Day 1
Robert Louis Stevenson said, " Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage." I like that! We all need courage and we need to share our courage with others. It takes courage to stand up for the right. We need the courage of convictions. We need courage to face unpleasant situations.
Bible characters come to my mind very quickly. Daniel was courageous in his prayer life. (Daniel 6:10) He was courageous in the lions den. (Daniel 6:22) God was with him!
Shadrach, Meschach and Abednego in the fiery furnace Daniel 3. They would not bow, they would not budge and they would not burn.
David was courageous in facing Goliath. (1 Samuel 17) The size of the giant did not dismay him.
Esther was courageous and risked her life for her people.
Stephen was courageous while facing death by stoning. (Acts 7)
Peter and John were courageous when thrown in prison. (Acts 4)
These men and women trusted God! How often God has spoken in His word, " Be strong and of good courage." (Deuteronomy 31:7-8) My motto for 1984 was; He goes before in 84. He is mine in 89.
Wm. Cowper writes:
" Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take, The clouds ye so much dread Are big with mercy and shall break With blessings on your head."
Day 2
Have you ever thought about how trusting we are? We trust our lives into the hands of a doctor. We trust our children to nurses in the hospital. We drive on our highways and trust other drivers. If we are able to save some money we trust our savings to people in the bank. So every day we are trusting people for the safety of our lives, our loved ones and our possessions.
Now here is the question. ~Why is it that people are reluctant to trust the Lord?~ Why do they find it so difficult to believe in Him? Why do they hesitate to take Him at His word.
I want you to know that I am glad I learned to trust Him. He is my Saviour! Thousands down through history have learned to trust Jesus Christ, and they have not been disappointed.
Proverbs 3:5-6. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your path straight. {or direct your path.}
From the margin of my bible I share this little homily.
1.Trust in the Lord---that’s the object of your trust.
2.With all your heart---that’s the measure of your trust.
3.The warning---lean not on your own understanding.
4.In all your ways---that’s the occasion of your trust.
5.The promise---He will direct your paths.
~Implicit trust brings infallible guidance!~
Trust, lean and acknowledge - that’s my part. He will direct your path---that’s God's part.
Go today with Psalm 40:4; ~Blessed is the man who makes the Lord his trust.~
Day 3
All of us enjoy a sun rising early in the morning; the sun rising slowly from the other side of the world, pushing back the dawn to give us a new day. A new beginning! A new day! What a comforting thought!
Each morning we have the privilege of beginning afresh. This is our opportunity to do better than we did yesterday. So often we make mistakes. In our weak moments we give less than our best. We mess things up in our relationships with others. We sin, we stray and we become discouraged.
We need forgiveness! We need to be forgiven! Forgiveness can restore a broken relationship. “Forgiveness is man's deepest need and highest achievement” H. Bushnell. The classic saying is so real and fitting; “He who cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he must pass himself" George Herbert.
He who forgives ends a quarrel!
The Christian life involves forgiveness. There was a day in my life when I accepted the forgiveness of God. Today I rejoice at the words spoken by David, "Blessed is the man whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered" Psalm 32:1. Every day can be a new beginning. The slate can be wiped clean. God's compassion never fails, they are new every morning Lamentations 3:22-24.
“He who forgives ends a quarrel!”
Day 4
Have you got a good ear?
A mother usually has a good ear. Her ear is constantly tuned for the cry of her baby. She listens for the tiniest whimper in the middle of the night. A mechanic's ear is tuned to the sound of a motor and he's not satisfied until the motor runs smoothly. A music teacher is tuned in for proper chords and harmonies.
We could go on and on to say things about hearing. A workman tunes his ears for the noon whistle; a child never fails to hear the recess bell at school.
How are your ears tuned? Do you hear only the pessimistic side of everything or do you hear the sounds of optimism? Do you hear the sounds of happiness and joy around you? Are we open to hear the notes of cheer, of hope and faith? Are we open to the voice of God?
David’s prayer would be good for us today,~ Make me to hear joy and gladness" Psalm 51:8.
In a kitchen somewhere in Scotland, I understand there is a motto carved in wood by a kitchen sink, ~DIVINE SERVICE DONE HERE THREE TIMES A DAY.
Just a minute, you say, You mean washing dishes, keeping the house, sweeping the floors, ironing clothes, wiping runny noses are divine tasks! Yes they are.
God has not despised the day of little things, Zechariah 4:10. It isn't the size or the glamour of the tasks that counts, its our willingness and our attitude that counts. The word is, "Whatsoever you do, do it heartily as unto the Lord." "A cup of cold water given in the name of Jesus shall not go unrewarded" Mark 9:41.
Peeling potatoes and sweeping walks can be glamorous tasks done in the spirit of service. So if you are at home today with a lot of little things to do; think of the motto, "DIVINE SERVICE DONE HERE THREE TIMES A DAY." That tells me I had something to eat today and I should be grateful.
Day 5
We don't buy wheelbarrows for their looks, but for their usefulness. Once in a while we may see them on front lawns filled with flowers to decorate the yard. However, a wheelbarrow is used to carry burdens, heavy loads like cement, sand, dirt and whatever.
Wheelbarrows and Christians have something in common. We are called to "bear the burdens of others" Galatians 6:2.
It is so easy to overlook the troubles of our neighbors. We fail to sympathize with the fellow next door. There are burdens we can help to bear. A word of cheer, comfort and encouragement can really lighten the load. Acts of love would be so helpful! How about praying for someone today! It is said, " A praying man can never be a useless man." Have a good day!
Read: Galatians 6:1-10
Its fun to read humorous signs in different stores. Have you ever read this one? " Even a fish wouldn't get into trouble if she kept her mouth shut."
Here is another: " The reason a dog has so many friends is she wags her tail instead of her tongue."
Do these lines tell the truth? Whether we like to admit it or not, much of our trouble is of our own making -- with words. While we are on this subject I'm reminded of another sign in a barber shop in Niagara-on-the-Lake. "Lord help me to keep my big mouth shut until I know what I'm talking about and sometimes even then."
A careless word may kindle strife. A cruel word may wreck a life. A brutal word may smite and kill. A gracious word may smooth the way. A joyous word may light the day. A timely word may lesson stress. A loving word may heal and bless.
There is a beautiful prayer in Psalm 141:3 "Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips."
Day 6
There is one thing everyone has in common--bills. Each month the postman or your email brings them . They remind us that there is something we owe. It is almost impossible to forget that we have debts we owe. Snail mail or email reminds us. They don't let us forget.
This reminded me that we often forget the Lord. With our temporal demands and the pace of living today, we forget or even neglect the spiritual dimension of living. Our faith gets weak and flabby. Then God in His mercy may remind us through a series of frustrations, through severe trials and circumstances to look to Him for fellowship, strength and support.
Someone wrote a prayer and said, "Remind me always to depend on You Lord for strength and support."
The hymn writer says,
In seasons of distress and grief,
My soul has often found relief;
And oft escaped the tempters snare,
By thy return, sweet hour of prayer.
" Return" is the call of God to His people over and over again Deuteronomy 30:1-3. Returning brought blessing! 2 Chronicles 6:36-39. Return in repentance and find rest Isaiah 30:15. The Lord longs to be gracious and show compassion Isaiah 30:18. John the Baptist, Jesus and the Apostles called people to repent and return Matthew 3:1,2; 24:17; Acts 2:38. If you ever forget, there is room to return!
Day 7
Child Dedication Message
1. Children deserve to be desired.
Unwanted children hurt! Children want to be accepted for who they are. Boy or Girl! Parents should never say to either of their children," I wished you were a boy instead of a girl." The opposite is true too.
2. Children deserve the devotion of their parents.
Affection and devotion are necessary for the well-being of our children. As sunshine is to the plant, so is love to children.
3. Children deserve the discipline of their parents.
Disciple your children! Lead them to Jesus! Teach your children! Discipline your son, for in that there is hope; do not be a willing party to his death. (Proverbs 19:18) These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. (Deuteronomy 6:6-7) Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. (Deuteronomy 11:19)
4. Children deserve to be developed. Proverbs 22:6. We need to meet the needs of our children mentally, socially, physically and spiritually. We support them in the schools they go to, the friends they choose and the fellowship in the place of worship.
5. Children deserve the defence of their parents. This involves practical integrity and the practice of godly principles. Example is always best! Living by example, loving by demonstration and listening. Listen to your children! Model your faith! Give them an example to follow and you will defend your children
6. Children deserve to be dedicated to the Lord. Children are teachable, trustful and tender. Children are a reward in what they are, in what they do and in what they become. Children are the gift of God. Children need a Christian Home!
God is the Founder, Defender and Preserver of the Family!
The hymn writer says,"God give us Christian homes.""
On A tomb stone in Butler's Burying Ground, Niagara-on-the-Lake are these words: "My dear children, think on God and His commandments and, He will think on you, Observe your youth, don't lose no time, less God should take you in your prime. Therefore, in time serve God above and, in this world, fix not your love.
Day 8
Children are amusing! When they fall and bruise a knee or scratch an arm, how quickly they run to Mother. As soon as she has kissed the injured spot, the pain vanishes and the tears stop falling. Then the child skips away to play. What healing and consolation is found in a Mother's kiss!
How valuable! A.B. Alcott said, "Where there is a mother in the home, matters speed well."
Let me ask, " Where do you go when there are burdens and bruises, when everything goes wrong, when life is difficult and the pain shows on your face. Where do you go?
I know there are some who indulge in self-pity. Others, I know find their consolation in prayer. I'd like to suggest the practice of the closet prayer time which is mentioned in Matthew 6:5. In the secret closet you'll find comfort, courage, strength and sustaining grace. There you can bring your injuries to Him in prayer; like the child whose bruises have been healed by a Mother's kiss.
Most of us know the hymn: What a Friend we have in Jesus. I choose these lines for today.
"O, what peace we often forfeit,
O, what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry,
Everything to God in prayer".
The invitation to come still stands!
Go with Matthew11:28-30 into today!
F.B.Meyer said," Even the faintest whisper is like drum beats in the ears of our God."
The secret of prayer is prayer in secret!
Day 9
Memories are a wonderful thing!
Memories are engraved early in life. I suppose I'm speaking mainly to mothers today. Mothers , you are important! Your thoughtfulness is engraved on your children.
Take yourself back: A fire glowed in the big kitchen stove, a plate of hot buttered toast greeted you as you tossed your school books on the floor. Just bread toasted to a golden brown? NO, much more than that -Mom was home. A mother who was home and watched for her children as they rounded the corner of the street or jumped off the school buses. A mother to whom we could pour out immediately the events of the day while they were fresh on our minds. And she listened!
Contrast the poor children in many homes today, poor because their mother is not at home. A child dawdles home with no hurry at all, why? Nobody is home anyway. Sadly, the film of childhood cannot be rewound for a second run. Good memories cost, in time, in unselfishness and in understanding.
What kind of memories will warm the heart of your child, your children? Think of your delight in later years when your son and daughter recalls: " Mom, it was great coming home from school! You were there! I saw you ironing in the front window."
Ironing or warm toast, they spell the same, MOM'S HOME! Mother had time to teach us to sing, to pray, and to listen. Later we came to know the Saviour she loved and served at home. Has God given you a family, yours is the greatest task in the world. Greater than making the nations laws or ruling somewhere. As the home goes, so goes the nation. Take your children to Sunday School and church, don't send them. Be an example, it will pay big dividends in fruitful memories and fruitful lives.
Some of these devotionals were written in the 50's and 60's when mothers were able to stay home with their children. The devotional by no means casts any disparity on households where both parents need to support the family. Economic situations change and we must change with them.
Day 10
Someone has said, "The three greatest words in the English language are Mother, Home and Heaven.
On Mothers Day we honour our Mothers! The word Mother should bring back memories. One of my favourite poems.
My Alter
I have worshipped in churches and chapels,
I've prayed in the busy street,
I have sought my God and found Him
Where the waves of His ocean beat;
I have knelt in the silent forest
In the shade of some ancient tree,
But the dearest of all my alters
Was raised at my Mother's knee.
I have listened to God in His temple,
I've caught His voice in the crowd,
I have heard Him speak where the breakers
Were booming long and loud;
When the winds played soft in the tree tops
My Father has talked to me,
But I never heard Him clearer
Than I did at my Mother's knee.
Somehow we knew that our Mother's prays had followed us! Today we should embrace the later part of Proverbs 1:8: " Do not forsake your Mother's teaching."
Day 11
What a marvelous subject for an artist to paint! An old woman with silvered hair--hot tears flowing down her cheeks--her worn hands busy over a wash-board in a room of poverty. Praying! Praying for her son John. John, who ran away from home in his teen years to become a sailor. John, of whom it was now reported that he had become a very wicked man. His mother was praying that her son might be of service to God. Again, what a marvelous subject for an artist's brush! A mother, tears and a wash-board.
This mother believed in two things ; the power of prayer and the reformation of her son. While she scrubbed she continued to pray. Perhaps the words of the Saviour, "Only believe" inspired her. God answered her prayer by working a miracle in the heart of John Newton. The black stains of sin were washed white in the blood of the Lamb. Oh! the chemistry of God! " Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow."
The wash tub prayers were heard! John Newton, the drunken sailor, became John Newton, the sailor preacher, the author of the hymn "Amazing Grace." His life touched other lives. Among them Thomas Scott, who used both his pen and his voice to lead many unbelieving hearts to Christ; among them William Cowper, who wrote,
"There is a Fountain Filled With Blood Drawn from Emmanuel's veins,
And sinners , plunged beneath that flood, Loose all their guilty stains."
This song has brought many to Jesus, who died on Calvary. Because of the wash-tub prayers the chain of events continued.
Many a life was influenced for good. William Wilberforce, the great Christian statesman unfastened the shackles of thousands of British slaves. All this resulted because a mother took God at His word and prayed that her son's heart might become as white as the soap-suds in the wash-tub.
Concerned parents may be encouraged today. Pray for your children! The good word today is Believe and Pray!
We all have the best mother! Here there is no room for argument. Although we cannot trace Proverbs 31:10-31 to one particular woman, we no doubt have a very high standard. Could we not say an ideal mother. I think so. To paint this portrait needed inspiration. The standards are high, but we are to reach out to them.
Lets look at this portrait of a mother:
1. Her price! Inestimable! Her worth is far above jewels, more valuable than precious stones. Her worth cannot be estimated by any material object, however costly. Her price--there is no price!
2. Her pursuit! His best interest! The interest of her husband. She will do him good. She is not wasteful in good times or in bad times. She works willingly in giving attention to domestic affairs. She is a real homemaker and she finds pleasure in doing it. She enjoys her work. Her presence of mind speaks of industry. She is industrious. She plans while working. She thinks and acts with prudence and discretion. She is satisfied to work knowing that work around the house is legitimate and healthy. See in all these verses the expression of energy. She knows how to meet the needs of the poor, the needs of the family and her own personal needs. Remember when mother would send a package for those in the neighborhood. Remember how she sensed the needs of others. She also advanced the the reputation of her husband. She advanced his interests and increased his influence. That was her pleasure.
3. Her praise! Influential! The law of love and kindness are regulated by love in the heart. She opens her mouth in wisdom and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. The things she talks about make sense. She looks well to the ways of her household.
4. Her power! Inspirational! Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. The foundation of all excellence is the fear of the Lord. Beauty of soul is more important than outward appearance. Lifelong actions speak for themselves.
What a picture! What a portrait! Mothers, yours is a great task. If God has given you a family then yours is a greater task than ruling or making the nation's laws.
Remember," The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world".
Day 13
Four little words caught my attention the other day while reading in a book "LOVE NEEDS NO WORDS". Children sometimes ask, "What language will we speak in heaven?~ The language that we speak seems to be the best. Everyone thinks his or her language is the best! What if I said, ~There will be no need for words in heaven-for heaven is a place of universal love.~
Let me bring that down to where we live every day.
~Love needs no language.~
A twinkle in the eye,
The pressure of a hand,
A small gift and flowers.
You know what I mean!
Living unselfishly,
Serving cheerfully
Sharing willingly
The most eloquent language.
~Love needs no words!~
The spring from which the saints are enriched in the household of God.
The sphere in which the saints move in the presence of God.
The soil in which the saints are planted in the garden of God.
The subject in which the saints are instructed in the school of God.
The spirit by which the saints are characterized in the family of God.
The substance by which the saints grow in the church of God.
The street along which the saints travel to the city of God.
Moody is to have written what follows about the fruit of the Spirit. Joy is love exalted, Peace is love in repose, Longsuffering is love enduring, Gentleness is love in society, Goodness is love in action, Faith is love on the battlefield, Meekness is love in school, Temperance is love in training.
Day 14
Psalm of the Word of God.
There are 22, eight verse sections or divisions headed up by the Hebrew alphabet.
You may find this outline helpful when you read this Psalm 119
1.Aleph- Blessings of the Word of God - vv1-8
2.Beth- Cleansing by the Word of God - vv9-16
3.Gimel- Enlightenment by the Word of God - vv17-24
4.Daleth- Sustaining power of the Word - vv25-32
5.He- Prayer for its Blessing - vv33-40
6.Waw- Salvation by the Word - vv41-48
7.Zayin- Comfort in the Word of God - vv49-56
8.Heth- Satisfaction by the Word - vv57-64
9.Teth- Chastening power of the Word -vv65-72
10.Yodh- Righteousness of the Word - vv73-80
11.Kaph- Source of Hope -vv81-88
12.Lamedh- Eternity of the Word - vv89-96
13.Mem- Source of Wisdom and Knowledge - vv97-104
14.Nun-Source of Light and Joy - vv105-112
15.Samekh- Source of Security -vv113-120
16.Ayin- Source of Confidence -vv121-128
17.Pe- Guidance by the Word - vv129-136
18.Tsadhe- Character of the Word - vv137-144
19.Qoph- Source of Strength - vv145-152
20.Resh- Source of Deliverance - vv153-160
21.Sin&Shin- Source of Peace - vv161-168
22.Taw- Prayer for its Blessing -vv169-176
(Gleaned from Dake's Annotated Reference Bible)
Trust that you will gain new insights to Psalm 119.
Day 15
1. Establishes my way- vv1-5
2. Purifies my life- vv9-11
3. Gives me counsel- v24
4. Reveals everything false in me- v29
5. Produces reverence for God- v38
6. Increases my courage-v43
7. Comforts me in affliction- v50
8. Keeps me clean- vv61-62
9. Teaches discernment & knowledge- v66
10. Makes me resourceful- v79
11. Cultivates patience- v87
12. Keeps me spiritually revived- v93
13. Accelerates my understanding- vv98-100
14. Creates a joyful heart- v111
15. Sustains me when I feel helpless- v116
16. Enables me to honour what is right- v128
17. Helps me walk in the truth- v133
18. Surrounds me with delight in difficulty- v143
19. Develops a discipline for prayer- v147
20. Rescues me when defenceless- vv153-154
21. Fills me with great peace- v165
22. Draws me back when I go astray- v176
Notes that my wife Irene took from a radio broadcast ~Insights for Living~ by Chuck Swindol.
~...You have exalted above all things Your Name and Your Word.~
Day 16
All of nature depends on hidden resources. The great trees send their roots down into the earth to draw up water and minerals. Rivers have their sources in the snow-capped mountains. The most important part of a tree is the part you cannot see, the root system.
The most important part of a Christians life is the part that God sees. He sees the heart! Unless we draw upon the deep resources of God by faith, we will fail against the pressures of life. We are living in tough times. All of us need what Paul wrote. "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." I keep saying, " I need Another to help me in my daily life.~ I need the resource of the Word of God. The word for us today is this, "Fellowship with Jesus every day. You will have some hidden resources!
Those of us who are growing older {and all of us are} find it amusing to turn back the pages and recall some of the things we did. Some of them were foolish, some of them were very daring and others very immature. I'll let you fill in for yourself. As time went on we did grow up! Maturity comes with time and experience! We have been told that experience is the best teacher. Often it is the most difficult. The school of ~Hard Knocks~ was good for us. It was a time in our spiritual life when God put some steel into our souls. We cringe from trials and hardships, but they can be profitable to us providing we take the proper attitude toward them.
There is strength in struggles! Take a moment today to reflect upon Joseph. You only see it tucked away in Psalm 105:17-19. God put fibre into the soul of Joseph while in prison. The making of the man!
Day 17
One of the household chores is ironing. Ironing! I hate it! Now just a minute! Would you really want to be without your steam iron? With the use of one, creases and wrinkles can be removed quickly and easily from un-pressed clothes. I have mentioned something about trials and struggles.
Today, a word about pressures. We all have pressure of some kind or another. I have come to the conclusion that God is in the process of polishing His people. He is removing wrinkles in our Christian experience. The work of grace continues to iron out creases in our character. The things we face are all matched by His grace, His wisdom, His strength and His love. Someone prayed one day, "Lord, make me wrinkle free."
This reminds me of a poem:
When God wants to drill a man,
And thrill a man,
And skill a man,
When God wants to mould a man
To play the noblest part;
When He yearns with all His heart
To create so great and bold a man
That all the world shall be amazed,
Watch His methods,
Watch His ways!
How He ruthlessly perfects
Whom He royally elects!
How He hammers him
And hurts him,
And with mighty blows converts him
Into trial shapes of clay
Which only God understands;
While his tortured heart is crying
And he lifts beseeching hands!
How He bends but never breaks
When his good He undertakes;
How He uses whom He chooses,
And with every purpose fuses him;
By every act induces him
To try His splendour out--
God knows what He's about.
A certain Mr.Knapp said," Lord, continue the chiselling and grinding." Paul speaks about a church without spot or wrinkle
Day 18
When the telephone bill arrived the statement on the inside wasn't exciting, but the message on the outside of the envelope was interesting. It read: Lonesome...feeling sort of blue Here's the very thing to do Call that loved one far away, Presto! Every things "OK".
Today I am trying to say, " Make a call!" Call on God! The best blues chaser in the world is prayer. When you are blue, when the sky is dark, mountains of trials loom up before you, contact heaven. A quartet used to sing, " Just a little talk with Jesus makes it right."
The first Bible verse I ever memorized was Matt.7:7.
"Ask and it will be given to you; Seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."
"ASK", start with a request; it could be something UNKNOWN. The need for wisdom.
"SEEK", leads to earnest desire. It could be something UNSEEN. The need for searching.
"KNOCK", something may be UNYIELDING. Some doors don't seem to open. This calls for persistence while waiting for the answer.
Give God a call today!
Day 19
Remember the words, "Open your mouth wide and take this, its good for you." That is what Mother said when passing out the cod liver oil. She knew what children needed-that liquid bottled "sunshine". The taste was horrible! Quickly we would gulp some orange juice to drown out the taste. What Mother did was for our good.
What God does is for our good! We do not always realize God's dealings with us. We want a life of ease and blessing. We fail to see that sometimes it takes the bitter to produce the sweet. God knows what is best for us. God has a time for everything. He will give us what we need. God knows best!
My life is but a weaving
Between my Lord and me,
I cannot choose the colours
He worketh steadily
Oft times He weaveth sorrow,
And I in foolish pride
Forget He sees the upper
And I, the underside.
Not till the loom is silent
And the shuttles cease to fly
Shall God unroll the canvas
And explain the reason why.
The dark threads are as needful
In the Weaver's skillful hand
As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern He has planned.
Romans 8:28-29 today!
Day 20
It takes effort to be either good or bad. We have to work at being grumpy; we have to work at being joyful; we have to work at creating the atmosphere of our surroundings. I have often said, "Everything we do demands effort!"
Much depends on the attitude we assume at the beginning of the day. If we crawl out of bed gloomy, you can be sure of a pessimistic outlook on the whole day. Say you start the day joyfully with a song, even a prayer, or sincere praise to the Lord; living can be exciting. Determination plays a big part in the amount of gloom or gladness we will have.
Everything we do demands effort!
"While I live, I will praise the Lord" Psalm 146:2. In fact David says, "As long as I live". Start your day with gladness!
Did you know that we absorb the flavour of the atmosphere in which we live? I have often said, " We take on the colour of our environment." Someone else has said, "Its funny how cucumbers change flavour." It is the brine they are soaked in that makes the difference. So cucumbers take on the flavour of the vinegar and spices in the brine in which they are soaked.
Likewise, people take on the mannerisms and habits of those with whom they associate. Am I speaking to some cucumber Christian who is absorbing the flavour of the worlds way of doing things? I am basically trying to encourage Christians to increase in their Christ-likeness; being saturated with the word and prayer. Then sharing their relationship to create a Christ-like flavour around them. The world around us needs a Christ-like fragrance!
Take a look at 2 Corinthians 2:15.
Have a good day.
Day 21
The devotion of a dog is incredible! Dog stories intrigue me. Their obedience and friendly nature is just fascinating.
The story is told of a dog called Monday, who is to have stayed near a train station until his master returned from the war. Although he grew old and stiff with rheumatism, Monday, remained beside the station. Few human friends could be as devoted as that.
Life would not seem worth while without someone to care for us. Somehow the burdens ease and the cares diminish when we are with those who love us. Friendships bring sunshine into our lives. Sad to say however, some friends and loved ones have been known to fail. Let me recommend Someone we can depend on at all times. His name is Jesus! Jesus never fails!
Go with Proverbs 18:24 today!
Have you ever seen a want ad which read. "Wanted--someone to love me." Want ads are a part of the advertisements in the daily news paper. We advertise for help, houses, cars, furniture and jobs. But, have you ever read what I said, "Wanted- someone to love me."
There are those who say, " No one loves me, no one cares, no one wants me". I want to say ," You are wrong!" God loves you, God cares for you, God wants you. All are wanted by Him! His love knows no difference in race, creed or social standing. All are wanted!
God loves you! We need to respond to that love in simple faith. Faith in the person of His Son Jesus Christ.
Never get tired of John 3:16.
Day 22
Unexpected company at mealtime can create embarrassment unless you have a reserve of food on hand. Some homes have a special cupboard for emergencies.
Emergencies arise in the lives of all of us. As believers we can be prepared by cultivating a sense of God's presence. We just need to cultivate an inward serenity by a daily practice of relying upon God's word and His promises.
Practice the presence of God in your life and then when emergencies arise you will know He is there to help.
God is a very present help in time of trouble.
Trust Him, even if you cannot trace Him!
The longer I live as a Christian, the more I realize that God is in the process of polishing His people.
The sculptor sees the possibilities secreted within the rough exterior of the stone. He looks at stone a little differently than you and I do.
So it is with the Lord. He looks at humanity far differently than most of us do. He sees beneath the exterior and knows what each individual can become with His help. He knows just what is needed to bring out the true beauty of the soul. God may use some experiences {like fine sand paper or course sand paper} to polish His child. Some experiences may be heartbreaking and humiliating, but great things are in store for those who allow God to polish their character.
Ephesians 2:10 today!
Day 23
I wouldn't be a bit surprised if I'd walk into your kitchen and saw that your fridge was all stuck full of signs, slogans and pictures. On one fridge was the slogan, " Slow down and live." Now that is what many of us need to do. Some things can wait. Life is too short to rush about madly. We need to slow down!
The desire for improvement is legitimate, but are we not over anxious and overburdened with the demands of this temporal life. Spiritual things are paramount! Spiritual attainment is more important than material abundance. Our prayer should be in keeping with a poster that read, ~Slow me down, Lord, slow me down.~ ~Ease Thou the pounding of my heart.~
Have you read the teaching of Matthew 6:25-34 lately?
Ease the pounding of my heart by quieting my mind.
Steady my hurried pace.
Give me calmness amidst the confusion of my day.
Break the tension of my nerves with soothing music
That lives in my memory
Help me to know the magical restoring power of sleep.
Teach me the art of taking minute vacations,
Of slowing down to chat with a friend,
To read a book - - to look at a flower.
Remind me each day of the fable of the hare and the tortoise
That I may know that there is more to life than speed.
Let me look upward toward the branches of the towering oak
And remember that it grew great and strong
Because it grew slowly...
Day 24
Each morning we are grateful for what we have termed, "Food for the body and food for the soul." Each day we begin with reading a small devotional known as "Daily Bread" written by the Radio Bible Class. With that we have our raisin bran, coffee and toast. Our bodies need nourishment! We would not miss our breakfasts, dinners and supper would we? Our bodies require this for our health and strength.
Our souls, our spiritual man, the inner man needs nourishment too. I am saddened to see believers spiritually starved. Do you think you can live the Christian life without the word of God and without prayer? A good motto on your fridge door would be, "Never neglect the Word".
Go with Psalm 119:16 today!
Diets! What a frustrating suggestion!
It takes a great deal of self discipline to sit down at a table loaded with calories. Refuse the gravy, dressing, the pies or cake, and just sit there and nibble celery sticks and carrot curls.
Spiritually speaking, you never have to count calories. The Lord's table is spread with many blessings. There is the gift of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ. There is rest for the weary, strength for the weak, solace in sorrow, protection in danger, comfort in loneliness and courage for difficult tasks. The table is spread! I am surprised that many people deliberately pass up all these good things. Here is one time you do not have to diet.
I remember as a boy, hearing a pastor come into the classroom at school saying, " Boys and girls, you will never learn too much about the Lord Jesus." I have never forgotten that and I believe now that he was right. Spiritually speaking, " You never have to count calories".
Go with Psalm 119:57. You are my portion, O Lord!
Day 25
A boy is full of curiosity! Give him an alarm clock and before you know it , wheels and springs are everywhere. Some of us find delight in tearing things apart. We haven't changed, have we?
Have you ever thought how quickly we tear people apart? How quickly we see what’s wrong with the other fellow. It is so easy to criticize. When you are eager to criticize, just stop a moment and put yourself in that persons place. Reflect on his or her difficulties. Reflect on the situation they are in. You really don't know until you walk in his or her shoes. I think it is a good way to tame the tongue. " Always see the best in others" are the lines of a verse in 1 Cor.13 -Living Letters.
Today you must read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.
All of us enjoy light! Light does a number of things. It warns, like a lighthouse on the shore to guide a ship. It warms, like a fireplace in a home. In this setting light is cheerful! Lights regulate traffic as we think of our cities intersections. Light reveals beauty. Without light we would have no radiance from the sapphire or diamonds. Light is also the emblem of joy in the scriptures.
Of Jesus it is said, "In Him was life, and the life was the light of men." He Himself said, " I am the light of the world". He said of us, " You are the light of the world." Can you see yourself as a light? Does my life have a warm cheerful influence on others around me? Do I reflect a Christ-like character?
Day 26
From time to time we need to " talk turkey." To say it as it is! Jesus Christ requires our attention! A roll call of the world's workers support what I have said.
To the artist, He is the One Altogether Lovely.
To the architect, He is the Chief Cornerstone
To the astronomer, He is the Bright and Morning Star
To the baker, He is the Bread of Life
To the biologist, He is the Life
To the builder, He is the sure Foundation
To the doctor, He is the Great Physician
To the educator, He is the Great Teacher
To the farmer, He is the Sower
To the florist, He is the Rose of Sharon
To the geologist, He is the Rock of Ages.
What is Jesus Christ to you?
Is He your Lord and Saviour?
Go with Hebrews 13:8 today.
Day 27
Have you ever been truly challenged? Then read this all the way through! I have found no other reasonable alternative!
If God didn't make me, I don't know who did.
If Jesus Christ can't bring me to God, I don't know who can.
If He doesn't carry me safely through death, I don't know how I'll ever get out of this world alive.
If Christ was not who He claimed to be, I have no explanation for how He did what He did.
If He does not keep His Word, then I don't know who I can trust when it comes to the subject of God.
If He did not pay for my sins, then I am as good as dead.
If I cannot be accepted into heaven on His good name and mercy, I certainly will not get there on my own.
If He did not rise from the dead, I don't know why the disciples were willing to die for their claim that He did.
If He can't rescue me from the controlling power of my own selfishness, I don't know who can.
I have found every reason to trust Jesus Christ for the answers to life's ultimate questions. I have trusted HIM!
He has changed my life!
John 6:37 for today.
Day 28
Wing Commander Gregson, an Anglican padre in the air force shared some words, that I shall never forget. They were very helpful during my short military career. Here is what He said:
Follow my brief homily on these words:
AIM HIGH. Ephesians 5 :10 " And find out what pleases the Lord." That is a noble aim in life. Find out what pleases God. You have His word to discover his will. See Hebrews 11:3, 6.
FIGHT SHY. 1 Peter 5:8,9 " Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith..." James 4:7, "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Do not give the enemy any room.
LIVE NIGH. James 4:8," Come near to God and He will come near to you". Abide in Him, and He will abide in you, John 15. Practice His presence daily! Sing- "Close to Thee."
SAY WHY. Romans 1:16," I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes." "For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with the mouth that you confess and are saved" Romans 10:10. The evidence of the new life lies in 2 Timothy 2:19, "The Lord knows those who are His, and everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness."
I am sure you appreciate, as I did, the words of a padre that loved the Lord. Write them on the memory of your mind.
Day 29
"Be faithful unto death" Revelations 2:10. There is the call to be faithful in 1 Corinthians 4:2
Upon the fly leaf of a Bible, a friend found these words. When my life is past, How glad I shall be that the lamp of my life has been blazed out for Thee. I shall not mind whatever I gave, of labour or money one sinner to save. I shall not mind that the way has been rough; that Thy dear feet led the way was enough. When I am dying, how glad I shall be that the lamp of my life has been blazed out for Thee.
Faithfulness has ever been the royal road of many believers. What a remarkable chapter Hebrews 11 is! It has been referred to as the Westminister Abbey of the Bible.
Read it to discover the record of men and women who were faithful unto death. They allowed nothing to dim the light of the blazing lamp of loyalty. Their constant refrain was, by faith, by faith, by faith. They sealed their testimony with their blood.
Church history has thrilling stories of our forefathers who suffered indescribable agony as their bodies were burned, and tied to a stake. Perhaps we are not called to wear the martyr's crown, but we must adorn the martyr spirit.
They climbed the steep ascent to heaven, Through peril, toil, and pain. O God, to us may grace be given, To follow in their train.
Faithfulness is something we owe to God. Are we as faithful to Him as we ought to be?
Faithfulness is something we owe each other as fellow believers. We certainly need in the church today a baptism of love, and the need to be faithful to each other.
Faithfulness is a debt we owe to the world at large. Why? The existence of the church depends upon evangelism. The world seems to pass the church door untouched--unreached. Are we discharging our debt in respect to the unsaved world? Are we serving the Lord to the glory of God where He has placed us? He desires faithfulness in the little things of life. Jesus said, "He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much" Luke 16:10.
The former is always the guarantee of the latter. By being faithful in the small, unnoticed things of life we develop character and gather strength enabling us to be faithful in the greater things of life.
To be faithful means to be" full of faith."
Day 30
Nothing shows the marvelous greatness of God's creation as does the human body. Every 24 hours you perform the following functions: your heart beats 103,680 times; your blood circulates every 23 seconds and travels 168 million miles; you breathe 23 thousand times and inhale 438 cubic feet of air; you digest three and a quarter pounds of food; assimilate over a half gallon of liquid; perspire two pounds of water and generate 450 tons of energy; you use 750 muscles and seven million brain cells. And all this is done automatically, whether you are awake or asleep!
Small wonder that David exclaims: "I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Who keeps all this going? What maintains this human machinery? David realized that it is God, for he says, " I will praise Thee."
Have you ever thanked God for making you? For your health? For the ability to feel, think, and be productive? God deserves praise, for you are wonderfully made.
Every cell in our body proclaims the greatness of our Maker.
Lets allow the postage stamp to teach us a lesson. I want to coin a word today: Stick-too-it-iveness! Are you able to stick to it?
There was a little postage stamp, no bigger than your thumb, But still it stuck right on the job until its work was done. They licked it and they pounded it, till it would make you sick. But the more it took a licking, why the tighter it would stick.
So friend, lets be like the postage stamp,
In playing life's rough game,
And just keep on a sticking
Though we hide our heads in shame.
For the stamp stuck to the letter
'Till it saw it safely through,
There's no one could do better
Lets keep sticking and be true.
Be industrious!
Day 31
A smile is a curve that can set a lot of things straight!
A smile costs nothing, but gives much. It enriches those who receive, without making poorer those who give.
It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.
None is so rich or mighty that He can get along without it, and none so poor but that he can be made rich by it.
A smile creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in business, and is the countersign of friendship.
It brings rest to the weary, cheer to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and it is nature's best antidote for trouble. Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away.
Some people are too tired to give you a smile.
Give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much as he who has no more to give.
Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is discord, union;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek to be Consoled, as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved, as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
And it is in dying that we are born
To eternal life.