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Day 1


A heart is never at its best till it be broken, for till it be broken we cannot see what's in it. From an evening with the Gaither Trio, on a musical tape I have gleaned these words.         


Have you failed in life's battles,                             
To accomplish your plans?
Is your heart heavy laden,                                     
Do you fear the Lord's command?
Do you feel that no one loves you,                            
And there's just no use to try?
Bring your cares to Jesus,                                     
Your sorrow, He'll satisfy.
Now you may feel that there's no hope-
Broken hearts just cannot mend,
Ah, though you’re torn in many pieces
Christ can make you whole again.
Storms of doubt blow all directions
But don't you be afraid
He can make the corrections,
He made a body out of clay
So pick up those broken pieces
And bring them to the Lord
Pick up the broken pieces
Trust in His holy Word
He will put them all back together
He'll make your life complete
Just place the broken pieces
At the Saviour's feet

Psalm 51:17
Isaiah 57:15 
Isaiah 66:2


Day 2




Gardens and flower beds are nice to admire, but it takes a lot of work. Weeds are no respecters of gardens. Insects too are enemies of plant life. So we pull weeds and spray plants. Does that remind you of something?

In our lives there are doubts, insecurities, inferiority, unbelief, hatreds and fears  that are " weed-like" imbedded. These adversaries of the soul are no respecters of persons. It is easy to think that no one else suffers from trials and temptations, and no one else is attacked by the adversaries which buffet us. Be encouraged--the trial of your faith is precious to God.            


Go with 1 Peter 1:7 today!





Jack Sprat could eat no fat,

His wife could eat no lean

And so between them both you see,

They licked the platter clean.

That’s cooperation! Mr. and Mrs. Sprat knew the secret of cooperation. It’s a secret we all must learn.

We must learn to cooperate with the Lord! God can give us peace of mind when our minds are stayed on him. (Isaiah 26:3-4) God can give us guidance when we delight in His ways. (Psalm 119:105) God can give us real joy when we keep singing His praise. (Psalm 100) God can give us forgiveness when we confess our sins and give up our sins. (1 John 1)

If we truly want God's blessing to rest upon us, we cannot go our independent ways. We must COOPERATE with God!



Proverbs 3:5-6.


Day 3




Material things are fast getting the better of a majority of people. Many people are building their hopes upon this life. Material things have blinded them, and therefore, they cannot see the things pertaining to spiritual life. Things of this world lack permanence.

Paul speaks of a Spiritual Rock. From Israel's history he says, "...and all drank the same spiritual drink, for they were drinking from a spiritual rock which followed them; and the Rock was Christ"

1 Corinthians 10:4. The Lord Jesus is the Rock of Ages. A rock speaks of security and safety. "The Lords' our Rock in Him we hide, a shelter in the time of storm: Secure whatever ill betide, a shelter in the time of storm."  There is no other Rock sufficiently strong or enduring  on which to build the edifice of life. "For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ" 1 Corinthians 3:11.

Many are building upon the foundation of human goodness. The scriptures tell us, "There is none that doeth good, no not one...all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."

Many are building upon the foundation  of self-righteousness. They go about establishing their own righteousness and will not submit to the righteousness of God.

Many are building upon the foundation of good works. We are told again, " By grace you are saved through faith, not of works lest any man should boast" Ephesians 2:8-9. We have all enjoyed the old hymn written by Toplady: Rock of Ages;" Not the labour of my hands, can fulfill the law's demands: Could my zeal no respite know, could my tears forever flow; All for sin could not atone, Thou must save and Thou alone."

Be wise! Build your life on the Rock! Matthew 7:24-27!


When the storms of life come, as they surely will, you have a solid foundation. Do not be foolish! A house build on sand cannot and will not stand. David's testimony is so good, " He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and the mire; He set my feet on a Rock and gave me a firm place to stand" Psalms 40:2. An evangelist in Hyde Park answered a heckler one day saying, "On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other rocks are sham rocks."

Do you cherish the Lord Jesus, the Rock of Ages; the Rock of your salvation?


Deuteronomy 32:4,15,18,30,31


The Rock is mentioned five times in a hymn that Moses wrote.


Day 4




The image of the Good Shepherd powerfully appeals to the hearts and lives of people of all ages. There is only one Good Shepherd! He came to lay down His life for the sheep. By the sacrifice of Himself, we have redemption, even the forgiveness of sin. Christ's love is clearly seen in this act of giving His life. "Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" John 15:13. He gave His life a ransom for many Matthew 20:28.


Did you notice, "This is the reason my Father loves me" John 10:17. He lay down His life for the salvation of all who would enter in at the door of the sheepfold.

The thought of false shepherds should strike us today. There are so many hired hands--false shepherds and false cults. I would encourage Christian workers and fellow pastors to feed the flock. Do not scatter the sheep! Care for the sheep! The Good Shepherd knows His sheep and His sheep know Him. His sheep hear His voice! Every soul who would follow the Good Shepherd must individually hear His voice. Is it fair to ask, "Have you heard the voice of the Good Shepherd?" Can you say today, "The Lord is MY Shepherd?"

Paul says, " I know whom I have believed"

2 Timothy 1:12.

A little boy had memorized "The Lord is my Shepherd" on his five fingers. The story goes on to say: He was drowned, and they found him with his other hand clenched on the finger which to him meant "MY". In that moment of time , he knew the Lord was his Shepherd.


You have all heard of the little girl who said, " The Lord is my shepherd, what more do I want." She had her all in Jesus! Implicit trust! Do you have a restful dependence on the Good Shepherd?

Notice for a moment that Christ said, "Other sheep I have, them also I must bring." Here we see His love for every tongue and every nation. This present time is the time of bringing in the "other sheep". Here's where we all fit in! Our concern for the sheep that are lost. We all know that the wolf {Satan} finds pleasure in destroying sheep. Satan loves to hinder and to side- track. He wants you to put off your decision. How different the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd cares for the safety of His sheep. He is able! There is keeping power in the blood of the Lamb! We have His promise and His word, " I am with you always". Let us conclude with the grand thought- His sheep shall be gathered into one flock; there will be one flock and one Shepherd.



John 10:11-18


Day 5


MAN AT HIS BEST                  


What difference does it make whether or not a man takes God seriously? After all, isn't religion a "take it" or "leave it" proposition?

Sure a man can get along without God! What’s it like? Like getting along without his health; like getting along without an arm or a leg, or without sight or hearing. Of course a man can get along...but he'll never be the man he could be. A four engine airliner can limp along on two or three engines; but what a difference when all four engines are giving their full thrust.

Man was made for fellowship with God. To be in tune with reality, in harmony with life, he must be in touch with God. To be out of fellowship with God is to be maladjusted... like a fish out of water... like a bird without a wing.

"Man in Christ is man at his best"--Halverson.



John 3:16 today?






Most of us by now have heard the words, " No failure need be final." Try and try again! Never give up! Does your favourite cake always turn out? Doesn't it fail sometimes? Of course it does! Do you throw away the recipe? Of course not!

Often its our own fault, we fail to add enough flour, or butter, or whatever to the batter. When we make mistakes we shouldn't throw up our hands and scream right away. Don't be discouraged! Every individual makes mistakes. If your favorite cake doesn't turn out--try again.

In our spiritual lives we blunder too; but aren't you glad you can turn to the Lord who forgives when you admit your sin?


Go with 1 John 1:9 today.


Day 6




Let me suggest a quick illustration of greed. Nothing is greedier than the beach along the lake or seashore. The waves come and go but the thirsty sand is never satisfied.

A greedy man or a covetous man is like the sandy beach; the more he has the more he wants.

May I make a quick comparison?

Gold will buy pleasure and entertainment.

God can give abiding joy and happiness.

Gold will buy books for intellectual pursuits.

God can give peace of mind.

Gold will buy musical instruments.

God can put music in your heart.

Gold will buy the finest raiment.

God can clothe you with the garment of righteous.

Gold will buy fine homes and furniture.

God can prepare mansions in heaven.

Gold will buy temporal comforts.

God gives you eternal bliss.

Gold will buy fleeting satisfaction.

God can give you the gift of contentment.


Go with Romans 6:23 for today! The gift of God is eternal life!


Read" Luke 12:15.




Dishes, dishes, dishes, there are always dishes to do. It's a task we never completely escape. It's a chore most people detest. The worst part of any task is the " getting at it." Once you begin, it's almost fun to see the dishes glisten and shine, and in their place again.

Apply that principle to your prayer life. Prayer is essential to the believers life. We need to commune with God. Our problem is  " getting at it". When we take the first steps, we enjoy talking to God. We discover burdens that are lifted, needs that are met, and people prayed for. So whatever the task, "Lets get at it." Do it heartily!


Go with Colossians. 3:23 today!


Day 7




The parable of the Prodigal Son! The circumstances of this parable set forth the riches of God's grace. There is room for repentance and returning to God. The younger son is the prodigal whose character and case are designed to represent that of a sinner.

1. A sinful state is a state of departure from God. Sinners flee! Sinners get as far away from God as they can. The world is the far country in which they take up residence.

2. A sinful state is a spending state. The prodigal wasted his substance with riotous living. In a little time he spent all! He associated with those who helped him spend what he had.

3. A sinful state is a wanting state. When he spent all, his friends left him. A famine made things even worse. Willful waste brings woeful want. He is dry, barren, wretched and miserably poor.

4. A sinful state is a state of perpetual dissatisfaction. He satisfied his hunger with the husks the pigs did eat. It was poor provision! Isaiah says, " They labour for that which does not satisfy" Isaiah 55:2.

5. A sinful state is a state of death." This my son was  dead. A sinner is dead in trespasses and sin, destitute of spiritual life. Without God and without hope in this world. Ephesians 2:1,12.

6. A sinful state is a lost state. "This my son was lost" Lost to everything that was good. Lost to all honour and virtue. Souls that are separated from God are lost souls. Think of it, Lost!

The Bible says, " The Son of Man is come to seek and save that which is lost" Luke 19:10. "While we were still sinners, Christ died for us "Romans 5:8. " The blood of Jesus Christ purifies us from all sin" 1John 1:7.

The word today is -repent and return! Have you been forgiven?



Luke 15:11-24.


Day 8




God is mindful of every individual. The return of sinners is pleasing to God. He will abundantly pardon!

Several questions emerge from the account in Luke 15.


1. What was the occasion of his return and repentance?

"When he was in want, he came to himself". Often men are brought to their senses through severe circumstances. How vain the things of this world are! The world has no comfort when a soul is under the guilt of sin. No man can give us what we need. We need to come to Jesus.

2. What was the preparative for his return and repentance? 

He reasoned with himself". It was consideration! He reflected upon his condition. His thoughts ran home where the hired servants had bread enough. His thinking led him to conclude, "I will arise and go to my father." True repentance is rising and coming to God. We must make a break with sin and turn to God.

3. What was his proposal and what does he prepare to say?


"I have sinned against heaven and in your sight father." This he planned to tell his father. Like a boy, would plan to say to his daddy for something wrong that he had done. He acknowledged himself to have forfeited all the privileges of the family. He would say, " I am no longer worthy to be called your son, make me one of your hired servants. It becomes sinners to acknowledge themselves unworthy to receive any favour from God. The prodigal acted upon his consideration. He struck while the iron was hot. He did not wait for a more convenient season.

That is how we must come! Acknowledge God our Father, who is Holy. Acknowledge that He is mindful of us. Acknowledge that God loves us! If we did, our sorrow for sin would be a little more genuine. God in grace and mercy is ready to forgive when sinners repent and turn to Him.

Have you been running away from God? Did you know that He, Jesus, stands at the door of your life knocking, waiting to enter? Revelation 3:20. You must open the door! God bids you to return! See the father's love as he ran and embraced and kissed his son. The ring and the robe and the roast were all part of the celebration of his return.



Luke 15:11-24


Day 9




Bread Companies have advertised there bread with this slogan: "You can play one hour of hockey on one slice of bread".


That's how much food value it contains.

After feeding the five thousand, Jesus makes the declaration,


" I am the Bread of Life". The Bread of Life is better than natural bread. We all know where bread comes from. Not from the bakery, I mean the process; from the grain of wheat to the time it is baked and placed on the table. Natural bread comes from the ground. Natural bread satisfies the physical body. We need nourishment for our body.


The loaves and fishes satisfied the multitude. A miracle was performed. They wanted to make Him a King who would continue to provide daily bread. They wanted natural bread!

When Jesus makes the statement, " I am the Bread of Life" there seems to be some argument and misunderstanding. True, Moses had given them manna in the wilderness, but the Father had given true bread from heaven. The true bread of God gives life to the world. The manna only had timely worth, only for a day. To eat manna did not make them live forever. Jesus declared, "I am the Bread of Life. He who comes to me will never go hungry". The Bread of Life is the best bread! Through faith we partake of the Bread of Life.

This bread satisfies the soul! Many believers testify to that fact! Those who daily find their nourishment from Jesus do not find it difficult to understand. Natural bread is only for a very short time. This bread, the Bread of Life gives you eternal life!

This Bread is for everyone! We must come as an individual and take for our selves. No one else can do this for you. You benefit as you eat for yourself. No one else can eat your breakfast for you. You must eat it yourself. God is asking you in simple faith to receive Jesus, The Bread of Life and He will give you eternal life.

There is an eternity ahead! Have you eaten of this life giving bread?



John 6:25-59


Day 10




Jesus did not go about as a sight-seer. He went about doing good. The blind man was to Him a more interesting sight than buildings or scenery. Some striking features are recorded in John 9.

1. Blindness. A man born blind. He was not blind because he or his parents has sinned; but that the work of God might be displayed. The Son of God would show His miraculous power. {Like in the case of Lazarus, the glory of God might be seen in raising him from the dead- John 11.}

2. Deliverance. The blind man's eyes were anointed with mud made by spit. Then he was told to go and wash in the Pool of Siloam. There was no virtue in the mud, the spit, the pool nor the washing. The eye opening power lay in his obedience to the word spoken by Him who said, " I am the Light of the World". He went, he washed and he came seeing! The man was not responsible for being blind, but he was responsible for accepting or rejecting the word. If he had despised the means, he would not have been obedient to the word-" Go wash!" He would have remained blind. It is when we believe and obey that we come seeing. There is no excuse for spiritual blindness today.

3. Testimony. The blind man took no credit to himself in the matter, and he is not ashamed to tell all he knows about it; and that was not much. In answer to the question how, he answered, A man called Jesus made mud, put it on my eyes, told me to go wash off the mud in a pool, I washed and I came seeing. A little later he testifies to the assurance. It was real! "One thing I know, I was blind but now I see." This is the evidence that a man is in the light of Christ, and that he is a new creature. In this new power of vision he has the witness in himself. There is a joyful ring about this "I KNOW!" It is the confidence born our of experience.

It is a sure sign that Jesus has become his Master when he fearlessly pleads with others to become followers of Christ,

as well.

Jesus came as a light that the world through Him might be saved. Whosoever believeth will not walk in darkness! It is as real and free as the light of the sun. As the Light of your life, confess Him! Be committed to the Lord Jesus Christ! Walk in the Light!



John 9


Day 11




I marvel at the simplicity of the gospel! The metaphor before us is full of meaning. There may be a door to a barn, a house, a palace, a fortress, a dungeon, a church, a torture chamber and a royal treasury. A door may be of material as weak as wicker or as strong as oak, iron or brass. A door may be opened by a latch which a child may lift or it may be secured by bolts and bars that may resist the blow of a battering ram. A door may always be open so that every passer by may enter; or it may be locked so that only such as have the key may enter. A door presumes a "within" and a "without".

The spiritual state of sinful man is pitiable and distressing. Apart from God no true good is accessible to man. The way to God then, is of vital importance. Christ announces Himself to be such a way. He is the Door! He is the Way! When Christ left heaven for earth He left the door ajar; and opened a new and living way for man to enter. He said, " I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by Me." He also  said, " I am the Door of the sheep." The door admits the sheep to go in and out and find pasture John 10:9.


Sheep need food! The soul of man needs nourishment. Several years ago an elderly man confessed to me that through the daily routine of life he had become spiritually starved. He had not taken the time to go in and out and find pasture. Blessings may be obtained by going in. Christ is the door.

Christ gives life to the full John 10:10. Eye has not seen nor ear heard, neither hath entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for them that love Him. Go in and find pasture!

By means of a simple metaphor-"I am the Door", Christ placed Himself between the whole human race and true blessings. Christ is most attractive and worthy; and when we enter there is no disappointment. He is the door and must be acknowledged as such. There is one condition for all; by Me if any man enter; let him be rich or poor, Jew or Gentile; there is but one door. We must come by Jesus Christ! Jesus is the way to heaven!


The door is open today. Your opportunity may be today! Think of it for a moment, are you on the inside or the outside? Enter in by faith in Jesus Christ.



John 10:11


Day 12




 For those who live in the Niagara Peninsula, in the fruit belt of Ontario, the simple metaphor of John 15 will be well understood. This has been called the fruit chapter. Another, I am of Christ, namely, I am the True Vine. Jesus Christ is the True Vine! He was true to God, to His own nature, to His environment and to the sons of men. As a Vine He is true to those who are associated with Him. We are the branches. Christ is our life and the source of our fruit bearing.

God is at work in this chapter as the gardener, the vine dresser. He shows us that He cares and that there must be a vital connection between the branch and the vine. A vital connection is essential to the continuance of life. Every branch that does not bear fruit He takes away. That speaks of unfruitfulness. In many instances, worldliness is the cause of being unfruitful.


See the parable of the Sower and the Seed and read Matthew 13:22. Every branch that does bear fruit He prunes. God is at work! There is a reason! Whom the Lord loves He chastens! Hebrews12:5,6. Out of every affliction God has a purpose. His purging has purpose--more fruit!

The key to the chapter is "Abiding". It means to stay, to dwell, to remain. Are you abiding in the True Vine like that?  Abiding is essential for fruit bearing! A true disciple of the Vine bears much fruit. The sap of the vine is to the branch what the Spirit of Christ is to the believer. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness and faith Galatians 5:22-23.


When the Holy Spirit has control of our lives there will be the fruit of a Christ-like spirit. To abide in Him is to abide in His word, His will, and His work. God works in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure. Prayer is important! If we are too busy to pray, we are too busy! Take time!


Fellowship with Jesus everyday! We expect fruit to be on the vine. God expects fruit to be in our lives. Are you in Christ? Is there the evidence of fruit? The results are twofold: The Father is glorified and discipleship is proven. See John 15:8.

Fruit is the natural outcome of a faithful following of Jesus Christ. Life lived in Christ and for Him is the God glorifying life.



John 15:1-8


Day 13




Many of the miracles of Christ suggest some  principles that we all need to follow.

Observe three simple questions:


  1. Where was the Saviour?

  2. Whom did He meet?

  3. What did He say?

The Lord Jesus was in the synagogue, a place of instruction. He taught in the presence of Scribes and Pharisees. Our attention is drawn to the man with the withered hand. Others were there who came to observe. In this audience were people who had no sympathy with Jesus' ministry. Christ was in a faultfinding crowd. Some were men with withered hearts! They had come to accuse, to see if He would heal on the Sabbath.

What did the Saviour say? To the man with the withered hand he said," Stand up in front of everyone". This would not be easy. Anyone who is handicapped or deformed doesn't very well want to expose himself.


The other word of command soon after was, " Stretch out your hand." This had been impossible. He had never raised his hand before; it was limp and powerless. In obedience, however, he did stretch out his hand and it was restored. Have you ever heard this statement " God's commands are His enablings" This man expected Jesus to heal him.

Let me make an application. Adam put forth his hand and took of the forbidden fruit, and immediately his spiritual hand was withered. All his sons are born with a withered hand. All are helpless and lost in sin. You may be restored through simple faith in Jesus Christ. For you in may mean to stand up and be counted, even among your friends and loved ones. You may need to make a clean break. It may be some habit is keeping you from coming to Christ. Hear again, Gods commandments are His enabling. The Holy Spirit is faithful, and many times He puts His finger on the very thing that's keeping you from coming.


Reach out in faith to Jesus Christ today!



Mark 3:1-6


Day 14




Do you have a testimony in your home town? It may be easy to testify away from home where no one knows you, but what about your home town?

And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up for to read. (Luke 4:16)

Would you be prepared to say a word or even read in a service of worship? Is it your custom to go to church on the Lord's Day?


Jesus' custom was to go into the synagogue on the Sabbath day. Catch the phrase " as was his custom". I believe it is very important to attend church on Sunday. God has incorporated the one in seven, the day of rest, the day of worship. We need the fellowship of believers to strengthen us. We need the ministry of the Word to feed our soul. You need the church and the church needs you!

At the synagogue they gave Jesus the scroll of Isaiah; a book full of Messianic prophecies. The word He read was fulfilled  that very day. He had appeared to begin His early ministry. Here before their very eyes was the one able to fulfill the promise of Isaiah 61:1,2. He was anointed for this ministry that we see lined up in the word of prophecy. To preach the gospel to the poor, and to heal the brokenhearted. Many times His words were words of comfort to the poor. His followers were mainly the common place people. They heard Him gladly!

Men and women, boys and girls, need spiritual healing. Sin has caused so much of our heartache and hurts. People seek deliverance! Jesus Christ is the only one who can set you free! Are you enslaved to sin and Satan, come to Christ, He can set you free! The accepted time is now. Now is the time! Today! It is time to seek the Lord.




Luke 4:16-27

Hosea 10:12


Day 15




The "I wills" of Christ are actually promises. They are given so that we might act upon them. God's word is true and the word is directed to us. The Lord Jesus is merciful! Wherever the Presence of the Lord Jesus Christ is there is the power of God.

Before us today is the account of the leper who was cleansed. Notice his miserable condition! His disease has reached its final stage; he was full of leprosy. Leprosy in the scriptures has been a type of sin. Like sin, this loathsome disease had worked its way in slowly; and its course is irresistible and deadly. It poisons the blood and the whole physical being becomes polluted. Sin affects the heart! A man living in sin is a man dead to God.

From this condition there is a ray of hope. This man was inspired when his eyes saw Jesus. Seeing Jesus will never fail to awaken hope in a darkened sin crushed heart. Here was a Man full of compassion, and he the leper full of leprosy. Hear his prayer, "Lord, if You are willing You can make me clean." This leper fell on his face! He took a humble position! This petition brings out the one burning desire of the be made clean!

The Lord Jesus reached out His hand and touched him, saying, "I will, be clean!" Immediately the leprosy left him. Here was the touch of the Master's hand! The healing touch! The cleansing touch! With His healing touch comes the word of assurance "I will, be clean". He speaks and it is done!

After his cleansing there comes the commission. Go show yourself to the priest and offer the offering for cleansing. Indeed a testimony of that which happened to him. Every soul that is saved should be a testimony of God's saving grace.

Have you been cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Would you be free from your burden of sin? There is power in the blood!



Luke 5:12-16


Day 16




In this Roman Centurion we see a thoroughly practical man. Even Jesus marvels at this man's simplicity and greatness. Say the word and my servant shall be healed.

 For I also am a man set under authority, having under me soldiers, and I say unto one, Go, and he goes; and to another, Come, and he comes; and to my servant, Do this, and he does [it]. (Luke 7:8)

This man had learned to take a command. He believes the Great Commander has but to speak and it shall be done. His servant was sick and about to die. He was at the point of death. Is this the picture of everyone under the power of sin. Is this not a dangerous condition? The Centurion comes, not for himself, but for his servant.


When he heard of Jesus, he sent for Him. His servant must have been dear to him. How much concern do we have for those who are lost and sin sick? How cold we sometimes are to those who have a need. We miss out because there is no concern.

This man had a good reputation. His prayer is a humble one, he says, "I am not worthy to have you come into my house." This man has faith, just say the word and my servant will be healed. Faith has always to do with the Word. God's word cannot fail! The Centurion places himself right into the picture. He too has others set under his authority, and they do as he commands. He sets an example of good soldiership!

God will in due time answer the cry of faith. The Lord Jesus marveled at this man's faith. I am reminded of William Carey the missionary to India who said, "Attempt great things for God, expect great things from God". Sometime we limit God! Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he that comes to God must believe that he is, and [that] he  rewards  those that diligently seek him. (Hebrews 11:6)

I would encourage you to take hold of God's word like this Centurion. God has not made it difficult for us to believe!



Luke 7:2-10


Day 17



A story is told of a lady, an excellent cook, who unexpected had to serve a pie she considered a failure. Her guest commended her for the pie she had baked.

A few days later the same person came to eat with the family again. This time the lady knew she was coming and diligently put out her best. To her surprise the guest made no mention of the desert she served.


Overcome with curiosity, the lady asked her guest why she had so lavishly praised the inferior pie but made no mention of her desert this time. Her reply was, "The one tonight spoke for itself, the other one needed praising."

Often it’s the people we least suspect who need a word of commendation. An encouraging word may be all that’s needed to save another from defeat. A bit of praise may be all that’s needed to spur one on to nobler deeds.

" good is a timely word"

Proverbs 15:23b


Proverbs 16:23




Many a person has been saved from despair by a word of encouragement. When you have gone to call on someone, you have heard the words. "I am glad you came, you made my day." Years later you still recall the warmness of those words.

When our spirits are low, it is easy to lose heart. We want to throw in the towel!


Discouragement and doubt are like poison! Everyone needs encouragement! And the good thing is this; anyone can do it! When you notice a job well done; say so! Express appreciation- make a phone call, send a card.

Prayer affirms! Fellowship with the Lord renews and gives strength. You can do it!


Philippians 4:13


Day 18




 "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world!" Mothers, yours is the greatest privilege in the world. Yours is a greater task than that of making the nations laws or ruling as a king. What your influence is no one can estimate. Only eternity will reveal it and give the proper credit. What a tragedy that so many women will miss the opportunity of being the mothers for God and sacrifice the greatest gift-parenthood, for the pleasures and ease of a fleeting empty age.


If we continue to allow the home to degenerate, and our children to be spiritually neglected, history can only repeat itself. The downfall of nations in every case has been preceded by the breakdown of the home. O, the heartache and the heartbreak which would be prevented if mothers and fathers had perpetuated a family alter in the home with the Bible as the text book and the person of Christ as the centre.

At it's best, parenthood is a tremendous responsibility. Words cannot measure the length and breadth and depth and height of that solemn position and personal accountability-parenthood. It will always be the grace of God that our children will be brought up to follow the Lord.


Children, as you know, receive their first concepts of God from their parents. Parents personify and establish the authority of God before their children. The question has been asked,  "Have we taught our children what the Bible calls "the fear of the Lord?" Has this been a missing note? The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom Job 28:28. Children who have not come under the authority at home find great difficulty submitting to God. Parents who have their children in control spare themselves and their children many family pains and heartaches. The scripture is plain, children are to be brought up in the training and instruction of the Lord Ephesians 6:4. This responsibility requires divine guidance.


What a trust! What a guardianship! Only God's grace is sufficient for these things.

Has God given you a family then you have been highly favoured of the Lord. He has seen fit to entrust you with a responsibility above every other. Do not rest until you know that your children are in the ark of salvation. If you wait until they come under the influence of others it may be too late. I bear the testimony to the power of a mother's prayers. I never got beyond the reach of mother's prayers and never beyond the power of early training in my life. The memory of my name in mother's prayer had more to do with my salvation next to God than any other thing. Are all the children in?




Proverbs 2:1-8


Day 19




"The strength of a nation lies in the homes of its people." These the words of Abraham Lincoln.


Let me introduce and illustrate an interesting verse in Proverbs 22:28. "Remove not the ancient landmark {boundary} which your fathers have set."


Among the property owned jointly by two young brothers who were carpenters was the old tumble down place of their birth. One of the brothers was soon to be married and the old house was to be torn down and a new one erected on its site. For years neither of the brothers had visited the cottage as it had been leased. As they entered now and started the work of demolishing the place, again and again floods of tender memories swept over them. By the time they reached the kitchen they were well-nigh overcome with their emotions. There was the place where the old kitchen table had stood with the family Bible. Here is were the family knelt to pray together. They were recalling now with a pang how in later years they had felt a little superior to that time-honoured custom carefully observed by their father.


One of the brothers said," We're " better off" than he was, but we are not " better men". The other agreed, saying," I'm going back to the old church and the old ways, and in my new home I'm going to make room for worship as Dad did." Raise up the family alter.


The strength of a nation lies in the homes of its people. Remove not the old landmark our fathers have set.


Dr.J.G.Paton said,"No hurry for market, no rush for business, no arrival of friends or guests, no trouble or sorrow, no joy or excitement ever prevented us from kneeling around the family alter while Dad offered himself and his children to God."  It was on his fathers life in his home that  Dr. Paton based his decision to follow the Lord wholly. He walked with God , why not I ?


What is home without a Bible ? A home's a mighty precious place, Its more than floors and walls and space, More than a place to hang your hat, Ah, yes, A home is more than that. A homes a place where children grow, Where they life's lessons learn to know, Where love and law together blend, A place of blessing without end. And home's a place where God is known, Where His blest word in hearts is sown, Where little lips are taught to pray And feet are helped to walk God's way.



Deuteronomy 6:1-9


Day 20




If fathers are like me, it may be said, " Dad is not the kissing kind." I guess I got that from my father, who really was not the kissing kind. Oh, he might lend his cheek, lean over for the other person to display their affection; but Dad had his own way of letting us know he loved us. Let anyone get into a tight spot, he was ready to help. Dad would share his material means, he would lend a listening ear; he would give the shirt off his back. Dad had a genuine concern.


So there are different ways of expressing love and affection--sharing, lending, listening, giving and praying. I hope you know a Dad like that! You may say, "Dad is not the kissing kind", but he sure knew how to walk in Christian love. The Bible says, " Let us stop saying we love people, let us really love them, and show it by our actions" 1 John 3:18.

Read: Galatians 6:1-4




I may never be as clever as my neighbor down the street,

I may never be as wealthy as some other men I meet;

I may never have the glory that some other men have had,

But I've got to be successful as a little fellow's dad.


There are certain dreams I cherish that I'd like to see come true

There are things I would accomplish ere my working time is through;

But the task my heart is set on is to guide a little lad

And to make myself successful as that little fellow's dad.


It is that one job I dream of; it’s the task I think of most;

If I'd fail that growing youngster I'd have nothing else to boast.

For though wealth and fame I'd gather, all my future would be sad,

If I'd failed to be successful as that little fellow's dad.


I may never get earth's glory; I may never gather gold;

Men may count me as a failure when my business life is told;

But if he who follows after is a Christian, I'll be glad--

For I'll know I've been successful as a little fellow's dad.






Our inspiration today has its roots in Romans 12:9. "Hate what is evil; cling to what is good."

All of us have a drawer in the kitchen where everything is stored- recipes, rubber bands, scissors, string, paper clips, etc. You know what I mean; anything and everything small. Then comes the day, a rainy day, and you are going to tidy up that drawer. So you throw out a lot of stuff you'll never use again and in so doing you are making room for new things.

I think there is a lesson here for all of us. Our lives need cleaning up; our minds need room for new thoughts. We need to make space for good things in our minds.


Thoughts of hate, envy, jealousy and greediness are destructive. The sooner we get rid of them the better. The thought is this, make room for the good! In place of hate, store love; in place of despair, store hope; in place of doubt, store faith.


Lets' harbour the thoughts and attitudes that reflect the person of Jesus Christ.


Philippians 4:8                                                                                                      



I've just read, "Many people like soft butter" It is pliable! It spreads easily and goes further than hard butter. It glides across toast with ease and soaks into it much more quickly.

Butter reminds me of words. Hard words tear and cause resentments. Hard words may even ruin a friendship. A soft word is always welcome! It can sooth and bring comfort. It can bring hope to the hopeless. With this in mind I cannot help but think of Proverbs 15:1,"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."

"Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones" Proverbs 16:24.


I hope you are among the many who like soft butter on your toast. Have a good day!



Psalm 141:3


Day 22




I say this kindly, " Every woman has the privilege of changing her mind". I wonder if we don't over-do it at times--like the day a lady went into a shoe store. She tried on several pair of shoes, but she couldn't make up her mind about one specific pair. She decided to wait until later. She offered her apologies to the salesman. Smiling, he assured her that it was perfectly alright. "I have been in this business too long to let one customer discourage me." Those words gave the lady a lift for the day.

Discouragement is a tool of the Enemy. It seems to be his master weapon. Listen! Courage is of the Lord! Hold your head high! With Him you can face disappointments and thwarted plans. Be of good courage!



Deuteronomy 1:38





All of us have heard the words, "Just a minute." Mom calls, " Pauline, set the table. Pauline says, "Just a minute" and continues to play the piano. Dad calls, " Bring me the hammer." Jack says, "Just a minute" and stays with his project.

Both Mom and Dad's patience was marvelous even after a difficult day, being turned aside with the words, "Just a minute". I wonder if we are aware of the value of "wasted minutes?" Our "just a minute " add up to wasted hours. Let me remind you of our stewardship of time.


Could we use our "just a minute" to advantage? May I touch upon one area? It takes just a minute to send up a prayer heavenward. Long prayers demand no urgent need. God's ear is alert to hear the weakest, faintest and shortest prayer.


Would you read Psalm 5:1-3 for today?


Day 23




 Children have a way of picking up peculiar expressions. Have you heard them say, "Wonder if"? Wonder if it will rain. Wonder if we will move. I think what they were really saying was, " What if it should rain? What if we should move?

No doubt we have all asked the question, "What if?" What if Columbus hadn't discovered America? Where would we be? What if Mr. Bell hadn't discovered the telephone? What would our teenagers do?

Let me zero in on something more serious.


What if God had not loved the world enough to send us His Son? What if His Son had refused to die for our sins? What if He had not risen from the dead and given us the hope of eternal life? What if!

The fact is- He did!


God so loved that He gave! Jesus Christ gave His life freely! He rose from the dead giving us a glorious prospect. Reflect upon John 3:16 today.



John 14:1-3






We have all heard it said, "Every little bit adds up." Little things count up! Remember when bobby pins or clothes pins were lying around everywhere. Mother would stress the necessity of not losing these simple little things. We might have said, "Mom, what’s a bobby pin, they are cheap aren't they?"

Every little bit adds up! Every berry can fill the basket. Every penny enlarges our savings. Every person helps to make up the congregation. May I never grow careless with little thoughtless words, little indiscreet actions and little unwholesome attitudes. Every little bit adds up!

God has not despised the day of little things Zechariah 4:10


Read: Mark 9:41 "Because you belong to Christ"


Day 24




Grandma's kitchen was always full of good things- big crusty loaves of bread, pies and cookies. She kept large raisin-centered sugar cookies in a special corner of the cupboard. She kept them for eating purposes. They were there for the asking.

Have you ever truly calculated the blessings of the Christian life? GOD'S CUPBOARD IS FULL AND OVERFLOWING! To those who believe there is peace of heart, soul and mind.


There is the gift of a clear clean conscience, worth more than riches. There is freedom from the bondage of sin. There is contentment in doing His will. There is grace for every trial and testing. God's cupboard is full!

It is all there for the asking!

" He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things" Psalm 107:9


Matthew 7:7 for today.




Women's hats have borne the brunt of countless jokes. They have been called many things. But it still can't be denied, a new hat gives a lady a lift. Sometimes the renovation of an old one does the trick too.


Everyone needs a lift at times. The monotony of the every day tasks tax all alike. A change of scenery, a new piece of furniture and a new hat gives a lift for living.

When we experience that let down feeling its time for renewal. The prophet Isaiah said it well,"They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint". New courage and strength can be received by waiting in God's presence. We can receive a lift through prayer.


Lets go into today with Isaiah 40:31.

                   Have a good day!


Day 25




I enjoy collecting poetry and from time to time will recite or quote from lines that linger in my mind. I am drawing attention to one entitled:

Life is So Short

"Lets' smile and be kind because life is so short and most of the way is rough. The times are trying, the road upgrade, and always trouble enough.

Life is too short for spite and revenge, and paying back wrong for wrong; Try patience and love and forgiveness, meet slights with a smile and a song".

It goes on to say that this sad world needs the wealth of your love, your gentle care, your word of encouragement and your smile.

Smile--its worth a million dollars and doesn't cost a cent!


Proverbs 17:22 sometime today.





Its fun to travel through new territory; to view new scenery and to see unfamiliar places. Such adventures call for direction. So road maps are essential! They give the guidance we need.

Many times in our lives we are called upon to travel through unfamiliar territory. New experiences come to all of us. There is sorrow over the loss of a loved one. There are disappointments in our plans. There are strange and perplexing situations. There are adjustments to make and new things to be conquered.

All of these experiences call for faith. Without faith we have nothing to hold us, nothing to steady us, nothing to keep us on the right path. Faith in our Creator, our Maker; faith in His Word which is the road map. Faith in His promised Presence.


For today as your travel--read

Psalm 19.


Day 26




     For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

The golden text of the Bible! If we were to telephone to heaven and ask for the way of salvation, we might receive the answer in John 3:16. Enjoy the simple gospel with me today!

     1. The Source of Salvation: "For God". God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid. He that is our God is the God of our salvation Psalm 68:20. Salvation means deliverance from the consequences of sin; deliverance through the atoning work of Christ. God in His everlasting mercy supplied a way of salvation.

     2. The Reason for Salvation: "so loved". The very essence of God is love. To be a righteous God and a loving God there must be the equal amount of hatred for sin. God saves people, not in their sins, or with their sins, but from their sins. God commended his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. {Romans 5:8}

      3. The Cost of Salvation: "gave His only begotten son". God paid the price of redemption! Heavens best came down to earth to bring salvation to lost humanity. Heaven's treasure for sinful man! It was love that sent the Saviour to this wicked world below. He loved us and gave Himself for us. God gave-it cost Him His Son.

      4. The Condition of Salvation: "that whosoever believeth in Him". In Him, notice, not about Him! Many people know and believe about Him, but not in Him. Faith in Christ secures salvation! Man's part is to accept Him in faith believing. {Romans 10:9} {1John 5:12-13.}

      5. The Consequences of Rejecting Salvation: "Perish". Not to believe brings with it condemnation. Look at John 3:17,18. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. (John 3:17) He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. (John 3:18)

The greatest sin is unbelief. Life in this world is too short to reject this salvation that God offers to you. Whosoever comes, need not delay. Jesus is the true, the only living way.



John 3:1-18


Day 27




Israel's story is our story! What happened to Israel can happen to us. God can deliver us from this present evil world, save us, keep us and someday take us to be with Him in glory.

The gospel story can well be seen in the pages of Exodus. God wanted Israel to be free from the yoke of bondage and free from slavery. Israel in Egypt portrays a graphic figure of the condition of the sinner. He is bound by sin. The sinner is in the hands of the one who rules him with despotic power. He is sold under sin, led captive by Satan and bound in the chains of lust, passion and temper; without strength, without hope and without God. Such is the sinners condition! He is the slave of another and everything he does is done in the capacity of a slave. God is able to deliver from the clutches of sin and Satan.

The gospel of the grace of God introduced an entirely new condition. The believer in Christ has been taken out of his former condition of guilt and placed absolutely and eternally in a new condition of unspotted righteousness. He is born in a certain condition, and until he is "born again" he cannot be in any other. Self improvement and turning over a new leaf will not change a sinner's condition. In Christ he is a new creation! {2 Corinthians 5:17}

The case is precisely similar as to the question of nature. How can a man alter his nature? He may make it undergo a process; he may try to subdue it; he may place it under discipline; but it is nature still.


That which is born of flesh is flesh! There must be a new nature. When we are born again by the operation of the Spirit of God, we are made partakers of a new nature.

This is eternal life, that they might know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom God has sent. It all rests on the great truth that Jesus died and rose again. Infinite justice was satisfied, mercy and truth are met together, righteousness and peace have kissed each other, and the sinner has his need met. (Psalm 85:10) He died, the Just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God.(1Peter 3:18)



Ephesians 2:1-10


Day 28




Since the longing to be happy is universal with man and comparatively few achieve happiness, let us carefully note the conditions for happiness. We will be looking at Psalm 119:1-9. I believe  that you know that the word "blessed" means Happy!

"Happy are all who search for God, and always do His will." {119:2}. God's word is God's will for us. Let the word of God do something for you. We need to submit our will and our conduct to God's word and God's will.

The happy people do not compromise with evil, but walk in God's paths.{119:3} They are careful to avoid sin. The godly man keeps God's word and walks in His ways, because the Lord has commanded it. Our hearts desire should be that the Lord by His word and Holy Spirit so direct our thoughts, our words and our actions so that they will be in harmony with His word and His will. Such a man will not be ashamed,nor condemned by his heart, accused by his conscience, or suffer loss at the judgment seat of Christ. He will have a clean record.

The word of God not only gives the key to true happiness, it is also the secret of victory in our lives.{119:9} Man is beset by many temptations and desires. Here is the way he may be cleansed. Jesus said to His disciples, " You are clean through the Word" John 15:3. "The fellow is so full of the word; was the answer of the man who tried to entice a young Christian boy to drink; the boy had used the word to counter-attack temptations." The Lord Himself used the word three times to keep sin out when He was tempted. In our homes or in our hands it may remain unopened; in our heads it may be forgotten; but in our hearts it will keep us from sin.

What is your attitude toward the Word of God? Man's response to God is of great importance. Man is a responsible being and decides his spiritual welfare and eternal destiny. If you have neglected the word, why not get back to it? Take God at His word! Receive it and believe it! Get to the word!



Psalm 119:1-9


Day 29




Psalm 1 is a fitting introduction to the entire book of the Psalms. There is a twofold aspect to consider in the happiness of the man in this passage.

     A. HIS NEGATIVE CHARACTER:  There are are some things he will not do.

     1. He does not walk in the counsel of the wicked. He knows that the way of the wicked will perish. The counsel of the wicked is the walk in the broad way that leads to destruction.{Matthew 7:13-14}

     2. He does not stand in the way of sinners. Sinners are those who deliberately transgress against light. To stand in their way of doing things is to show an attitude that is at home with the way of sinners.

     3. He does not sit in the seat of mockers. Those who begin to walk in the counsel of the wicked are in danger of ending in the seat of mockers. They make a mock of sin, eternity, heaven and hell. When men live in sin they go from bad to worse.


     1. He is joyful! His delight is in the law of the Lord. The Christian life is entering into a new and happy inheritance in the word of God. All who love the Lord will find delight in His Word!

     2. He is thoughtful! On His law he meditates day and night. Meditation on the word of truth is as needful for our spiritual health and strength as food is for the body. These are days when we ought to get literally soaked up in God's word like a sponge-saturated!

     3. He is fruitful! Fruit is forthcoming! The fruit is according to the character of the tree and is always in season. Fruit-bearing is natural, because there is abundance of life where the roots are in the rivers of God. The outward life will be fresh and green when inward life is pure and full.

     4. He is successful! Whatever he does prospers. The bud and the blossom produced by the Holy Spirit will come to fruition. God has the right to look for fruit in your life and mine.

Did you notice the contrast? The wicked are like chaff. The chaff has no power to resist either the wind or the fire. The lawless, like chaff are driven about with every wind of doctrine, popular opinion and worldly success. The way of the wicked must perish, because it is the way of pride, pleasure, unbelief and Christ rejection.


Consider the contrast and join with those whose delight it is to follow the Lord.



Psalm 1


Day 30




     Therefore thus will I do unto thee, O Israel: [and] because I will do this unto thee, prepare to meet thy God, O Israel. (Amos 4:12)

Charles Wesley said,"A charge to keep I have, a God to glorify; a never dying soul to save and fit it for the sky."


We spend many years preparing for life's work. Our schools make much of this preparation. How many years do you spend in school for life's work? Time is spent to prepare for this life! What about our preparation for heaven? Would you be ready to meet God? Life is brief! Just a vapour, a heart-beat! Life is like a weavers shuttle Job says. Like water poured on the ground. David says. Like the grass of the field Isaiah says.

You have heard it said, " Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people."


Those whose sins have been washed away through the blood of Jesus Christ are prepared. If you take Jesus as your Saviour in this life you will be with Him in the next. It does pay to prepare! If you do not prepare you will spend eternity in hell. The wicked will be turned into hell and be separated from God forever.{Psalm 9:17} Beyond the grave we will meet God! God has given us a free will. We may choose.

God has loved you from the foundation of the world. He it is who in the person of Jesus, upon the cross, virtually gave Himself for you. He it is who through the varying stages and circumstances of your life tried to win you. He it is whose love would not let you go in spite of repeated denials. He it is who will be just and righteous at the judgement; for as the Judge of all the earth He will do right.

The Judge will give full consideration to your case apart from others. You will meet Him personally! He will judge you individually! If you are guilty, then He will pronounce His verdict, and send you to your punishment. If you have been brought to a realization of your lost condition, and have cried out for mercy; then you will face God as the God of compassion and mercy.


If you have willingly renounced your sin and taken your stand for Christ, then God will be to you the God of blessing.

I trust that you will meet God today as the God of blessing. Prepare to meet Him!  Be robed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ! Know, that by the grace of God you can be fully prepared.



Amos 5:4-15.


© 2021 A Lift for Living - Created by Cliff Kraeker using Wix

Hard Copy of Lift for Living was written in 1991 - now out of print

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