Day 1
In a world of over-population we get the feeling that we are not very important. We are just an individual lost in the crowd. Many times we stand alone. There is an inescapable aloneness in life!
It is true, each of us is alone in many of life's relationships. Through heredity and environment we have acquired certain qualities that make us different from any other person. There is also the factor of personal responsibility. No one can live your life for you. There are responsibilities that only you can meet. There are decisions and choices that no one else can make for you. No one can believe for you. Each person must believe for himself or herself. No one can really do your work for you; only you can do it.
We are aware that friends and relatives can give support. A doctor can alleviate pain. Still, there are the things we face ALONE. The times when we stand alone put us to a real test.
Many people are afraid to be alone. It is not surprising that many people surround themselves with the sound of a radio or a television. You see, silence is terrifying!
We become very conscious of being alone. We feel like Elijah who said, "I am left alone" [1 Kings 19:9-14].
Do you share this feeling sometimes? You are thinking and saying," I am the only Christian in this office, I am the only Christian in my department, I am the only Christian in the factory. A nurse may be alone with a dying patient. You can, however, be the only one who can touch another life and help.
I believe you can draw upon the resources of heaven. Practice the presence of God in your life. You are not alone! He is nearer than breathing! There is a Friend that sticks closer than a brother. Take the words of that great hymn with you today- What a Friend we have in Jesus. You need not be lonely when Jesus is your Saviour and Friend. Christ's friendship is open to every believer.
Day 2
So many people suffer from fatigue. We all talk about being tired at times. A hard working laborer, a mother in a home, a secretary at a desk and a man in his office, all feel tired from time to time. Some say they are always tired. The lazy man will say he was born tired. Would you believe that much of our fatigue is not physical but functional. It is not due to the fact that we work so hard, but it grows out of an attitude toward that work. It is not so much the muscles as the mind. Your fatigue may require a change in mental attitude. Your mental approach to your work makes all the difference.
Tired feelings often arise out of discontent. You dislike your work, your work is boring and that will make you weary. Remember when you were a boy or girl and your parents said, "Would you please mow the lawn or wash the floor", how suddenly you became extremely tired. When on the other hand someone called you to come and play ball [which requires more physical energy] that did not bother you at all.
To be sure, our bodies do get tired, even Jesus was weary at times. This is a call to rest! The Lord has graciously provided sleep and rest to overcome it.
Just to talk about tensions, grief, depression and disappointments can cause extreme fatigue. A pessimistic outlook on life does the same. A worrisome approach can make the day seem long, and the nights even longer.
Do you know what we need? A higher perspective in life! We must learn to see our work as means to higher goals. For example: Father and Mother providing a home for those they love.
The highest goal and the greatest rest are found in the words of Jesus. ``Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)
Jesus is saying, " I will ease and relieve and refresh your soul." You will find rest!
Is this a good time to remind you of the Lord's day, the day of rest? You need this rest physically, mentally and spiritually.
Day 3
We are confronted by many conflicts in life. One of the greatest of these is the conflict between good and evil and between right and wrong. This has been going on ever since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. Living in the stream of humanity, none of us can really escape this conflict and struggle.
Sin is very real! Sin is in our lives, our actions and our attitudes. We might say in our hearts and in our minds. Guilt feelings arise as we become aware of sin in our lives.
There are two kinds of guilt feelings: Healthy ones and unhealthy ones. Generally, when we speak of a guilt complex we are thinking of an unhealthy guilt. This person may feel there is no room for forgiveness. There are those [like David] who acknowledge their sin and find forgiveness. I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the LORD; and You forgave the iniquity of my sin. (Psalms 32:5)
David discovered that there was no point in hiding his sin from God. [Psalm 32, Psalm 51, Psalm 139]
Psychiatrists and pastoral counsellors are saying today that confession can often be the turning point in a persons recovery. For all that has ever happened there is forgiveness. Blessed [is he whose] transgression [is] forgiven, [whose] sin [is] covered. (Psalms 32:1)
No one needs to live with a guilt complex [Psalm 51].
You can accept God's love and forgiveness! You can have the assurance of sins forgiven!
Let me add. In my own experience I have met people who find it hard to forgive themselves. Do not punish yourself with past sins and feel guilty. If God is able to forgive us, should we not also learn to forgive ourselves? Forgiveness must be practiced as well as received. Forgiveness is the gift of God's love. Remember the return of the prodigal son? He was fully forgiven and fully reinstated. You will find your wholeness in Jesus Christ!
Read all the references above.
Day 4
Memory is a wonderful thing! One of the most priceless gifts of a bountiful Creator. Memory enriches our lives! By it we live in the present and also in the past. As we move through life, the vast storehouse of memories increases. We cherish memories!
Unfortunately, not all memories are happy ones. There are some that should be blotted out from consciousness, for they haunt us and make us miserable. All of us are aware that the mind can retain only so much and the trivial things soon drop out in order to make room for more important things. This is passive forgetting. At times this can be annoying, for instance, when we forget a name which we should have remembered.
Our memories may be determined by our attitudes. Tell me what things you remember best and I will tell you what kind of person you are. The humorist has a mind full of jokes and anecdotes. The philosopher has a mind full of systematic reasoning. The cheerful man remembers the joyful happy experiences. The person who is easily offended will remember hurts inflicted upon him. Therefore, your memory could very well reveal your temperament and character.
May I mention in passing that some things will need to be forgotten. Specially some past wrongs. These tend to turn hatred into bitterness and you are only hurting yourself. I can hear you say, "That is easier said than done." You just cannot say to your mind, "You must forget." "You just cannot wipe memory away."
What can you do? Fill your mind with other thoughts, for then one memory will crowd out another. Place a lofty thought in its place. Lay aside past hurts and insults by a feeling of love and sympathetic concern for those who hurt you. Above all, you can experience God's forgiving love and then you can forgive others as well as yourself. When God blots the record, He forgives and forgets. [Micah 7:19] Paul says," But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead" Philippians 3:13. I want to be the kind of person God wants me to be.
Day 5
It is good to be alive!
1. Life is the gift of God! God is the source of life! And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (Genesis 2:7) You are a living soul. You do not just have a soul, you are a living soul. Wesley wrote,"A charge to keep I have; a God to glorify, a never dying soul to save and fit it for the sky."
A biology teacher said to a class one day," I am a soul" "My body is not the real me, its not that my body has a soul, but rather that my soul has a temporary body." "I am a soul." Life is the gift of God and eternal life is also the gift of God through faith in Jesus Christ.
2. Life is the target of sin! Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned- (Romans 5:12) Oh the heartache, the sorrow, the suffering in this world as a result of sin. The word SIN spells Self, Iniquity, No satisfaction. There is, however, good news! Christ came to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.[Hebrews 9:26]
3. Life is the object of redemption. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) Christ came to give us life.[John 10:10] There is a spiritual dimension of living that is very real. And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life. (1 John 5:11-13)
4. Life is the prelude to eternity! Life is a journey to be taken but once! The minor prophet [Amos 4:12] writes,"Prepare to meet your God." Death being so solemn, so final, so uncontrollable, are we prepared to face it? Life is certain. Death is sure. Sin is the cause. Christ is the cure. Salvation is in a Person! That Person is Jesus Christ. Do you know Him in a personal way?
Day 6
One of the most beautiful descriptions of friendship in literature is the Bibles own account of the friendship of David and Jonathan. The story is a classic! These two men might well have been rivals. Here you have the shepherd and the prince knit together in friendship.
To be a friend we must be willing to pay the cost of being a friend. We need friends! I often meet people who say," I haven't a friend in the world." There is the feeling of complete aloneness. We need friends! We need others to stand by our side, to give support and to be our companions.
A deeper need for friendship reaches into our inner emotional life. We all have the need to have a feeling of personal worth. A friend is one who thinks well of us and considers us to be worthy. He will make us think well of ourselves. He will also give of himself to us. Basic to our lives is not only the need to love, but also the need to be loved. It is important to cultivate the art of friendship. Try to find someone with similar interests and share them. Be a friend!
Remain loyal in spite of the cost! There are far too many "fair-weather" friends.
Do you want an example of whole-hearted friendship. Have you heard the words of Jesus? Greater love has no-one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. (John 15:13)
Be willing to pay the price of being a friend.
Albrecht Durer, a renowned painter had a true friend. When they were young men, both interested in art, it was decided that Durer would paint while his friend would work to support him. It took many years for the artist to make a name for himself, and by that time his friend's hands were calloused and hardened by toil. To express his thanks to his friend, Durer painted a picture of these hands, and it became his most famous work of art. It was a tribute to a friend who was willing to pay the cost of friendship.
We need friends! Cultivate the art of friendship!
Day 7
Our lives ought to be fresh, fragrant and fruitful! We need to maintain a healthy outlook on life. In other words, my life and yours ought to be a channel through which blessings flow. I want to be a channel of blessing! Blessings are benefits!
[Psalms 103].
We need an inlet and an outlet in our lives to remain healthy and fresh. We do not want to become like the Dead Sea.
For starters, we need an open mind. We should be open to new ideas. We should not be opposed to change. We should welcome fresh discoveries so that life doesn't become static.
We also need stable minds. We need convictions based on the Word of God. We need to share them. Today, I am calling for consistency. A Bible School teacher said, "Consistency, thou art a jewel" and I have never forgotten that. Are you a man or woman of conviction?
We need constructive minds. A constructive mind thinks clearly and expresses itself freely. I'm calling for a balance that may not be easy. If the mind is viewed as a channel, it must take in a fresh stream of ideas and impressions if it is to pass them on again to others. We said, "Man must have his inlets and his outlets.
Now we ask, "What are some of the things that replenish your mind?" So many things make inroads today. Television, magazines, newspapers, etc. The big question today is, Are you coming back to the Bible for some input? Faith needs nourishment! Feed your mind with the truth of God. Are you furnishing the chamber of your mind with the things of God? Is God central in your life? We must bring in the apostle Paul's injunction here- Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things. (Philippians 4:8)
Day 8
This world is a busy place! Thousands of people are rushing from place to place. Our highways are over-crowded. Many feet beat upon the sidewalks of our cities. There are always people. There are those who feel alone in the middle of it all. There is possibly no feeling that is more disheartening than that of loneliness.
Our songs today speak of this feeling. Much of romantic music, the negro spiritual, even the crooning of western songs sing out the cry of loneliness. It may sound like a strange paradox in the light of todays discussion about over-population.
To be sure, there are real feelings of being alone. The loss of a loved one would be a good example. No one comes to share the sorrow. In some situations no one comes to share the joys of life either. So there are real feelings of loneliness.
There is loneliness even in a crowd or in a busy family. There are people who live together and yet walk alone. It is a reaction to life that is not healthy.
What can we do? Begin by taking a healthy attitude toward yourself and your relationship to others. You see, a solitary person often takes a sour attitude toward life as a whole. He or she is unhappy and not even friendly to himself or herself.
Sometimes you meet people and you ask, Are you ever lonely? And the person will say, No, I have so many friends that I never get a chance to feel lonely. On the other hand, there are those who say, I feel so lonely, no one ever pays attention to me.
One has learned the art of friendship and the other has not. To have a friend, you must be a friend. Cultivate friendship! Take an interest in helping others and you will not live in solitude.
One of the best answers and means to overcome the feeling of loneliness is to practise the companionship of God. Our Lord often reached out His Hand of blessing to those who walked alone. Cultivate a living personal friendship with the Lord Jesus Christ and you will find that you never walk alone. Part of Proverbs 18:24 says,"There is a Friend who sticks closer than a brother." You are never alone!
Day 9
You have all heard the words- Patience is a virtue! How patient are we? Can we wait for things to happen in their own good time or are we so eager that we hurry them? Often through impatience we spoil the very thing we are seeking to achieve.
The word patience suggests two ideas: forbearance and endurance. Patience may mean a willingness to wait. Patience may include continuance in our endeavor to achieve. Both of these elements should be present in our lives.
A person is not born with patience-it is something we must learn. For example: A child would rather have a dime right now than wait for five dollars in a weeks time. For everything in life we must learn to practice patience.
Worth-while accomplishments require a certain amount of time. When you plant a seed in the ground you must wait for it to grow. God usually works in the realm of nature with calm leisureliness. He has no need to hurry.
Then there are many things that test our patience. A period of illness can be very trying. Waiting for someone at a pre-arranged corner can be long; fifteen minutes can seem like an hour. Driving along the highway in traffic, a nail bends under a hammer, a golf ball goes into the rough and our patience is strained. Often we blame the objects or persons that frustrate us, but the real difficulty lies within ourselves. We must learn to conquer our natures if we are to learn the art of patience.
Patience is not a passive virtue! Patience is dynamic! The Bible says in Hebrews 12:1. -
....And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.....
It is the patient struggle that helps us win in the battle of life. When you are tempted to be impatient look to the Author and Finisher of your faith. He revealed great patience in all that He did and He still has patience with us today.
Learn to be patient and exercise patience. Keep climbing!
God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)
Day 10
We live in a world of "THINGS"! From morning till evening we are surrounded by "things". The clothes we wear, the home we live in, the food we eat, the car we drive, the tools we work with and the equipment we handle. Each of us must come to terms with our environment. Surroundings may play a part and make a difference. Attitudes will make a difference. Our society is overly much concerned about "things". This material world plays a tremendous role in our lives. People are more interested in making a living than making a life. Our primary concern in life is the pay check and the "things" it will buy. In this highly commercialized society we are driven to buy. The urge to buy is so strong. Credit terms are so easy to get.
Here is some information that I read: One hundred years ago the average person had seventy two wants and sixteen needs. Today, there are five hundred and ninety four wants and one hundred and eight articles regarded as necessary.
The pressure of the material is greater than it was one hundred years ago. In 1860 there were 6000 articles made and sold; in 1960 there were 425.000 articles made and sold. The result of this is a restless striving for "things"; a yearning that can never be fully satisfied. The more we have the more we want. This leads to discontent. A spirit of discontent is most unhealthy, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. We have allowed the material world to dominate us, rather than as God intended, that we rule over it.
The apostle Paul displays a marvelous spirit of detachment when he says, "I have learned to be content." Philippians 4:12.
This kind of spirit is a bit scarce today. Do not allow yourself to come under the tyranny of "things". The Bible says, Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these "things" will be given to you as well. (Matthew 6:33)
``Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.'' (Luke 12:15)
Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face; and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace. – Helen H.Lemmel
Day 11
There was once a small city with only a few people in it. And a powerful king came against it, surrounded it and built huge siege works against it. Now there lived in that city a man poor but wise, and he saved the city by his wisdom. But nobody remembered that poor man.
Here is a city hemmed in by a powerful enemy with starvation and death staring them in the face. A council is called and no answer is found. Then a poor man unfolds a plan to deliver the city. But nobody remembered that poor man. How soon we forget those who did us a great service. Little wonder we quote the well known poem "Lest We Forget"
Remembrance Day is a Canadian holiday that honours the memory of the men and women who died in World War 1 and World War 2 and the Korean War. Do you recall the dates? World War 1 was June 28, 1914 to Nov.11, 1918. World War 2 was Sept.1, 1939 to Sept.2, 1945. The Korean War was June 25, 1950 to July 27, 1953.
The red poppy of Flander's Field serves as the symbol of Remembrance Day. Each year a ceremony is held by veterans who place wreaths at a cenotaph on this national holiday. The day commemorates the courage and patriotism of all the men and women who served our country. Do we fail to see the courage and devotion and service they rendered to their country?
Three words sum up this day in my mind: 1.Commemoration. We remember with proud thanksgiving and deep affection the men and women who by their wisdom saved our cities of yesterday.
2. Emulation. This means to copy or to imitate. We too must exercise the faith and the courage of these men and women.
3. Dedication. We re-affirm our allegiance to the winning of peace. We dedicate ourselves against all brutality, cruelty, tyranny and evil. We dedicate ourselves to God, who in Christ leads us to a life of right living.
Day 12
Do you have a high level of adaptability? Are you the kind of person that thinks you are always right? For you there are only two sides to any question, the one you hold and the wrong one.
In our personal relationships with others we need a good deal of flexibility. When two people meet there are bound to be differences. No two people will ever think exactly alike on every issue. It is normal to have differences. Each person has the right to their opinions. The person who has nothing to feel threatened about does not go around with a chip on his shoulder trying to defend his viewpoint. He feels that his views will stand on there own merit.
Some people feel there is just one side to the question, and they prefer not to hear the other side. We tend to classify people as either "with us" or they are "outsiders". In such a view the "I"- "We" relationship has weakened. There is too much of the "I" and too little of the "We". We need a balanced viewpoint.
We need people who think for themselves. We need people of conviction. We need standards by which we can live, but we must be willing to give and take. In other words, we need to be a bit more adaptable.
Differences in our homes can be reconciled if we are adaptable. Paul's view of life was put into these words," I have become all things to all men." His goal was to win men to Jesus Christ.
Paul had learned to be at home in all levels of society. Effective Christian living requires adaptability. We must learn to understand others and practice that understanding. We must learn to enter into the heart and life of others. This may well involve humility and unselfishness. Adaptability is a Christian virtue. Let's practice it!
Remember, Jesus Christ came not to please Himself; He came for others.[Romans 15:3a]
The song goes : Others, Lord , yes others. Let this my motto be, Help me to live for others; That I might live like Thee.
Day 13
There are some people who are hard to get along with. They have certain traits that make it unpleasant for us to be with them. Usually, we spend very little time with them. The fact remains that such people have to live with themselves twenty four hours a day.
A person with a hot temper does not make a pleasant companion. A person with a jealous disposition does not make a good friend. Have you ever thought how hard it must be for such a person to live with himself or herself? Do I need to examine my own life? What kind of a person am I?
I suppose all of us have tried some personality tests which appear in magazines. I am sure we have marked them in our favour. It could be a good beginning. These tests may tell us a good deal about ourselves. Perhaps we should spend some time in reflection.
What kind of a person am I? Ask yourself. Am I the kind of person I would like to live with the rest of my life. Am I capable of some kind of reflectiveness? It is good for us to meet ourselves as we really are. This could be the first step in character and personality growth. This is essential.
There is another dimension which goes even deeper. What about my spiritual life. Would I welcome the X-ray of God? Am I willing to place myself in the presence of God and pray? Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: (Psalms 139:23)
There is no better way to learn to know yourself than to be alone with God. Here there is no room for sham or hypocrisy. An all-seeing eye is present. In this attitude we begin to know ourselves in depth.
All of this leads to one conclusion. Living with ourselves requires that we live as in the presence of God. In His presence we see our sins and our failures, but we also see the joy of His forgiving love. This is found in the Person of Jesus Christ. Man in Christ is man at his best!
Day 14
Our facial expressions are the most important thing we wear. They surely affect those who are looking at and watching us. A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.
A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones. (Proverbs 15:30)
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
I have always enjoyed those verses. I believe we can detect an artificial smile easily. Our smile should spring from our inner resources, from the heart. Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! This is Paul's injunction. Let him continue, Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
That is good advice. Don't worry, pray about everything, don't forget to thank Him. You will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus.
Adverse circumstances, frustrating experiences, sorrow and disappointment cannot alter the heart at peace and the heart that is at rest in God. Thou wilt keep [him] in perfect peace, [whose] mind [is] stayed [on thee]: because he trusts in thee.
Back to the above verses. A smile can add a great deal to one's face value. What is a smile? A smile is a window in the happy heart to show your heart is at home. A smile is a curve that sets things straight. Did you know that it takes seventy two muscles to frown and only fourteen to smile? Smiles are wrinkles that shouldn't be removed. Smiles give birth to smiles. If someone doesn't have a smile today, give them one of yours.
The world is like a mirror, Reflecting what you do: And if your face is smiling, It smiles right back at you.
Keep smiling! It is worth a million dollars and doesn't cost a cent.
Day 15
The Christian faith is a joyous and happy faith. You may smile at the following because it indicates the exact opposite of what I want to say. A young man found a five dollar bill on the street says, William Feather, a well known writer. From that time on he never lifted his eyes when walking. In the course of years he accumulated 29,516 buttons, 54,172 pins, 12 cents, a bent back and a miserable disposition. He lost the glory of the sunlight, the sheen of the stars, the smile of friends, tree blossoms in the spring, the blue sky and the entire joy of living. How foolish you say, but look how often we keep our eyes on human temporal scenes without "looking up" in worship.
We live in a busy world. We all seem to be in a hurry. What do you think is the cure for hurry. My answer is [based on the story of Zacchaeus] more hurry. Hurry away from the wrong goals in life. Jesus knew that Zacchaeus spent much of his life in the pursuit of gain. Jesus slowed him down by inviting him to hurry. Jesus said," Make haste, come down" "Come down immediately"
Zacchaeus, for today I must abide at your house. And he made haste, and came down, and received him joyfully. In his past hurrying, he felt the need to slow down.
In his own way he was asking ultimate questions. What is the meaning to life? Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going in such a hurry? Here is a simple lesson in hurry- Hurry away from the pursuit of possessions. There is another dimension in life which is very real.
Start climbing! Zacchaeus had a desire to see Jesus. When you meet Jesus you will experience a dimension of height that will make you a whole person. A little man suddenly grew tall!
All men are apt to increase in stature when they respond to Jesus Christ. Look up! Hurry up in the right direction.
Day 16
An automobile out of control is a dangerous bit of equipment on our highways. A fire burning out of control leads to great destruction of property. Even more tragic and dangerous is the life of a man out of control. Some tragic pages of history have been written about people who had not learned to control themselves. Alexander the Great lost his temper and killed one of his best generals and most trusted friend. Peter the Great confessed, " I have conquered an empire, but I have not been able to control myself." Lack of self-control cost Moses the right to enter the promised land. The examples are multiplied.
Today there are tragedies in many homes, communities, minds and bodies due to the lack of self control and the absence of true restraint.
Life is full of frustrating experiences. All of us have them at times, minor and major frustrations. It may be what people say about us. It may be driving in heavy traffic. It could be long periods of illness.
Disappointments come along side through our business or work.
We may meet these frustrations with repression. We may press them into the background of our subconscious mind. Such repressions are not healthy. The sore remains and at a convenient time it will boil over. Repression is the failure to face up to the reality of our inner feelings. This does not lead to proper self-control.
There is a better way! It's like a stairway with several steps and the climb is not an easy one, but there is real satisfaction when you reach the top. The discipline of the soul is never easy, but it is always worthwhile.
First of all admit that these frustrations exist. We are frustrated! [ hostile, angry, resentful]. We must be aware of the thing we are trying to conquer.
Secondly, ask your self, "Why do I feel this way?" Learn to be honest with yourself!
Thirdly, exercise your will to overcome the attitude you have developed. The conquest of the self-life is not easy, but it is important.
How often I have said, "I need Another to help me to live my Christian life". I cannot go it on my own. It is looking to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour. Some very simple questions surface. What would Jesus do? How would Jesus react in the circumstances that I am in at the time. Jesus left us an example that we should follow in His steps.[1Peter 2:21] He is with us today to help us to surrender self to Him.
Read: James 1:1-12
Day 17
Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.
There is part of a verse that caught my attention one morning.
"Deep calls to deep" There are wonderful harmonies in nature. Science has discovered so much for us. Voices call to one another across vast spaces. The deep of the ocean calls to the deep of the azure sky. Sound is all around us!
Tune in to the frequency of heaven for a few moments! The deep of divine redemption calls to the deep of human need. God is always first! He sees the longing heart, the yearning of the heart for Himself. Do you know why that is? Because. "He has set eternity in our hearts." He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
Man has a bent toward God! To be made for eternity and forced to dwell in time is for mankind a tragedy of huge proportions. All within us cries for life and permanence; and everything around us reminds us of mortality and change.
Listen! The depth of HIS heart appeals to the depth of the heart of man. "Thou hast made us for Thyself and the heart is restless until it rests in God." Would that we might answer back!
Often we go through life miserable. poor and blind, when all the time we could be rich. The deep of Christ's wealth can be ours. In Jesus Christ there is a resource that is measureless. His love knows no limit, His grace knows no measure. We need to tap that by faith! Take the pitcher of faith, the well is deep. With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.
God's eternity and man's mortality join to persuade us that faith in Jesus Christ is not optional. Make HIM the object of your faith today. The deep in us calls to an unchanging relationship of love and joy that we have in Jesus Christ.
Day 18
A paradox is an apparent contradiction which in reality may conceal a profound and great truth. There are a number of them in the Bible. The Lord has designed them for the believer. Only the Holy Spirit can enlighten the believer to enjoy these hidden truths. Notice a few:
1. We see unseen things.
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
2. We conquer by yielding.
You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness.
3. We find a rest under a yoke.
``Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
4. We are made great by becoming little. Luke 9:48.
Then he said to them, ``Whoever welcomes this little child in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. For he who is least among you all-he is the greatest.''
5. We are exalted by being humble.
For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.
6. We become wise by being made fools for Christ's sake.
Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?
7. We are made free by becoming His bond servant.
Through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death. See Romans 6:17-29.
8. We possess all things by having nothing. 2 Corinthians 6:10.
Sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything.
9. We wax strong by being weak.
That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
10. We live by dying.
I tell you the truth, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.
Gleaned from Daily Bread - Copyright 1973 - H.G.Bosch.
Used by permission by the Radio Bible Class, Michigan.
Day 19
A radio broadcast based on the following poem had to be included in this book.
The text is: His mother said to the servants, ``Do whatever he tells you.'' (John 2:5)
1."Whatsoe'er He bids you - doit!"
Though you may not understand;
Yield to Him complete obedience,
Then you'll see His mighty Hand
"Fill the water pots with water,"
Fill them to the very brim;
He will honour all your trusting,-
Leave the Miracle to Him!
The song: Trust and Obey.
2. Bind your Isaac to the alter,
Bind him there with many a cord;
Oh, my brother, do not falter,
Can't you fully trust your Lord?
He it is who watches o'er you,
Though your faith may oft be dim;
He will bring new life to Isaac,--
Leave the Miracle to Him!
The song: Is Your All On The Alter.
3. See them march around the city,
Scarce a sound from day to day;
Scoffers from the walls deride them-
"Jericho can stand such play!"
But the Lord's time cometh swiftly,
Then they shout out with a vim;
Look, the walls are tottering, falling--
Leave the Miracle to Him!
The song: Dare To Be A Joshua.
{Continued on the next day}
Day 20
4. Face to face with hosts of Midian,
Gideon's men are sifted out;
Forth they go, these chosen heroes,
With no sword, the foe to rout.
Do you wonder if the vict'ry
Can be gained by band so slim?
See! Jehovah's sword is gleaming,--
Leave the Miracle to Him!
The song: Faith is the Victory.
5. Watch that scene on plains of Dura;
See the Hebrew martyr band
Firmly standing for Jehovah,
Trusting in His hidden Hand.
He is mighty to deliver
From the power of death so grim;
Fiery furnace cannot harm them,-
Leave the Miracle to Him!
The song: Dare To Be A Daniel
6. Bring to Christ your loaves and fishes,
Though they be both few and small;
He will use the weakest vessels,-
Give to Him your little all.
Do you ask how many thousands
Can be fed with food so slim?
Listen to the Master's blessing,--
Leave the Miracle to Him!
The song: All For Jesus.
7. Oh, ye Christians, learn the lesson!
Are you struggling all the way?
Cease your trying, change to trusting,
Then you'll triumph every day!
"Whatsoe'er He bids you --do it!"
Fill the water pots to brim;
But, remember, 'tis His battle,--
Leave the Miracle to Him!
The song: True-Hearted, Whole-Hearted.
8. Christian worker, looking forward
To the ripened harvest field,
Does the task seem great before you?
Think how rich will be the yield!
Bravely enter with your Master,
Though the prospect may seem dim;
Teach the Word with holy fervour,--
Leave the Miracle to Him!
The song: Throw Out The Life Line.
Day 21
The apostle Paul said," But we preach Christ crucified: 1 Corinthians 1:23 For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake." (2 Corinthians 4:5) Jesus said," These are the Scriptures that testify about me," (John 5:39) When I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself.'' (John 12:32)
1. Christ is our Saviour
The exhortation is to BELIEVE HIM!
2. Christ is our Example
The exhortation is to FOLLOW HIM!
3. Christ is our Way
The exhortation is to WALK IN HIM!
4. Christ is our Priest
The exhortation is to CONFESS TO HIM!
5. Christ is our Rock
The exhortation is to BUILD ON HIM!
6. Christ is our Light
The exhortation is to REFLECT HIM! Matthew 5:14-16
7. Christ is our King
The exhortation is to WAIT FOR HIM!
Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching [exhortation] and to teaching.
But encourage [exhort] one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness.
Are you looking forward to HIS coming? Are you ready?
"A Christless cross no refuge were for me;
A crossless Christ my Saviour could not be.
But O Christ crucified, I rest in Thee!"
Day 22
Diligence is a constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken. It is to be attentive and persistent in doing anything. Diligence is required in the Christian life!
1. Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall: (2 Peter 1:10).
We are to make progress. Through diligence you will have more assurance
2. And we desire that every one of you do show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end: That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises. (Hebrews 6:11-12).
Diligence is opposed to slothfulness and sluggishness. We are to show sincerity throughout life. We are not to grow disinterested.
3. Or he that exhorts, on exhortation: he that giveth, [let him do it] with simplicity; he that rules, with diligence; he that shows mercy, with cheerfulness. (Romans 12:8)
In the church we are to exercise our gifts. Believers have a ministry to one another. We are to lead with diligence.
4. Let us be [diligent] labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.
We do sense that we struggle with unbelief from time to time. There is the rest of faith! The rest of ceasing from "myself".
5. Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15)
Be diligent to present yourself approved to God. This is for all Christian workers. Paul's great ambition was to please God [Ephesians 5:10].
6. And we have sent with them our brother, whom we have oftentimes proved diligent in many things, but now much more diligent, upon the great confidence which [I have] in you. (2 Corinthians 8:22)
Titus was found diligent in many things. He shares my work Paul says, and I'm sending him. The diligent will be used in the service of God and the Church. The result of diligent service is more service.
7. Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless. (2 Peter 3:14)
This has to do with His coming! To be found in peace and unspotted. Keep your eyes, speech and feet from all scenes of defiling influence. We should not be ashamed at His coming [1John 2:28].
Colossians 3:12-17 { Some good advice }
Day 23
Out of season fruit is a rare commodity.[ Strawberries in winter] Some fruit has been produced in most unlikely places and in the most unexpected times. Today we want to see three in the words and actions of Jesus. In the pre-Calvary situation! [Climate!]
1. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. (John 14:27)
It seemed inconsistent to speak about peace when men were planning to kill Him. Treachery of the worst type was about to happen. Anxiety was banished from His mind. Hatred did not exist in His heart. He was unruffled by malice. He was restful in His walk with God. Fruit produced in pre-Calvary conditions!
2. As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.
Throughout His life and ministry he had opposition. The Pharisees hated Him. The disciples were about to forsake him. Judas Iscariot would soon sell Him. Could any person produce the fruit of love in such biting conditions. The crowds would soon cry, "Crucify him!" Could love overcome hatred? This love is real! Love produced in the climate of the cross!
3. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. (John 15:11)
Calvary's horizon had already appeared. It was just around the corner. The spikes were already forged in a blacksmith's shop. The wood was already cut in a lumber yard. The hill called Calvary would be stained by blood. It would seem everything had gone wrong! Christ knew His hour would come. It is not the end! His death would lead to life! How could He be talking about joy? The cross is not the end, but only the means to the end. His joy defied the terrors of the crucifixion! [Hebrews 12:2]
Fruit produced in the cold of Calvary! This fruit is rare and costly! When the conditions of winter come into your life; would your life produce this kind of fruit? Peace that passes all understanding
Love that is lasting! Joy that runs deep!
Love is the soil in which we must grow and the foundation on which we must build.[John 15:12]
Day 24
Discouragement is the master wedge of our Enemy. A surprising number of discouraged people appear in the gospel stories.
1. John the Baptist - Matthew 11:2-6. John is in prison, puzzled and despondent. He wonders, "Can this be the Christ?" He sends two disciples of his to find out.
2. A sick woman pushes her way through a crowd - Mark 5:25-34. She is desperate! She longs for her health after so many failures. She has been sick for twelve years and spent all her money.
3. The man by the pool of Bethesda -
John 5:1-9. He has been here for thirty eight years. He seems to make no effort. He is dependant on others, but no man helps him.
4. Peter - John 21:3-8. After a night of fruitless fishing, says, "What's the use." He caught nothing all night! The "fisherman's luck" was not with him.
5. The Disciples - John 6:66-69. They became gloomy as they see the crowds dwindling. The discourse on the bread and the blood was too much. Would they also go away?
6. Mary - John 11:32. Sitting sad and hopeless in her house because of her brother's death. She comes with a reproachful greeting.
7. Jarius - Luke 8:41-56. An only daughter of twelve is dying. As he goes for help from Jesus, the news comes that his daughter is dead.
8. The Couple - Luke 24:17. The Emmaus travellers are most disheartened. "We thought He would redeem Israel and He's been dead for three days.
Not everyone has earned the right to be discouraged. But these had! John had preached so courageously. The Sick woman had spend all for cures. The man by the pool had waited thirty eight years. Peter had been fishing all night. The disciples had left so much. Mary had waited so bravely with her sister. Jarius had plead so hard. The Emmaus disciples had been so hopeful. Yet each is despondent, doubting and discouraged. All their sincere effort seemed to go unrewarded.
Day 25
How did Jesus deal with discouragement? You will notice that His methods vary.
1. To John the Baptist He sends a report. Tell John what is happening. The scriptures are being fulfilled! The gospel is being preached.
2. To the Sick woman there is an incoming energy that healed her. Jesus sensed that some power had gone out from Him. He offers power not an explanation.
3. To the paralysed man is given the word to take up his bed and walk. His commandments are His enabling!
4. To Peter the word is given to try again. Let down your net on the other side of the boat. Here is a fisherman believing a carpenter.
5. To the Disciples who were disheartened, the words of Jesus are encouraging." I have chosen you." The teaching of Jesus and the cost of following Him were being gradually understood.
6. To Mary the word,"Only believe and you will see the glory of God. With this "Roll away the stone" and "Lazarus come forth!"
7. To Jarius the words,"Do not be afraid, only believe, your daughter will live!" What comfort!
8. To the Emmaus travelers a Bible exposition on the prophecies of Messiah; opening up the scriptures.
It is wonderful what a little reasonable explanation will do to dispel despondency. Let me add this about discouragement: Discouragement hides us from the face of God. Discouragement disarms us when there are battles to be fought.
Discouragement burdens us with complaint against our fellow-workers. Discouragement plunges us into moody idleness when there is work waiting to be done. Discouragement is infectious. Discouragement is dangerous.
We need to encourage each other!
Read: Joshua 1.
How many times do you read,"Be strong and courageous"?
Day 26
Discouragement is a miserable mood! Today we step into some of the Old Testament situations.
1. The impatient discouragement of Israel as a nation. They had made their journey weary with murmuring and complaining. Thirty eight more years were added to their wilderness wandering
2. The faithless discouragement of the ten spies cost Israel its opportunity to go into the Promised Land. We cannot do it, there are giants and we are like grasshoppers.[Numbers 13 & 14]
3. The frightened discouragement of Elijah made him flee from Zezebel to idle in Horeb. There he wished to die.
4. The self-pitying discouragement of Gideon almost blinded him to the personal challenge [Judges 6:13]
In Proverbs 13:12 we read: Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.
[a] For Israel it was a time of testing and teaching. Think of the disciplines of God. [Deuteronomy 8:2] God can change hearts and control events.
[b] To the faithless spies the testimony of Joshua and Caleb. They lived to go in. We need men and women who will encourage and say, "We can do it!"
[c] To Elijah there came a word of rebuke for thinking he was alone. Seven thousand had not bowed the knee to Baal.
[d] To Gideon the promised word, "I will be with you, I have sent you, go fight Midian." Three hundred men with pitchers, torches and trumpets put the enemy to flight.
Listen! Discouragement is so much an emotional indulgence that a common-sense assessment of a situation becomes almost impossible - but, when analysed and explained it quickly regains proportion.
We must remember that FAITH has already outlived fierce assaults. We must not let discouragement disturb or distort our thinking and our judgement. We must not leave God out! God can! God remains! Be of good courage!
Read: Deuteronomy 1:38.
"Encourage him" --[Encourage her]
Day 27
COURAGE - [Life of Abraham]
Do you have a healthy attitude toward life? Are you in a good mood today? Mind and feeling have a great influence in our lives. We need healthy emotions, thoughts and values! The human personality is a unity. Body, soul and spirit are elements of the same person. These work together in man. Sometimes we have the Dr.Jekyll in us and sometimes Mr.Hyde. We change!
In Abraham we have a brave pioneer, the father of faith, and we have a "dark streak" of timidity and evasiveness. Abraham becomes a mirror of us all; we alternate between cowardice and courage. We need to be unified in our personalities so we can speak with the voice of courage.
The first step in the direction of courage is to believe God! Abraham believed God [Genesis 15:6]. Abraham went forth! [Genesis 12:1-9] We see faith responding! Faith involved separation. Faith inherited divine promises. Faith makes a man whole; it moves him toward unity and makes him the man he ought to be.
The second step in the pilgrimage toward courage is to learn from failure. Abraham went down to Egypt. [Genesis 12:10-20] Faith is now receding. Circumstances now lead to cowardice, which is lack of courage. He takes things into his own hands. God's grace is still at work in man's weakness. God moved in to protect Sarah. Pharaoh is instrumental in checking Abraham and escorts him away. No failure need be final!
The third step is the practice of special courage. Abraham went up from Egypt.[Genesis 13:1-4] Abraham went back to the place of the altar. Abraham called on the name of the Lord. Courage to go back and start again. There was victory from the lesson of failure. It takes courage to learn from failure. See faith returning!
For many years there was a poster in my office with these words: "The men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed."
Have you found yourself with many things knocking at your door? Things like fear, anxiety, worry, defeatism, the future and discouragement to name a few. Would you begin again to listen to God in and through His word?
Day 28
Today we reflect on what you read yesterday. We saw Abraham responding in faith; he went forth. We saw his faith receding; he went down to Egypt. We saw him returning; he went up from Egypt to build an alter. So we have faith responding, receding and returning.
The word for us today is, "Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged." [Joshua 1:9]
"Be strong"! The Hebrew word is "Chazag". It means to be hard. Be hard in the attack on evil. Be hard in the expectation of faith. We need to go back to the requirements of a living faith. Get back on track; leaving the world's way of doing things.
"Be of good courage"! The Hebrew word is "Amats". It means to be sharp. Learn to master a difficult situation; an actual present crisis. Like Joshua at the Jordon, David before Goliath or Daniel in the den. Be courageous in your present crisis, be it physical, domestic, social or spiritual. Courage comes from God in retail quantities not wholesale. Depend on Him every day!
"Do not be terrified"! The Hebrew word here is "Chathath". The thought here is to be broken or cast down. The test of a man is his resistance to dismay. Dismay means to depress courage, to dishearten. God brings his reassurance alongside. "I will be with you", I will not forsake you, I will not fail." Courage is of the Lord!
It has been said that what has been attributed as ferocity to the tiger is due to its incredible audacity and courage; it simply sees no danger, knows no fear, brooks no delay, uses no artifice, and abandons no object of attack. Are these the elements of Christian courage? If we were filled with a deep sense of God's presence and power and our privileges and responsibilities; would this not blind us to many things that disturb and terrify, and inspire to many an act and work which we now dread?
"Be strong and of good courage."
Read: Deuteronomy 31:1-8
Day 29
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will; When the road you're trudging seems all uphill; When funds are low and the debts are high, and you want to smile but you have to sigh. When care is pressing you down a bit; Rest if you must, but don't quit. Life is strange with its twists and turns, as every one of us sometimes learns. And many a failure turns about; when he might have won had he stuck it out. Don't give up, though the pace seems slow; you may succeed with another blow. Often the goal is nearer than; it seems to a faint and faltering man. Often the struggler has given up, when he might have captured the victor's cup. And he learned to late, when the night slipped down; how close he was to the golden crown. Success is failure turned inside out; the silver tint of the clouds of doubt; And you cannot tell how close you are, It may be near when it seems afar; So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit; Its when things seem worst that you mustn't quit.
The word "discouragement" should never be found in the dictionary of faith!
I've taught a class for many years;
Borne many burdens- toiled through tears
But folks don't notice me a bit;
I'm so discouraged- I'll just quit.
Sometime ago I joined the choir
That many folks I might inspire;
But folks don't seem moved a bit
And I won't stand it. I'll just quit.
I've led young people day and night
And sacrificed to lead them right.
But folks won't help me out a bit,
And I'm so tired, I think I'll quit.
Christ's cause is hindered everywhere
And folks are dying in despair.
The reason why? Just think a bit;
The Church is full of folks who quit.
Authors unknown.
Day 30
1. He came to put away sin. He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. (Hebrews 9:26)
God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness;
We are clothed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ. John said one day," Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.
2. He came to seek and to save. For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.
The story of Zacchaeus reminds us of a great discovery. Salvation! We have a seeking Saviour! In looking He locates; in locating He lifts, because He loves us. (Luke 15)
3. He came to give His life a ransom. The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.'' (Matthew 20:28)
Man is captured by sin and Satan. Jesus paid the price and set us free. He gave his life as a ransom! Jesus paid it all!
4. He came to destroy the devils work. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work. (1 John 3:8)
The devil comes to defeat, destroy and to discourage. He is the Tempter, the Father of lies. (John 8:44) At Calvary Satan was defeated!
5. He came to bring us back to God. For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit, (1 Peter 3:18)
He came to bring us back to God. All we like sheep had gone astray.
Peter talks about the Shepherd of our souls.(1 Peter 2:25)
Salvation is in a Person! Salvation is in the finished work of Christ! We are invited to believe Him and to receive Him! Believing is a choice! It has nothing to do with feeling. I choose to believe in Jesus Christ, God's Son and my Saviour.
Notice what the Bible says about a Person and a Name. Would you look at