews 9:27) Death does not end all! If death ended all there would be no judgement. Death is no respecter of persons. Death still reigns today! Every grave is a testimony to the truth of God's word.

Can we be prepared to do when dying that which we are not prepared to do while living? It is not what we feel or think or say so much as what we are that will determine what we will do in that hour. Those who trust in Jesus Christ now will have no difficulty then.


The question is a personal one,

"How will you do?" No one can do the dying for you. The question is an urgent one. Time is short! Life is uncertain! You may be nearer the brink than you think! The only wise thing to do is to yield yourself to the Lord Jesus Christ. You need not be afraid to die. Jesus died that you might live.

Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: (John 11:25) Trust in the Saviour and pass from death unto life! There is a prayer that a preacher prayed often," Help men and women, boys and girls to do now what they will be glad they did when they stand in Your presence."



John 11:25-26

1 John 5:12-13

Revelation 3:20.


Day 6




William Dixon was an infidel. He did not believe in God and if there was a God, he could not forgive Him; for just two years after they were married his wife and little boy died. This made him very bitter. He would not go to church and for ten years he hadn't.

About this time a stirring event took place in the village of Brackenthwaite. Old Peggy Winslows cottage caught fire and was burned to the ground. The poor old lady was pulled out of the fire, alive, although nearly suffocated by the smoke. At the same time, people standing around heard a child's pitiful voice. It was Dicky Winslow, Peggy's orphan grandchild whom no one had really cared for up until this time.

Was it too late to save him? The stairs had fallen already! Suddenly, William Dixon rushed to the burning cottage, climbed up the tottering wall by means of the iron piping, and took the trembling boy in his arms. Down he came holding the child with his right arm and supporting himself with the other. Both reached the ground in safety. Little Dicky was not hurt at all, but the hand with which Dixon had held on to the hot pipe was terribly burned. The burn healed but left a deep scar that he would always keep.

Peggy Winslow died soon afterward from the shock of this incident. Then the question came, "What is to become of little Dicky?" Mr. and Mrs. Lovatt wanted to adopt him, because they had lost a little child. To everyone's surprise, William Dixon wanted Dicky too. So how where they going to decide?

A meeting was called in the town. There was the minister, the mill owner and some others. Mr. Haywood, the miller said, "It's very kind of the Lovatts and Dixon to want the little boy, but who was going to have him?" Mr. Lipton, the minister remarked, "A man like Dixon would not be a suitable guardian because he would make the boy an infidel like himself; whereas the Lovatts are Christians and they would train the boy the better way to go." " Dixon was brave in saving his body from the fire, but it rests with us to see that his soul is saved too." With this they turned to ask Mr. Lovatt and Dixon why they wanted the boy. Mr. Lovatt told them that Dicky would replace their little lost son. He would have a mother, learn to say his prayers and be brought up to love the Lord. All were good reasons for wanting the boy. Now it was Dixon's turn.


Finish the story tomorrow.






Now it was Dixon's turn.

"I have only one thing and that is this;" then he quietly took off his bandage from his left hand and held up the scarred and injured hand. It was quiet in the room. Then they all broke out into a loud cheering and some eyes filled with tears. The sight of the scarred hand was more powerful then the Lovatt's good reasoning. The majority voted for Dixon, none could go against it. He certainly had a claim on Dicky by reason of what he suffered for him. Dicky never missed a mother's care; for Dixon was both father and mother to him. He taught the boy to read and told him stories. Dicky never forgot how he was saved from the fire.

One summer there was an exhibition of pictures in the town. Dixon took Dicky to see them. Dicky was impressed by the picture of Jesus meeting with Thomas and the words, "Put your finger here and see My hands." Dicky then wanted his new daddy to tell him the story. Dixon did not want to tell the story. Dicky urged him to tell it. Soon they saw their own experience. Dicky said, "It would have been horrid if I had not believed that you saved me from the fire, wouldn't it?" Perhaps when Thomas saw the scars of the Good Man, he felt he belonged to Him." I would have believed at once when I saw your hand." It became Dicky's favourite story.

One evening, Dixon could not sleep. He could not get out of his thoughts the picture at the local exhibition. When he did fall asleep he dreamt that a scarred hand was reaching out to him. He seemed to hear the words. " These hands were pierced for you, I have a claim on your life." Dixon's love for Dicky had softened his heart. The thing that he had done to make Dicky his own was the same thing that Jesus had done for him. Dixon found out by reading the Word that he belonged to the Saviour who had been wounded for his transgression. Dixon gave himself to the Saviour, into the keeping of those blessed Hands.



Isaiah 53


Day 8




The Sower is the Son of Man. The Seed is the Word of God. The Soil is the Human Heart. Everything is in the Seed! The Seed is the same in every case. The difference lies in the soil. How well do we actually hear the Word of God? What kind of soil does your heart represent? Each man is the cultivator of his own heart.

     1. There is the beaten path, the hard soil. The heart is like a public foot-path. The heart that is filled with selfish thoughts and the pleasures of sin will be a hard heart. Each refusal to hear and obey is like a hundred steps on the human heart. The human heart can become hard like pavement. The seed falls on not in. This is the dangerous place and the difficult place for the seed.  The seed is exposed to the fowls of the air and devoured. This is the indifferent hearer. The Evil One comes and snatches away what has been sown in the heart. This is stolen seed!

      2. There is the rocky soil, stony ground. There is no depth of earth. This is the shallow heart, the emotional hearer. The seed is joyfully received. There is very little root, therefore quickly starved and scorched. With no firm roots there is no enduring quality. This is starved seed!

      3. There is the thorny soil, occupied soil. This is the preoccupied heart. There are competing loyalties. Preoccupation with material things and the worries of this world. The seed is being choked. Worldly cares make the soil of the heart unfruitful. A thorn is anything that crowds Jesus out of our lives. Other "things" drain our spiritual lives. This is strangled seed!

       4. There is the good ground, prepared soil. The ground has been the object of special care. This is the honest hearer. This heart is open to the seed. The seed has liberty in the soil of this heart. The understanding of the word is the germinating of the seed. This is the fruitful heart. There are degrees of fruitfulness even in good soil. That depends on how well you listen and allow the word to work in your life. The character of the fruit betrays the nature of the soil. This is successful seed!

The great object of the Sower is fruit! Has the soil of your heart been revealed today. What kind of listener have you been? The Seed is the same in every case; the difference lies in the soil.




Matthew 13:18-23


Day 9




You will meet people who say, "I wish I had your faith or I'd like to believe in Jesus, but I can't." Such statements are not true. God does not withhold His grace from people who want it. The real trouble with people who say they cannot believe is that they do not want to believe.


God does not tantalize men with salvation and make it impossible for them to have it. The reason people do not want to believe is because they do not want their lives to be changed by God's power. They want to keep on doing the things they like to do. They love their sin, respectable or otherwise and want to continue in it. For all their talk they want nothing to disturb their enjoyment of doing what they themselves want to do.

In the account of the impotent man in John 5 we might see a bit of the above. Jesus challenged the will of this man. Do you want to get well?  Get up! Pick up your mat and walk. Take action! Faith steps forward! God enables! Believe Him and act, this is faith! God has given us a will with which to choose His will. It is God's will that you believe!


That you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. Believing in Christ is not merely an intellectual matter, or a matter of the emotions, it is a matter of the will; that part of your personality where you make deliberate choices and decisions.


Do you suppose Jesus singled out the most helpless case there was by the pool that day? He was paralyzed  for thirty eight years. It would be like Jesus to help the neediest soul. Jesus knew the man's condition and He knows ours too. The impotent man blamed his condition on what others had not done for him-"I have no man to help me when the water is troubled."  So the question was asked," Do you want to get well. " His attention was focused on the Saviour. Would he trust Jesus and obey Him?

Do you let yourself be crushed by inevitable circumstances? Take action! As faith steps forward, God enables! The miracles that Jesus did were only symbols of the greater works that He would do in transforming people spiritually. One of the greater works is His ability to impart eternal life. The life-giving power of God is His! He is Life! He gives Life! He gives it to you as you hear Him and believe Him!  Verse 24 is in the present tense; if you believe in Christ, you have eternal life here and now. Many times man's extremity is God's opportunity.



John 5:1-15


Day 10




The first few verses of this favourite Psalm give us the experience of a soul passing from darkness into light, from the miseries of a lost condition into the joy of salvation. Notice what the Lord did for the author: Brought him up out of the miry clay, set his feet on a rock, established his goings and put a new song in his mouth. The gospel of salvation is apparent. David's experience has been the experience of many others. This is indeed a testimony.

In a time of confusion and distress we come to see ourselves as we really are, helpless and unworthy. We are but dust, exceeding sinful and lost.  Our sins are the cords by which we are let down into the dismal darkness to sink in the mire. All of us have to come to the realization that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. The repentance of sin finds its answer immediately. God hears the cry of the penitent heart.{v1} His arm is not shortened that He cannot save. Only God can bring you out from the chains of sin and the consequences of it. It is a mighty deliverance from the sinking miry clay of our own ideas to the rock of God's eternal truth, and to have our ways so established that we are kept from falling back into our former condition. I want to impress upon you this matter of being kept by the power of God

1 Peter 1:5 God is able to keep you from falling Jude 24. The Lord is your keeper!

The secret is abiding in Him.{John 15}  Get into the Word of God daily. Pray everyday! Fellowship with God's people! We all need the fellowship of God's children for growth and strength. Witness for Christ and work for Him. Someone has well said, "You never backslide on your knees."

There is a new song. This new song belongs to the new life of faith. It is the song of the Lamb. He is worthy to recieve all honour! This overflowing life comes from those who have believed and know Christ as Lord and Saviour. The testimony of a sound, happy, consistent life cannot be hid. The joy is unspeakable and full of glory. (My favourite verse in the Bible) "Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see [him] not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory". (1 Peter 1:8)



Psalm 40


Day 11




Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.  In my Father's house are many mansions: if [it were] not [so], I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, [there] ye may be also. (John 14:1-3)

One of the greatest promises are tucked away in just four words:"I will come again." It was first spoken as a word of comfort to the disciples when their hope of the kingdom upon earth was shattered. The Lord Jesus was about to leave them, but a bright spot in His leaving was the promise;"I will come again."

The hope of His return became the incentive, the power and the action of the early church. Trials and suffering were nothing in the days when this hope burned bright. The church was on fire, even through days of bitter persecution.

I believe the spiritual life of a church is determined by its attitude toward the truth of the second coming of Christ. Someone has said, "Show me a church that believes in the second coming of Christ, and I'll show you a church that is on fire for God; a soul-winning church; a missionary church." What the church needs today is a vision of the shortness of the hour.

The impending fact of the return of our Lord has inspired great revivals. The second coming of Christ is a great incentive to holiness 1 John 3:2-3. This is a purifying hope! There is little hope for the future down here, but there is a blessed hope for the future up there.

The last promise in the Bible concerns His second coming Revelation 22:20. The last prayer also-"Even so come Lord Jesus."


Between the first and the last promise is a mass of prophecy concerning His coming. God's program is running on time! His word is going into fulfilment. Scoffers are laughing it off 2 Peter 3:3-4. The end will come! Do not be discouraged! Look up! Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people. Are you ready for heaven? Are you looking for that blessed hope, the glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ? {Titus 2:13}



John 14:1-3

2 Timothy 4:8

Revelation 22:20


Day 12




Behold, thou hast made my days [as] an handbreadth; and mine age [is] as nothing before thee: verily every man at his best state [is] altogether vanity. Selah. (Psalms 39:5)

Life is a mystery! Life has always been mysterious! Man is unable to define life. Scientists have tried! We have to admit that life is real. Man lives! Life is very apparent! God has given us the breath of life.{Genesis 2:7} Because we live we will spend eternity in one of two places-heaven or hell.

Life is uncertain and life is brief. Life is going at a tremendous rate. Every news cast and newspaper tell of someone’s  death. People are passing away quickly. Life is so uncertain today! {Proverbs 27:1}


When you go somewhere in your car you don't know whether you will arrive at home alive. We just don't know! Our highways are full! Your life is in danger every time you step into your car.

Life is uncertain with respect to the weather. Tornados, floods and storms have taken lives. Some have been caught in a burning building. The hatred of a man's heart has caused murder. We are never sure! Life is brief! Job says, "My days are swifter than a weaver's shuttle." David says,"Like water spilt upon the ground." That is why he mentions Psalm 39:4 and Psalm 90:10.

We are not here to stay! We are a pilgrim people, strangers, and visitors. This world is not my home, I'm just a passing through. The shell of our living is here on earth, but the kernel is up in heaven. Our citizenship is in heaven.{Philippians 3:20}

Is it fair to ask: "For what shall a man be profited if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life? What shall a man give in exchange for his life? {Mark 8:36} Jesus says," I am come that you might have life and have life abundant."{John 10:10} Give your life to Christ, He can do more with it than you can!

Life is certain, Death is sure, Sin is the cause, Christ is the cure. Receive Him into your heart and life.



Psalm 39


Day 13




Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: (Romans 5:1)

Many think of salvation as a sort of fire insurance against the day of judgement; the escaping from hell. The thought of heaven seems secondary, and if they could be sure of escaping the lake of fire, they would be content to go on here forever with no desire for heaven. There is more to salvation than merely having your sins forgiven and going to heaven when you die. It includes the redemption of body, soul and spirit.


Justification is an act of God whereby a guilty sinner is declared righteous and just in God's sight by the imputation of God's righteousness to him on the basis of the satisfactory and completed work of the Lord Jesus Christ. This redemptive work of Christ consists of more than His atoning death on the cross. It includes the resurrection. The fact that Christ died for our sins cannot justify the sinner. The death of Christ paid the penalty of sin; it does not make the sinner righteous. Justification, the act of God declared us just {righteous} through the resurrection of Christ. He was raised for our justification. {Romans 4:25}

Justification consists of the forgiveness of sin and the removal of its guilt and punishment. It is difficult for us to understand God's feeling toward sin. To us forgiveness seems easy, largely because we are indifferent towards sin. But to a holy God it is different. Even men find it hard to forgive when wronged.  [Psalm 130:4]

Negatively speaking, justification is not by the works of the law.{Romans 3:20} The law can open the sinners eyes to his sin, but it cannot remove it. The law simply defines sin and makes it exceeding sinful, but it does not free you from sin.

Positively speaking, justification is by God's free grace. {Romans 3:24} The ground of our justification is the blood of Jesus Christ. {Romans 5:9} The condition of justification is by believing in Jesus Christ.{Galatians 2:16} We are justified by faith! The best of men need to be saved by faith in Jesus Christ, and the worst need only that.


Are you justified, declared righteous, then you have peace with God. {Romans 5:1}



Romans 4:1-12

Romans 5:1-11


Day 14




He lives who lives to God alone, and all are dead beside. For other source than God is none, whence life can be supplied. Life is certain! God has given us life! Man is a living soul! God is the author of natural life; physical life that is so short and uncertain.


God is the author and the source of eternal life. He is the living God! He is the Fountain of life.{Psalm 36:9} God promised eternal life from the beginning of the world.{Titus 1:2}

Eternal life is in Jesus Christ!  " In Him was life and the life was the light of men."{1 John 1:4} Jesus Christ gives eternal life. {John 10:28}  "Jesus Christ has abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel."{2 Timothy 1:10} "He that hath the Son hath life, he that hath not the Son of God hath not life." [1 John 5:12]

There is also the witness of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit takes the things of the word and points to the Saviour. The Holy Spirit is faithful in speaking to our hearts through the Word. We have to do with the Word of God and the Holy Spirit, who is convicting and convincing us that we need to accept the gift of eternal life. The Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are His children.[Romans 8:16]

The Word of God is the instrument of this spiritual life. [1 Peter 1:23] The Word of God is quick [living] sharper than any two edged sword.[ Hebrews 4:12 ] The Word of God gives us the assurance that we know that we have eternal life. [ 1 John 5:13 ] This has been a source of assurance to me personally!

How do we possess this life? Eternal life is the promise of God! This promise is the Word of life! He that believeth has everlasting life! Eternal life is a gift! It must be given for it cannot be bought. God is offering eternal life as a gift to all who will receive it. He will never force anyone to take it. The"whosoever will" still stands!


Eternal life is the gift of God through Jesus Christ our Lord. This life is received by faith! Believe in child-like faith. Receive Him! [ John 1:12 ] Eternal life may be yours for the taking!



John 1: 1-13


Day 15




For no-one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.

(1 Corinthians 3:11)

The term is architectural and refers to the lowest part of a building. It denotes the beginning of things. The Church is a spiritual edifice, a building going up; and Jesus is the foundation stone.

a] Christ is the foundation of the gospel. The word is emphatically the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is its founder, its source, its subject and its glory. All the doctrines, privileges, ordinances and blessings are from Him. He is the Head of the Church, the Chief corner stone.

b] Christ is the foundation of a sinners acceptance with God. Jesus is the only way of access to God. He said, " I am the way, the truth and the life." There is only one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus. In Him we have redemption through His blood even the forgiveness of sin.[Ephesians 1:7] We who are frail lost sinners are justified by faith.

c] Christ is the foundation of a believers hope. "He has begotten us to a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." In Him we have full and complete salvation. "He that has this hope purifies himself even as He is pure."

d] Christ is the foundation of the whole church. "Upon this Rock I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it." He is the Head of all things to the church.

This foundation is distinguished for its strength. We all know how important a foundation is to a building. It is the safety of the building. Jesus Christ is a sure foundation.[Isaiah 28:16]

This foundation is distinguished for its suitability. Christ is one with the Father. He is the truth! He is Holy! He is Just! God chose Him from the foundation of the world and sent Him to be the propitiation for the sins of the world.[1 John 2:2] He became the sinner's Saviour!

This foundation is distinguished for its perpetuity. The Bible says " I am the Lord, your God, I change not." Christ remains invariably the same.

[Hebrews 13:8]

In conclusion we can see the folly of attempting to lay any other foundation. Men have attempted! They have tried to build on their self-righteousness, their good works, their acts of generosity and even their church membership. When we exclude the Lord Jesus Christ, we build on a wrong foundation.

Reflect on the sufficiency of the foundation already laid! Build on a foundation that will last forever.


[Hebrews 7:25]



1 Corinthians 3:10-15

Isaiah 28:16.


Day 16




Which one will you take? There is a choice! You were born to choose! The call is to enter through the narrow gate. The narrow gate and the narrow road leads to life. The wide gate and wide road leads to destruction. God is faithful in showing us the way that leads to life; and the way that leads to destruction. God made us with the capacity to choose. I am a person! Where you have personality you have intelligence, mind, will, reason, individuality, self-consciousness and self-determination. God gave us the freedom to choose. God does not force you to choose. God remains faithful in giving us a choice. The word today is ENTER the way of life!

The wide gate and the wide road lead to destruction. Many are walking on that road. This is the path of sin. This is the popular road. There are many travelers here. This is the way of unbelief. There seem to be no stop signs. This gate admits anything and everything. The way of sin leads to death.[Romans 6:23] Many are inclined to go with the crowd. They go with the flow! Many just close their eyes and follow the crowd to a lost eternity.

The narrow gate and the narrow road lead to life. Jesus is calling us to count the cost of choosing the narrow way. Conversion and regeneration are the gate by which we enter. The new birth leads to life! There must be a new heart, a new creation.

[2 Corinthians 5:17] The bent of the soul is changed! We must swim against the stream of worldly ways. We must be willing to forsake all and follow Christ. There will be opposition from within and without. We have to choose to be identified with Jesus Christ.

I know the gospel has been accused of being narrow; but it is narrow because it is the way of truth. It is the way of holiness, humility and obedience. It is the way that leads to life. We want a narrow doctor when we are sick, not just any doctor with any kind of medicine. We want a narrow pilot who knows the way and where to land. We like a narrow coach in sports to guide the game; you just cannot play the way you like.


Through the Haven of Hope radio broadcast from CJRM, Regina, I saw my need of entering on the narrow road to life.[1938] I met Christ at the narrow gate, at the cross. He took away my sin. I have never been sorry! I find it strange that Jesus said, "...only few find it."


Are you on the path that leads to life?



Matthew 7:13-14


Day 17



A man dies what then? Jesus draws back the curtain and lets us get a glimpse of the beyond. We will single our the one-the rich man today.

The rich man lived in luxury every day. He was well dressed and well fed. In time the rich man died and was buried. He woke up in a world where not one single desire could be granted. Now, one minute after death, a life-time had turned into torment. He saw the truth, believed in God, believed in prayer, believed in heaven, believed in missionary work {v28}, but all too late. He had a new set of values now, but too late.


He was in a world where things are fixed. He cried out to have it changed, but no use. He thought to get over to the other side, but a great gulf was fixed. He realized that opportunity has value only in the earth life.


He cried out for someone to persuade his brothers in the land of the living, that they might seize the good opportunity of salvation before death brought them where he was. The rich man had a new view of things one minute after death. Everlasting thirst for a drop of water is an awful experience for one who never knew want. He put himself beyond prayer and beyond hope and now eternally beyond help.


The value which you set upon Jesus Christ will be eternally fixed one minute after death. If you set no value on prayer and godliness in this life, there will be no value set on them one minute after death. People die as they live! God will place no value on your earnestness one minute after death.


Will you hear the words,"Son remember?" Remember the sins, the wasted life, the scorn with which you mocked your faithful parents and your pastor? Remember the selfishness and greed that shut the door of heaven; the times you fought against the voice of the Holy Spirit? Remember the prayers of the ones who sought by every means to bring you into the grace of Jesus Christ?

The clock of life is wound but once and no man has the power to tell just when the hand will stop, at late or early hour. Now is the only time you own! Live, love, toil with will; place not faith in "tomorrow" for the clock may then be still.



Luke 16:19-31


Day 18




What is salvation? That is the first question of everyone who is honestly inquiring about the way of salvation. Thank the Lord for the simplicity of the gospel!

He then brought them out and asked, ``Sirs, what must I do to be saved?'' (Acts 16:30)

They replied, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved-you and your household." (Acts 16:31)

What you really want to know is how to believe. You must believe in the Lord Jesus as your own personal Saviour.

He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. (John 1:11)

Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God- (John 1:12)

It is a Person we must receive. It is not faith in our faith, but faith in the person of Jesus Christ. Believing is receiving and receiving is believing.

There was a shop girl a few years ago who could not have bought a dollars worth of anything. The next day she could go out to buy a thousand dollars worth of goods. What made the difference? She married a rich husband that was all. She received him, and all he had became hers. By receiving Christ you become a child of God.

I think you should know that it is free! Salvation is free, but it is not cheap; it cost God His Son on Calvary. He is the gift of God to all who will take Him.

A lady in Glasgow came to Moody one day and said, "You are always saying "Take, Take, Take, is there a place in the Bible where it says Take or is it only a word that you use?" Mr. Moody said," The Bible is sealed with it; it is almost the last word in the Bible.

The Spirit and the bride say, ``Come!'' And let him who hears say, ``Come! "Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him "TAKE" the free gift of the water of life. (Revelation 22:17)

The lady said," I have never seen that before." Then and there she took Christ as her Saviour.

Are you going to let time slip by and pass up the opportunity without being able to say, " Christ is my Saviour?" Take God at His word TODAY!



Acts 16:22-34


Day 19




We will choose one of the three parables in Luke 15. The parable of the Lost Sheep.

Frequently crowds gathered to hear Jesus teach. Here we have men and women who through home and family associations, through their occupations were looked down upon by the Pharisees and Scribes. These were the ones who wanted to hear Him! Sinners make up the majority in any age. The Lord Jesus does not despise them; for among them are many hearts tender and ready to listen. To the publicans and the sinners, the words of Jesus were full of hope.

Two words unlock this entire chapter: Lost and Found! God sets a high value on the souls of men. When a soul is lost it is lost to Him! The picture is simple! A shepherd is pasturing a flock of one hundred sheep somewhere on the hills of Palestine. One is mentioned as lost. Does the shepherd care? This shepherd cared enough to leave the ninety nine in search for the one that was lost. This tells me something. The Good Shepherd is LOOKING! "All we like sheep have gone astray we have turned to our own way." That is our picture! We are not trying to find the Shepherd, the Shepherd is seeking until He finds us. With gracious persistency the Saviour follows a wandering soul year after year and day after day.

In looking He LOCATES! He sees you just where you are. Perhaps he has located you in some peculiar circumstance in which He has the opportunity to come near to help you. It may be that is the place where the Shepherd and the sheep meet. When and where He locates you; that is where He LIFTS you! He puts you on His shoulder. He saw that you needed Him! Under the dominion of sin a soul is drawn nearer and nearer to spiritual ruin; often reduced to a state of helplessness.


Then Jesus comes! He looks, He locates. He lifts because He LOVES! He desires to restore! He desires to bring you back into fellowship with Him. Jesus loves you! To him a soul is worth more than the whole world.[Mark 8:36] He came to seek and to save that which was lost![Luke 19:10] He came to give His life a ransom for many.[Matthew 20:28]

There is joy in heaven when a soul is saved! You can make heaven happy today! Jesus said, All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away. (John 6:37)



Luke 15.


Day 20




There are many people who claim they are Christians because of some merit of their own. Let me try to respond!

Let us take the negative aspect first:

     1. You are not a Christian because you belong to a Christian country. You might be surprised how many people actually believe this. They claim that they are Christians because they were born in the British Empire, in Canada or the United States.

     2. You are not a Christian because you had or have Christian parents. Many count on the merit of their noble birth. Their parents were Christians and so they are too. Men have said, " My mother was a Christian, so I'm alright."

     3. You are not a Christian because you go or belong to a church. I had that idea for a long time! Go to church, take catechism, be sprinkled, have my name on the church roll and I'd be all set for heaven.

     4. You are not a Christian because you live and act and are so good. To live a fine moral life is good; to live a clean life is good, but that does not make you a Christian. Doing good, giving to the poor, visiting the sick are all commendable; but God's word stands-"not of works"

{Ephesians 2:9}

If God intended us to get to heaven on our own merit, why do you suppose He sent Jesus Christ into this world? Surely, not just to teach us the way to live! There was a greater purpose! Christ came to die for our sins so that we could be forgiven. Salvation is now the gift of God!

Positively speaking now-what is a Christian? The dictionary [Webster] says," A Christian is one who believes in the Lord Jesus and the truth taught by Him." That is good! What does the Bible say? A Christian is one who is born again from above by the operation of the Holy Spirit. God has worked the marvel of the new birth in a persons life.[John 3:3-8] This is one of the "musts" in the word of God. "You must be born again".

Salvation is found in no-one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.'' (Acts 4:12) If you are saved, you are a Christian.

Men and women, boys and girls must realize that they are sinners before God. Man must repent of his sin! There must be an about turn in his life. Man must believe in the Lord Jesus Christ; live for Him and serve him! He is the greatest Employer! It pays to be a Christian! It is a joy to have His promised presence. He is a Friend!  It pays to serve him!

Someone has said, "Unless you are saved you sin with every breath." You need Jesus! Turn to Him today!



John 3:1-21


Day 21




      In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple. (Luke 14:33)

The claim was made and many have gladly yielded. Many believers have laid their life on the line.

We notice that large crowds were travelling with Jesus.[14:25] He turns to them and declares the cost of discipleship [v26]. This involves crossbearing [v27]. Then Jesus illustrates the need of counting the cost [vv28,31,32].

What does discipleship mean and what does it involve? We need to see the correct picture of the demands, the standards and the nature of discipleship. There is the call to be identified with a Person. That person is Jesus! There was a day when I decided to accept the  Lord Jesus Christ. Then I was identified with Him in baptism. I also saw the need of counting the cost and being committed. Discipleship is commitment!


A disciple is recognized in fully following the Lord. [Joshua 14:7,8] God puts a premium upon faithful service. Are we willing to do the humble tasks? Are we faithful in little things? It all boils down to every day practical Christian living! It's a matter of being "salty" for the Lord Jesus.

Christ had chosen twelve men to become His disciples. They were now part of this teaching. The claims of Christ were being revealed more and more from time to time in His teaching. There was no room for half-heartedness. No turning back! [Luke 9:62]


There should be whole-heartedness, submission and glad obedience on our part in everything. The obedience of faith covers the whole realm of life!

From the illustrations in this account, can we build a godly life and a godly character? Can we finish the foundation without yielding to the Lord Jesus Christ? Can we wage a good warfare without being committed? Can we have victory in our lives? Not without yielding to the Holy Spirit.

I have often said, "The proof of your conversion is continuance"  Go with Jude 20.21 today.



Luke 14:25-35


Day 22




I say this kindly, " Every woman has the privilege of changing her mind". I wonder if we don't over-do it at times--like the day a lady went into a shoe store. She tried on several pair of shoes, but she couldn't make up her mind about one specific pair. She decided to wait until later. She offered her apologies to the salesman. Smiling, he assured her that it was perfectly alright. "I have been in this business too long to let one customer discourage me."


Those words gave the lady a lift for the day.

Discouragement is a tool of the Enemy. It seems to be his master weapon. Listen! Courage is of the Lord! Hold your head high! With Him you can face disappointments and thwarted plans. Be of good courage!



Deuteronomy 1:38




All of us have heard the words, "Just a minute." Mom calls, " Pauline, set the table. Pauline says, "Just a minute" and continues to play the piano. Dad calls, " Bring me the hammer." Jack says, "Just a minute" and stays with his project.

Both Mom and Dad's patience was marvelous even after a difficult day, being turned aside with the words, "Just a minute". I wonder if we are aware of the value of "wasted minutes?" Our "just a minute " add up to wasted hours. Let me remind you of our stewardship of time.


Could we use our "just a minute" to advantage? May I touch upon one area? It takes just a minute to send up a prayer heavenward. Long prayers demand no urgent need. God's ear is alert to hear the weakest, faintest and shortest prayer.


Would you read Psalm 5:1-3 for today?


Day 23




Our Lord never lost an opportunity of letting the light of truth shine into dark sin clouded souls. He had just spoken the parable of "a certain rich man" to expose the sin and folly of covetousness. Then He presses home upon the hearts of the disciples the needlessness of anxiety about worldly and material things. In other words as we say-"Do Not Worry!"

Jesus touches base with the value of life. Life is more than food. Do we eat to live or live to eat? Your life is of more value to Him than the food and the raiment needed to sustain that life. Do not worry about your life! Consider the ravens! They have no storerooms or barns, yet God feeds them.


You are of more value than birds!

Life is more than clothing! Consider the lilies! They do not labour or spin, yet God dresses them! With regard to supply and adorning, the disciples of Christ must learn to trust and rest in the Lord. Your Father knows what you need.

The word and the promise of Jesus Christ is, "Seek first His kingdom and these things will be given to you as well." God will add the needful things for our life as He gives the sunshine from heaven and the very air that we breath.

What do you set your heart upon?[v29] We are called upon to "Set our minds on things above, not on earthly things.[Colossians 3:2] The "things" of this world lack permanence!

Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.'' (Luke 12:15) Money does not spell success!

Thrills do not spell happiness! Trust God for your every need. And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)



Luke 12:22-34


Day 24



                                                                     Jesus heard that they had thrown him out, and when he found him, he said, ``Do you believe in the Son of Man?'' (John 9:35)

Our text is found in the account of the miraculous cure of the man born blind. In this chapter we see the malice and envy of the Pharisees and Chief Priests. We notice the fear of the parents, as they are called into question. We see more than all else the honesty and the testimony of the man who was healed. I like v25! He replied,


``Whether he is a sinner or not, I don't know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!'' (John 9:25)

Go to the question in verse 35. "Do you believe in the Son of Man?' This question is urgent and important. There are still some people who do not believe this to be true. You would think that the events of history, the dates ,A.D. and B.C., Christmas and Easter would lead men to believe in God's Son. Jesus is God's Son! Jesus is equal with God.[John 10:30] Creation and redemption are ascribed to Him.[Colossians 1:16-17]

The question calls for faith! Do you BELIEVE? Faith is the act of the heart by which we invite Him into our life, the act of the will by which we submit to Him in cheerful obedience. This question relates to our personal faith in Christ. Do YOU believe? Single out the word "you". Where do you stand in relation to the Son of God?

When we believe an important change takes place in our lives. Our eyes are opened to see Jesus Christ. Our spiritual eyes! I have never seen Jesus with my physical eyes, but He is as real to me as you are. Can I share my favorite Bible verse again? Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see [him] not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: (1 Peter 1:8)


Our ears are opened to hear the truth of God's word. This will not come until you believe. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know [them], because they are spiritually discerned. (1 Corinthians 2:14)

To them that believe He is precious!



John 9


Day 25


Repentance is one of the foundational doctrines of the Bible. How would you define repentance? When is man prepared to repent? He is not prepared to believe and receive the gospel until he is ready to repent of his sins and turn from them.

John the Baptist came preaching repentance. [Matthew 3:2] Jesus came with the same message.[Mark 1:15] Peter on the day of Pentecost raises the same cry.[Acts 2:38] Paul went to Athens and uttered these words.[Acts 17:30]

Let me speak to repentance negatively first of all.

     1. Repentance is not fear. Many people are waiting for some kind of fear to come down upon them. Multitudes become alarmed who do not really repent. Profane men have called upon God in a terrible storm or earthquake, but you could not say they repented. When the event passed away, they went on swearing the same as before.

     2. Repentance is not feeling. Many people wait for a certain kind of feeling to come. In times of trials deep feelings do show. It seems as if the trials were going to result in repentance, but the feeling too often passes away.

     3. Repentance is not fasting and afflicting the body. A man may fast for weeks and months and yet not repent of one sin.

     4. Repentance is not remorse. Judas had terrible remorse, but that was not repentance.

     5. Repentance is not conviction of sin. That may sound strange. Men have been under deep conviction so that they could not sleep or even enjoy a meal. They went on like this for a long time and did not truly repent. Do not confound conviction of sin with repentance.

     6. Repentance is not praying. Many will pray and read the Bible and think that will bring about the desired effect. You may read and pray and cry to God and yet not repent

What is repentance? In the Irish language it implies that a man who has been walking in one direction has not only faced about, but is actually walking in an exactly opposite direction. It is an 'ABOUT TURN'.


Repentance has been described as a "change of mind". Our thinking about God has changed. Our thinking about Jesus has changed. Our thinking about the Holy Spirit, the word of God and about sin has changed. It is a change of Heart! A change of life-style! A change of language! The old is gone the new has come.

[2 Corinthians 5:17] So there is a moment in every man's life when he can stop and say, "By the grace of God I will repent of my sin and turn from them." Bear in mind, God does not ask any man to do what he has not the capacity or ability to do. God would not command all men to repent if they were not able to do so. Now is the time to turn to God. God is merciful!


Matthew 3:1-12


Day 26




Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:1)

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. (Hebrews 11:6)

Follow the story in John 4:43-54. Miracles were done to promote and increase faith in Jesus' followers. If this nobleman's heart had not been moved through the sickness of his son, he never would have known the healing power of Jesus Christ through faith. This is the working of an honest heart. This was an earnest request. "Come before my son dies". The gentle rebuke of Jesus in verse 48 does not defer his request. Was Jesus trying to say,"Are you prepared to believe Me without seeing signs and wonders?" The nobleman says in so many words,"Signs or no signs, Come and heal my son." The Lord gave him the word of assurance,"Your son will live."

The man took Jesus at His word and went home. He is prepared to believe without signs and wonders. Faith is taking God at His word!

Faith is rewarded! There is the confirmed evidence! The exact time of the word "Your son will live" was traced to the time of healing. Such faith is confirmed by the providence of God. God is asking you to believe Him and His word! So then faith [comes] by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (Romans 10:17)

When it comes to salvation, faith is: {using an acrostic} Forsaking All I Take Him.

But these are written that you may [continue to] believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. (John 20:31)



Hebrews 11 

John 4:43-54


Day 27




In reply Jesus declared, ``I tell you the truth, no-one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.'' (John 3:3)

The corruption of human nature requires the new birth. We need to read Romans chapter one to see and believe in the total depravity of man. No one can enter heaven without the new birth. Evil is so inwrought into man's constitution and habits that he needs to be spiritually reconstructed in order that he might see as God sees, feel as God feels and act as God wills.

In seeking to understand this most searching truth let me point out first of all that it was spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ. It is strange that people admit He was the greatest teacher, but few adhere to His teaching, particularly this great truth of the new birth." Never man spoke like this Man," was the testimony even of His enemies. It was He who is the wisdom of God that said, "You must be born again." There is no escape from this, He said it and He means it!

We need also to point out the necessity of the new birth. No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again. By nature we are born spiritually blind, we cannot see into that sphere where God alone is King. Satan has so blinded the mind that it is morally impossible for such to enter.


Everything that sinful man touches is defiled, and nothing that defiles shall enter into the heavenly kingdom. This new kingdom in Christ can only be peopled by a new creation after His likeness. For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. (Romans 14:17) He must be born from above before he can enter into the possessions of those things which are above.

The new birth is a mystery to the natural man. Nicodemus, being still a mere natural man, was not able to grasp this great spiritual truth. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know [them], because they are spiritually discerned. (1 Corinthians 2:14) It is the darkness of unbelief that does not comprehend the true light. Although a man cannot reason out the mysteries of the new birth, that does not make it any the less needful.

The new birth is the work of the Holy Spirt. It is the Spirit that quickens, the flesh profits nothing. The Spirit is sovereign, He moves where He wills. The sword of the Spirit is the word of God.  Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. (1 Peter 1:23)



John 3:1-16


Day 28




The Lord Jesus Christ is mighty to save sinners; the Holy Spirit is mighty to help saints. The Holy Spirt is God's executive worker on earth if we are allowed to use that language.

He is the Comforter! And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; (John 14:16)


He is a Counsellor!  And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counsellor to be with you for ever- (John 14:16)

He is our Helper![Rom.8:26] The Holy Spirit was promised.[Acts 1:4] The Holy Spirit could not be given until Jesus was glorified.[John 7:39]

The work of the Holy Spirit is three fold:

When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me; in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned. (John 16:8-11)

The greatest sin is unbelief. {v9} Christ is righteous! Therefore, God could receive Him back. He has become our righteousness. {v10} 


Satan has been judged. He has been defeated by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The Holy Spirit continues to guide, to teach and to show us the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.  He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. (John 16:13-14)

Is it fair to ask, "Has the Holy Spirt been doing His office work in your life?" Is He guiding you into the truth? Has He been a comfort to you? Has He been your Counsellor?


Thank the Lord for His Holy Spirit today! He is faithful!



John 16:8-14


Day 29




In this parable we see two things: Fatal fruitlessness and the Goodness and Severity of God.

Israel the fig tree was planted in God's vineyard. Time was given for Israel to become fruitful. The three years in this parable may be represented by the three periods : the Judges, the Kings and the Prophets.


The three years could be the years of Christ’s ministry. Then again the three years may not be that important.

The thing is this, God has the right to look for fruit. The fruit of faith! We are called upon to believe Him and to obey Him. Israel was faithless, fruitless and disobedient. We could place ourselves into this parable.


Believers are to be fruitful! [John 15:1-8] Our witness to Jesus Christ ought to be fresh and current. Our walk needs to be above board. Our words should reflect a change in our lives. Our daily life needs to show the love of Christ to others; in our homes, and in our work place. We need to be spent for others.[2 Corinthians 2:15]

The fruitless tree keeps a certain energy to itself. It draws the moisture away from the surrounding soil; it takes in but gives nothing. The tree which Jesus saw on His way to Bethany one day was cursed; not because it was barren, but because it was false. In the fig tree the fruit should appear before the leaves. He saw the leaves but no fruit. Appearance before God is not enough. Profession is not enough. Religion is not enough! God desires the real thing! God is looking for fruit!

The tree which produces is the tree that is sound to the core. Christ offers a merciful reprieve. Under His patient rule He allowed another year; another year of repentance, another year of renewal. Time is a sacred and solemn trust; an opportunity we must not waste.

John the Baptist came warning,..."the axe is already at the root of the tree, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire."

[Luke 3:9] John was calling a people back to God.

Consider the goodness of God in letting you stand another year. Another year when He will work around you, in you and with you to bring fruit that will glorify Him.



Luke 13:6-9

Isaiah 5:1-7

Romans 2:4


Day 30




There is perhaps no image of Christ that has so powerfully appealed to the imaginations of men in all the ages as the "Good Shepherd." Among all the Psalms the 23rd is a favourite! I would like to briefly enumerate some blessings and benefits.

     1.Decision: The Lord is my Shepherd. A personal choice has led to personal possession. He is mine! I am His!

     2.Assurance: I shall not want. I shall lack nothing. My God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.[Philippians 4:19]

     3.Rest: He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters. What a peaceful position! Do we have time for green pastures and quiet waters? George Mueller of Bristol said, "The first great and primary business to which I ought to attend is to have my soul happy in the Lord. Food for his own soul was the object of his meditation.

      4.Restoration: He restores my soul. He is gracious to forgive and to restore. So often we stray; become restless and unhappy. He knows our name, our nature and our needs.

      5.Guidance: He guides me in paths of righteousness. The paths that are right may not always be easy. They may be difficult and different from what we think. He guides for His Name's sake.

      6.Comfort: Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. There is no evil to fear when the Shepherd is near! Though the shadow of death is dreadful, there is comfort. He is with us! He is walking along side! The pilgrim is always in good company. His presence is always sufficient at all times.

      7.Protection: Your rod and staff, they comfort me. The rod and staff were the instruments of defense and deliverance. What they were to the sheep, the Word of God  is to us.

      8.Provision: You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. He knows when and how to feed His sheep. He cares for His sheep. The shepherd finds new fields for pasture. { Away from holes and poisonous grass}

      9.Satisfaction: You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. The grace of God gives good measure, pressed down, shaken together, heaped up and running over.[Luke 6:38] [Psalm 107:9]

      10.Heaven: A priceless prospect! Heaven! Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Goodness to supply, mercy to forgive and a mansion prepared beyond this life. We will be with Him forever.

Do you know the Shepherd?


Psalms 23


Day 31




The history of Lazarus is in a spiritual sense, the history of all who have passed from death unto life. We will select a few stages:

     1. There was sickness! [vv1-3] Loved by the Lord, yet smitten with sickness. Jesus said,"This sickness will not end in death. No,it is for God's glory so that God's Son may be glorified through it." Through some cause or other, soul sickness is almost always the prelude to deeper spiritual blessing.

     2. There was death! Trying to justify His delay in coming and trying to explain Lazarus' condition, Jesus said plainly, "Lazarus is dead."[v14] Lazarus was a fit subject for the demonstration of God's resurrection power. We too were dead in trespasses and sin, but God who is rich in mercy made us alive with Christ.

[Ephesians 2:1,4]

Christ is the answer to sins consequences! Here He makes Himself known as the resurrection and the life.

     3. There was Life! He that was dead came out.[v44] The life-giving power of Jesus Christ could only be made known in the case of a dead person. Resurrection-life can only come where there has been death. To share Christ's resurrection power, we must go to the cross, die to self and rise to newness of life. "Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it remains a single seed, but if it dies, it produces many seeds."[John 12:24]

      4. There was faith! "Many of the Jews put their faith in Him"[v45] The fact that Lazarus had been raised from the dead by the word of Jesus Christ, was in itself a most convincing witness to His divinity. The influence of Christ's risen life in us should be the leading of others to believe in Jesus Christ.

Do you have a living, current testimony? But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, (1 Peter 3:15) For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.   When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

[Colossians 3:23-24]                                          



John 11:1-45.          


© 2021 A Lift for Living - Created by Cliff Kraeker using Wix

Hard Copy of Lift for Living was written in 1991 - now out of print

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