Day 1
The more I think of and pray about things as they are all over the world, the deeper my conviction becomes; that the state of the spiritual lives of Christians is due to the fact that they do not realize the need of daily fellowship with God the Father.
This is the first thing I need in my life, daily fellowship with the Father. Its like breathing! I have no power of my own to maintain my spiritual life. I need to receive new grace from God. I need fellowship with Him! This cannot happen by a hasty prayer or a superficial reading of a few verses. I must take time, quietly and deliberately to come into His presence.
It was David who said,"My soul wait thou only upon God." He continued to say,"Be still and know that I am God." Most of us long for a better life, but so few of us realize the need of giving God time day by day.
Parents take pleasure in their children and enjoy their fellowship. God desires that we have fellowship with Him every day. Take time! Believe in this personal fellowship! He is a living Person in heaven who thinks of us each day and longs to reveal Himself. He desires us each day to bring to Him our love and devotion. As you learn to go apart with Him alone each day, you will find the secret of true happiness, and you will experience His presence with you.
Prayer in fellowship with Jesus cannot be in vain. Jesus said, "Go into your inner room, and when you have shut the door, pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees in secret will repay you" Matt.6:6.
May I encourage you to practise a daily devotional life? It will grow on you. You will learn to love it!
Prayer in secret will be followed by the secret working of God in your heart.
You all know the hymn:
Take time to be holy,
The world rushes on,
Much time spend in secret,
With Jesus alone;
By looking to Jesus,
Like Him thou shalt be;
Thy friends in thy conduct
His likeness shall see.
Day 2
Someone said in my hearing one day, "Character is what you are when you are alone." To this I want to add, "Secrecy as to character is impossible." Let me illustrate this with a brief story I read.
As he was hurrying along the street a business man dropped a dime out of his pocket. A boy of honest character picked it up, and realizing that the man was not even aware that he dropped it; ran after him and gave the dime to him. Impressed, the man asked for his name and address. Later when the boy graduated from high school, the man offered him a position which meant the handling of large sums of money. He was sure of a boy who could be trusted to return a dime.
In a hundred small and undramatic ways we let the world know what manner of persons we are. Secrecy as to character is impossible! From my collection of poetry I share this bit of prose.
You tell on yourself by the friends you seek, by the very manner in which you speak,
By the way you employ your leisure time,
By the use you make of dollar and dime. You tell what you are by the things you wear,
By the spirit in which you your burdens bear,
By the kind of things at which you laugh,
By the records you play on the phonograph. You tell what you are by the way you walk, By the things of which you delight to talk,
By the manner in which you bear defeat,
By so simple a thing as how you eat.
By the books you choose from the well-filled shelf:
In these ways and more,
You tell on yourself.
So really there's no particle of sense to keep up with false pretense.
Character is what you are when you are alone. Be yourself! Be honest! Let your life be the real thing. This is what people want to see today. Two bible characters come to mind immediately. Joseph and Daniel. You should read their account.
The Lord was with them!
Day 3
The way we accept criticism is a real test of character. All of us have our share of criticism in a life-time. We can learn from our critics because our knowledge is limited.
An artist knows his paintings. A shoemaker knows his leather. The carpenter knows his wood and the seamstress knows her cloth. The question I would raise today is: How do we face our critics?
1. We can face our critics with an open-minded attitude. Be willing to listen! You may learn a few things. In other words, "Be teachable!" Don't cut yourself off from a means of growth and improvement.
2. Face your critics honestly. Find out whether it was given with good or evil intention; whether in love or in hate. Ask yourself,"Is it true?" Do I really have the fault that is mentioned. Accept criticism as a part of being human. It is only natural that we do not do all things well.
3. Face your critics with a sense of humour. Humour helps us look at ourselves with a sense of detachment. Laugh at yourself at least once a day. Don't take yourself so seriously. Constructive acceptance of criticism will make it serve as a stepping stone rather than a stumbling block. Constructive criticism can be very helpful. It can be the means of encouragement to improve. We are not perfect, but we are improving!
I would like to add some words from the pen of William Barclay. " There are some people who have a very highly developed faculty of criticism. They see faults much more easily than they see virtues, and they find it much easier to criticise than to praise.
There is one principle of criticism which we should always observe. No man has the right to criticise any other man, unless he is prepared to do the thing better himself, or unless he is prepared to help the other man to do it better."
The "wet blanket" is not the flag to fly. Make it your aim to encourage those who are doing their best.
Day 4
Let's begin with a Bible verse today.
"Forgive as the Lord forgave you."Col.3:13. Nothing sours life more than an unforgiving spirit.
Mrs Cowman in "Springs in the Valley" tells this story.
A custom way out in the African bush which has no equivalent in this part of the world is "Forgiveness Week." Fixed in the dry season, when the weather itself is smiling, this is a week when every man and woman pledges himself or herself to forgive any neighbour any wrong real or fancied, that may be a cause for misunderstanding, coldness or quarrel between the parties. It is of course a part of our Christian living that a man should forgive his brother. Among recent converts, and even older brethren, this great tenet is, perhaps naturally , apt to be forgotten or overlooked in the busy and burden-some life. "Forgiveness Week" brings it forcibly to mind. The week itself terminates with a festival of happiness and rejoicing among the native Christians.
I'd like to be among these native Christians. Is it too much to suggest that in this supposedly more civilized part of the world a similar week might be instituted? We sing, " Nothing between my soul and the Saviour";what about nothing between my brother and sister in Christ? Ah ,listen, Let grudges die! When God forgives, He forgets!
God loves to pardon! In the New Testament the word is forgiveness. Pardon is the act of a Sovereign; forgiveness is the act of the Father. God pardons gloriously-read Neh.9:17. God pardons abundantly-read Isa.55:7. Then those words in Psalm 32; they bless my soul. " Blessed is the man whose sins are forgiven."
The word to all of our hearts today is Eph.4:32. "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." That is the measure of our forgiveness!
Nothing sours life more than an unforgiving spirit!
Day 5
A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news give health to the bones. Prov.15:30
Have you ever considered the value of a smile? It costs nothing. It enriches those who receive it; it takes but a moment and the memory lasts for a long time. A smile creates happiness in the home, fosters good-will in business, brings cheer to the discouraged and sunshine to the sad. What I like about a smile is that it cannot be bought, begged or borrowed. It is only valuable when it is given away. A smile is worth a million dollars and doesn't cost a cent. So if you see someone without a smile today, give them one of yours. Did you know that a smile is the same in any language?
Lets add another verse today. "A cheerful heart is good medicine." Prov.17:22.
Have you ever felt so gloomy that you thought , "I'll never laugh again?" Then it didn't take long and you did laugh again. Did you know that it began with a smile and then you broke into laughter?
Laughter is a sign of health! We all need a good sense of humour. You have heard it said,"Laugh at yourself at least once a day." Most of us take life too seriously.
God gave us laughter to use as an outlet for our emotions. How often the irritations of life can be resolved in moments of cheer and pleasantry. Tensions can be broken when there is a burst of laughter. This can take place in our homes, at work or even at school.
As a believer in Jesus Christ I have a joy that runs deep and humour that faith makes possible. Jesus often said, "Be of good cheer." Smile! Its worth a million dollars and doesn't cost a cent.
Day 6
What is it you do 18 times a minute, 1,080 times an hour, and about 25,000 times a day, yet rarely notice?
The answer, You breath!
Twenty five thousand gifts a day! A measured gift of life from the hands of God.
Your lungs are among the most important parts of your body. They furnish your blood with oxygen, and they carry away carbon dioxide and water. A few moments without breathing and you loose consciousness...a minute or two longer could prove fatal.
To whom are we indebted for the blessing of respiration? The book of Job chapter 12:10 tells us, "In Whose hand is the life {the breath} of every living thing, the breathe of all mankind."T
The Lord gives those twenty five thousand gifts a day so that we in turn might honour and glorify Him with our lives. Eph.1:12.
He also give us the gift of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ. Today we all owe Him a prayer of thanks. Don't save your breath when it is time to breathe a prayer of thanks. The last verse of the last Psalm says,"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Day 7
"A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver" Proverbs 25:11. A word in season, how good it is.
Try and capture two words today. SAY IT.
This is a lesson I'm still trying to learn.
You have a friend and for some reason you love him or her very much. Have you ever said so? They would like you to -say it! A friend has helped along the way ,and your heart is filled with gratitude- say it! Some joy comes to your friend and you rejoice with him or her-say it! Your friend succeeds in a job well done and you are proud of him or her-say it! A friend wins a game and you are glad -say it! Illness may have taken the glow out of life and you would share their sorrow-say it! A word of sympathy would lighten the load-say it!
Remember, a word fitly spoken good it is!
A personal word, a telephone call, a postcard, a letter, a telegram and only a few minutes. Your friend will be encouraged. Your life will be the better for it. You may add to the joy. You may lighten the load. You may brighten the road if only you would take time to SAY IT !
Say it to someone today!
Day 8
Let me put the two together. Readers Digest years ago had an article entitled, "The Art of Relaxation." The author brought to the readers the thinking of a rocking chair. He thought they should be brought back into our homes again. Can you picture mother knitting sitting in a rocking chair? Was there not a bit of contentment there as well?
Learning to relax is both an art and an attitude. It depends on my attitude toward life as a whole. Learn to enjoy life. Life is meant to be enjoyed! Take time to think of the pleasant things in life. There is so much we can enjoy. The sunrise and the sunsets are absolutely free.
In our highly commercialized society we are driven by the desire for things, as if things satisfy. It seems we have allowed the material world to dominate us. We see this restless striving for things. Things lack permanence! There is more to life than making a living. There is a spiritual dimension we often neglect.
Have you not enjoyed the invitations of Christ. Come to Me,,and I will give you rest." How good to rest and relax in the Lord. Paul says,"I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation."
Through Jesus Christ I can learn contentment. Through Him I can conquer the pressures and the tensions of life.
Contentment is to know the Saviour! Jesus says, "Learn of Me, I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your soul.
Rest & relax in the Lord!
Day 9
"A friend loves at all times." Prov.17:17
The poet says,
Love makes people friendly
Love makes people smile
If you show a little love
Today, will be worthwhile."
We all need support, companionship and the feeling of personal worth.
From a poster at a camp site, I share this:
When the roses lose their fragrance
And the world seems at an end,
When the day has lost its gladness,
What a blessing is a friend!
One who takes you as he finds you
Caring not who is to blame;
One who knows all your shortcomings,
But who loves you just the same.
Heaven sends a gift each morning,
Of a bright new day to spend,
What a joy it is to share it
With God's greatest gift- a friend.
Proverbs 18:24b "There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."
Would you sing the hymn?
"What a Friend we have in Jesus"
Day 10
PRAYING HANDS The Art of Friendship.
It is important to cultivate the art of friendship! We all need to discover the price of being a friend. A friend is loyal in spite of the cost. There are far too many fair-weather friends.
The story of the Praying Hands is for me one of the best illustrations.
Albrecht Durer, a renowned painter, had a true friend. When they were young men, both interested in art, it was decided that Durer would paint while his friend would work to support him. It took many years for the artist to make a name for himself, and by that time his friend's hands were calloused and hardened by toil. To express his thanks to his friend, Durer painted a picture of these hands, and it became his most famous work of art. It was a tribute to a friend who was willing to pay the cost of friendship.
All of us have enjoyed seeing those praying hands on a picture, poster and postcards.
We need others to stand by our side to help us, to give us support, and to be our companions in time of need.
It is important to cultivate the art of friendship! Try to find some within the context of the church. Believers should always be your best friends. It is a good place to find friends, for they will be Christian friends. Having said that; there is always room to have other friends within our society.
Run with the right crowd!
Day 11
"To have a friend, be a friend! Cultivate friendship! Friendship withers when you neglect to cultivate it. An unknown author has written, and I think you will enjoy this.
To laugh a bit and joke a bit
And grasp a friendly hand;
To love a bit and scold a bit
And know they'll understand;
To tell one's secret hopes and fears
And share a friendly smile;
To have a friend and be a friend
Is what makes life worthwhile!
The J.B.Philips paraphrase of Romans 12:17 goes like this, "Take a real interest in ordinary people."
Take an interest in helping someone. These things help us to have wholesome attitudes; like the lady who said, " I have so many friends that I never get a chance to be lonely."
Companionship with Jesus can be very helpful too!
Day 12
Housework often seems futile. By the time the dishes are done and the kitchen cleaned; its nearly time to get another meal. Hours are spent in cooking and baking. We sit down to the table and in half an hour what is there to show for all our labour?
There are more dirty dishes. We scrub floors and dust and wonder where all the dirt comes from. Often we say,"What’s the use!"
You may be cast down, troubles may surround you. We blunder on and make mistakes. Financial reverses come and we throw up our hands. It seems as if life is problems!
So you've had some down days; David did too. David had this feeling as he talks to himself. "Why are you cast down oh my soul, why am I so disquieted within." He is deeply disturbed. But notice, immediately he adds," Hope in God!" Psalm 42:5. He senses the Presence of God!
God sees us, He knows us, He understands us, He hears us, He cares and He loves us. The scriptures support us. Go with Psalm 46:1 today.
Day 13
All of us swing in our moods! We have our highs and lows. The weather plays a part many times. Cloudy days get to us. The feeling brings gloom into our hearts and minds. Then someone who meets you or calls you on the phone has a home remedy. I can hear them say, " When your down--get busy!" Now it may be true that "busy hands" can do much to get our minds back into a normal mood.
Constructive thinking and putting ourselves to work can be an emotional tonic. All is not lost and all is not hopeless in the world in which we live. Hope is the dominant characteristic of the Christian spirit and experience. Our hope is built upon the faithfulness of God, upon His promises; and upon the atoning work of the person of Jesus Christ. Faith and trust are the two elements we need to exercise. Trust Him for your down days!
David, the author of most of the Psalms, had his moody moments. I recommend that we read Psalm 42 for today!
Day 14
Some of us remember when small potatoes could be purchased inexpensively. Many families often ate "little taters." Some of you have too. Mom used to scrub them and cook them with "jackets on." They tasted delicious with creamy milk gravy. We really enjoyed them. They were tiny, but the size did not lessen their flavour.
What am I trying to say? Big things in life do not always give us the most enjoyment; nor the big gifts the greatest blessing. Good things come in small packages!
There is the question I borrow from the minor prophet, "Who despises the day of small things?" I hope we never despise the day of little things. That "cup of cold water" that Jesus spoke about, shall not lose its reward. The smiles we give, the prayers we say for friends and loved ones shall not go unrewarded. We can look for the best in others and do acts of kindness when the opportunity is given. Remember--a few "little taters" or "a cup of cold water.
Little things in life bring us enjoyment!
Day 15
Little things bring us moments of real enjoyment and pleasure.
On a shopping bag from a stationary store in the city of
St.Catharines, Ontario, I saw these words:
Warm a heart,
Hold a hand,
Lend an ear,
Pat a back,
Light up a face,
Tickle a funny bone,
Dry an eye,
Surprise a child,
Woo a sweet heart,
Toast a ride,
Welcome a stranger,
Wave a good-bye,
Shout a bravo,
Blow a kiss,
Mend a quarrel,
Ease a pain,
Boost a morale,
Stop a worry and
Start a tradition.
Isn't that terrific! I knew you would enjoy that. A greeting card can do that in any season of the year. I hope we will never despise the day of little things.
Maybe after reading the above you may put a little more thought to promote warmth in sending a card. What about scribbling something around the edges, the empty spaces on a card. It may be something you underline in parts of the script in a card. A double line will give it emphasis. That would be so much better than just a bare signature. Lines like, Your friendship is deeply appreciated; or Wishing you the finest joy! Sincerely yours because of Jesus.
Best club to belong too!
B.Y.B.T.C.= Because You Belong To Christ!